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Answers for situation tasks for verification of eventual level of knowledges.№27

1.Answer:Conclusion incorrect. Diagnosis: tuberculosis of spine, tubercular natichnic.

2.Answer:Diagnosis: Tubercular cocsit. Roentgenologic research to the coulshovogo joint.

3.Answer:Tubercular gonit of left knee to the joint. Symptom Alecsandrova. Sciagraphy of left knee to the joint.

4.Answer:Actinomicoz of lower jaw. Bacteriological research on the exposure of actinomitsetiv.

5.Answer:Conservative medical treatment which includes setting of preparations of penitsiliniv and rozsmoctouyochi therapy.

6. Answer: At a patient the fast artritichna phase of tubercular gonitou.

7. Answer: To the patient conservative medical treatment is shown (immobilizatsiya extremities are that unspecific protitoubercoulozna therapy).

8. Answer: At the positive reaction there is the edema and hyperemia in the circumference of place of injection more than 1 sm.

9. Answer: A patient has tuberculosis of spine, tubercular natichnic right inguinal area. For doobstegennya it is necessary to conduct sciagraphy of spine.

10. Answer: The Ouhvorogo compression break of pectoral vertebrae of vrezoultatai tubercular spondactilitou.

11. Answer: Tuberculosis of neck lymphatic knots with their disintegration. For confirmation of diagnosis it is necessary to conduct occupied excretions from noritsi on tubercular forou, sciagraphy of thorax, consultation of otolyaringologa.

12. Answer: A diagnosis was not specified. It is necessary to execute sciagraphy of right to the coulshovogo joint, thorax.

13. Answer: A patient has a white plague, praogo thigh, pathological break of overhead tretinipravogo thighs with displacement on length. It is necessary anaesthetizing, immobilizatsiynou bandage that hospitalization in the travmatologichne separation.

14. Answer: A patient has actinomicoz of the left pidshelepnoi area. Hvrogo it is necessary to point at stationary medical treatment in the stomatology separation.

15. Answer: at a patient it is possible actinomicoz of blind gut. Additional doobstegennya: general blood test, provvesti consultation of gynaecologist, fibrocolonoscopiya, irigoscopiya, reaction with actinolizatom (by the filtrate of lizouyochih cultures of actinomitsetiv).

16. Answer: A patient has Syphilis (the second period) from a periostitom pravoivelicogomilcovoi bone. For confirmation of diagnosis it is necessary to conduct serologichni researches ( reaction Vassermana, sedimentary reactions Cana, Zacsa-vitebscogo).

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