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12.The Trans-Siberian Special is a one-week tour that runs …. Mongolia …


13.A person can join … an association that sends information about monthly courier opportunities … a low fee.

IV. Complete the sentences using the words or word combinations given below in a

proper form. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1.The train ___________ only at weekends.

2.A customs officer came ___________ the ship.

3.She hired ____________ to find out if her husband was having an affair.

4.Police are still no nearer to _____________ the crime.

5.It’s one of those ____________ where you don’t find out who the murderer is

till the very end.

6.Trying to solve the crime, they ___________ clues.

7.Her paper discusses the likely __________ of the global warming.

8.Nowadays there is growing interest in ___________, the main aim of which is to _____________ environment.

9.New companies often ___________ a loss in their first few years.

10.Let’s __________ and go camping.

11.A _____________ is a person who knows a lot about food and cooking, and who enjoys eating high-quality food.

12.She has taken part in several __________ of Roman settlements across Europe.

13.I want to have this package delivered by _____________.

14.The ship was carrying a ____________ of wool from England to France.

15.The skiing and the mountains were just _________.

Cargo, ecotourism, a private eye, to experience, courier, to preserve, out of this world, whodunits, gourmet, excavations, to track down, to solve, impact, on board, rough it , to run.

V.Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1.Жизнь в палатке не для меня. Я не привык обходиться без удобств.

2.Вы хотите купить стиральную машину?


3.Более жесткие законы о сохранении окружающей среды могут иметь отрицательное влияние на экономический успех.

4.Мама выручала меня деньгами, когда я потеряла работу.

5.Роберт любил разгадывать различные тайны и хотел стать детективом.

6.Путешествие было потрясающим, несмотря на все препятствия, которые нам пришлось преодолеть.

7.Я бы хотел полететь в космос и испытать чувство невесомости.

8.Если у людей нет денег на круиз, они могут воспользоваться грузовым судном и наслаждаться путешествием по океану.

9.Когда поезд прибыл в Москву, мы отправились осматривать достопримечательности.

10.Вы могли бы стать хорошим музыкантом, но недостаток практики сдерживает вас.

11.У нас много времени, не спешите.

12.Некоторые люди предпочитают экстремальный туризм. Они готовы терпеть трудности, чтобы добраться до отдаленных уголков мира.

13.Археологам нужны люди, чтобы помогать с раскопками.

14.Грузовые суда перевозят грузы в разные страны.

15.Спасибо за предложение, но я не хочу покупать новую машину в данный момент.

16.Он надеялся разгадать тайну исчезновения самолета.

17.Он в конце концов сумел найти книгу, которая ему была нужна.

18.Важно, что традиции коренного населения сохраняются.

19.Это было самое замечательное чувство, которое она когда-либо испытывала.

VI. Write a composition. Make use of the active vocabulary of the chapter.

1.Imagine that space travel has become possible and affordable for everyone and you have taken such trip. Express your impressions of it.

2.Tell about an interesting or unusual travel experience you have had.




Part 1: What Can We Learn from Art?

Words to remember

ancestor (n.) someone who is related to you who lived a long time ago

exquisite (adj.) extremely beautiful and delicate: an exquisite hand-painted vase from


thrill (n.) a sudden feeling of being very excited and pleased: the thrill of (doing something): the thrill of visiting a new city give someone a thrill

thrill-seekers (=people who like doing exciting and dangerous things)

depict (v.) – to describe someone or something using words or pictures: PORTRAY depiction (n.) a description of something using words or pictures: PORTRAYAL worship (n.) the activity of showing respect and love for a god, for example by singing or praying

worship (v.) to feel or show respect and love for a god

assure (v.) tell someone that something will definitely happen or is definitely true, especially in order to remove doubt about it:

shed light on something to suggest an explanation for something that is difficult to


misuse (n.) the use of something in the wrong way or for the wrong purpose misuse (v.) to use something in the wrong way or for the wrong purpose: essential (adj.) completely necessary:

significant (adj.) very important: There’s been some significant progress. target (n.) 1. an object that you have to hit in a game or sport

2. something that you try to achieve: set a target / meet a target (=achieve it) / sales target (=the amount of something you want to sell)

destination (n.) the place where someone or something is going: a popular holiday destination: arrive at/reach your destination.


foretell (v.) to say what will happen in the future: PREDICT

predict (v.) to say what you think will happen in the future: predict (that)

separate (adj.) existing or happening independently or in a different physical space: separate from

separate (v.) – to consider two people or things as different or not related: separate something from something

likewise (adv.) in the same way or in a similar way:

protection (n.) the process of keeping someone or something safe, or the condition of being kept safe: protection of / protection against / protection from

admire (v.) to have a feeling of great respect for someone or something admirer (n.) someone who admires someone or something

exist (v.) to be real or appear in the real world

existence (n.) the state of being a real or living thing, or of being present in a particular place, time, or situation: come into existence/go out of existence

tribe (n.) a large group of related families who live in the same area and share a common language, religion, and customs

tribal (adj.) relating to or belonging to a TRIBE: a tribal leader; tribal lands

effect (n.) a change that is produced in one person or thing by another: effect on/upon

/ have an effect on something


I. Give English equivalents of the words and word combinations from the text.

Повседневная деятельность; геометрические формы; маленькие предметы для повседневного использования; предки; существенный, важный; отражать; духовный;

обеспечивать кого-л. чем-л.; убедиться; художественные характеристики; спелеолог;

достичь места назначения; ползать; волнение, возбуждение; достичь цели;

превосходные рисунки; на носу лодки; поразительная красота; декоративный;

изображать; изображение; предсказывать; обеспечивать успех; подобным образом;

поклоняться; племя; проливать свет на что-л.; племенные культуры; злоупотребление властью; наскальные рисунки; по контрасту; существовать; существование

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