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Vocabulary Check

I. Rephrase the underlined words using the words or phrases from the word list.

1.Founding Father’s extraordinary achievements and revolutionary ideas are extremely important. (are impossible to overestimate)

2.Teachers expressed dissatisfaction with the conclusion of the council’s report.


3.They moved away five years ago, but we still stay in contact with them. (keep in touch)

4.Both sides were locked in a cycle of violence and revenge. (vengeance)

5.He was fabulously rich and renowned, yet his genuine humbleness was amazing. (humility)

6.They were sentenced to two years in prison for provoking the riot. (inciting)

7.Everyone pointed out to his loyalty to his company’s policy. (fidelity)

8.Any form of protest is mercilessly suppressed. (ruthlessly)

9.Sometimes being careful about spending money may be seen as greed. (frugal)

10.There are serious defects in the way they train their children. (flaws).

11.We asked her to the reception, but she rejected the invitation. (declined)

12.If you are going to succeed in this job you will need friends. (allies)

II. Write the letter of the correct definition next to each word

j__1. humility

a. not connected or influenced by s/one or group

h__2. challenge

b. to give s/one a disadvantage

e__3. invader

c. allowing yourself to have or to do sth special

i__4. discontent

d. to believe that s/one has done sth bad

c__5. self-indulgent

e. s/one that uses force to enter another country

g__6. surplus

f. a mistake or fault in sth that makes it useless or less



b__7. handicap

g. more of sth than is necessary

f__8. flaw

h. to refuse to accept s/one’s authority

a__9. impartial

i. the unhappy feeling of dissatisfaction with sth

d__10. suspect

j. not being proud that you are better or more important


than others

Comprehension Check

I. Complete the sentences using the information in the text.

1.One of the last acts of the Congress of Confederation was to arrange for…(the first presidential election)

2.Washington’s honesty and his …(fidelity to the Revolution) inspired others and on

April 30, 1789 he was … (unanimously elected president)

3.Laws could not be enforced until …(the judiciary could be enforced)

4.Since Washington preferred to make decisions only after …(consulting those people whose judgment he valued), the presidential Cabinet came into existence.


5.The first settlers in new areas who opened the way west for others were called …(pioneers)

6.Encouraged by the French and British, Indians …attacked frontier settlements)

7.US had to sign the British-American Treaty of 1793 to …(to secure withdrawal of British soldiers from western forts)

8.Americans were grateful to “the Father of His Country”, a strong leader who proved that democracy …( was a feasible way to govern the growing country)

9.By enacting the act on property, the Federalists …(alienated large groups of people)

10.In his inaugural speech, 1801, Jefferson promised ...(a wise and frugal government to preserve order among the inhabitants) but would leave them otherwise free to regulate their own …(pursuits of industry and improvement)

11.Napoleon did not want Britain …(to get hold of Louisiana) and decided to sell it to … (America)

12.As Embargo Act forbade all foreign commerce …(American exports fell to onefifth of their former volume); shipping interests were almost ruined, and …(discontent) rose in New York and New England

13.Jefferson had retired, but to his last days he …(kept in touch with public affairs through a large correspondence)

14.The desire to conquer Canada coupled with deep resentment over …( impresssments of the British) governed war fervor and in 1812 The US (declared war on Britain)

15.In the Battle of New Orleans, 1815, the British were …(defeated) and …(the peace treaty) was signed.

II. Answer the questions on page 78.

Consider the Issue

In group of four, make up

1.a list of adjectives (10 at least) which, to your mind, may refer to a good/ ideal president.

2.a list of personal qualities and achievements of the Founding Fathers.

3.a list of personal qualities and achievements which today’s office-holders could boast. Exchange your opinions with your classmates.

Do you think Founding Fathers’ genius would hold up against standards of today’s office-seekers and office-holders? Explain.




TO THE PACIFIC (pp. 79 – 85)

Guidelines: Chapters 6-7 are combined in UNIT 13 and touches upon the issues significant for the United States as a growing nation in the first half of the 19th century. Chapter 6 focuses on the westward and southward movement: the ways some of the lands became the states of the Union and different ways of dealing with the “Indian problem” in the course of moving to the Pacific Ocean; gold strike that drifted across the country and the events following. Chapter 7 deals with two most important issues


that needed adequate addressing since the spirit of democracy grew with the growing nation: women’s rights and Negro slavery which became both a moral issue and a question of political power. Vocabulary and Cultural Literacy List introduces the students to key vocabulary items that are closely related to central themes in the reading (assimilation, raid, cede, wagon trains, scout, determination, mortgage, capitalize (Chapter 6); toil, indispensable(right), abolish, abolition, feminism, public auctions, humiliate, award, testify, suffrage, suffragist, slavery, inherent, outlaw etc (Chapter 7).

The Vocabulary exercises included are of multiple choice, English-Russian equivalents in the context formats. The comprehension questions (Answer the questions, True or False), Warm-up activities and Discussion questions encourage students to express their own opinions and draw conclusions and discuss cross-cultural similarities and differences.


1.Why do you suppose Americans were advised to go west?

2.Was there any direction people in your country were advised to go in the 17th – 19th centuries?

3.Look at the first term on the word list below and say who was meant to assimilate: the Native Americans (Indians) or white men (settlers)? Explain.

4.Is assimilation of different peoples always easy and successful?

Vocabulary and Cultural Literacy List

assimilation – the process of becoming part of a community or culture; assimilate - to begin to consider yourself part of a community or culture rather than being foreign Lewis and Clark – two army captains sent by President Jefferson on expedition to Louisiana on May 14, 1804. They traveled up the Missouri River, crossed the Great Plains and the Rockies, and on November 7, 1805, Lewis and Clark came to the Pacific Ocean. Their expedition showed that it was possible to travel west as far as the Pacific Ocean by land. As a result, pioneers began moving westward to the Pacific coast.

President James K. Polk [pouk] – years in office:1845 – 1849

Levi Straus [`li:vai `sraus] – a man who invented jeans; Levi’s or Levis[`li:vaiz] – (Trademark) – a type of jeans

1.fur-trapper – охотник на пушного зверя

2.boil down to – сводитьcя к

3.raid – attack, assault, invasion; surprise attack made by troops, ship(s), or aircrafts; a sudden visit by police to make arrests; sudden attack or inroad for the purpose of taking money – набег, налет

4.capture – to catch s/one so that they become your prisoner – взять в плен; captivity

– a situation in which a person is kept as a prisoner – плен

5.bring s/th under control – subdue, defeat – подчинить

6.cede sth to sb – to formally allow s/one to take power or land away from you –

передать, уступать

7.outnumber – превзойти по численности


8.wagon train – a long line of wagons(vehicles with four wheels pulled by horses) that carried people west across North America in the 19th century

9.determination – the refusal to let s/th prevent you from doing what you have decided to do – решимость

10.scout – a person sent to get information about the position or movements of the enemy, or to search or examine a place – разведчик, проводник; scout (v.)

11.irrigation ditches – канавы для орошения земли

12.temple – a building used for worship – храм

13.sawmill – a building where timber is cut into boards – лесопилка

14.mortgage [`mo:gidg]– to give a bank the right to own a valuable possessions, especially your house, if you do not pay back money that you have borrowed from them – закладывать (дом/собственность), ручаться словом; mortgage (n.) закладная, ипотека

15.descend on – нагрянуть, обрушиться на = sweep along/over

16.capitalize – to sell sth you have for money that you need – капитализировать, превращать в капитал; capitalize on sth – to use an event or a situation to help you to achieve sth or to get an advantage – нажиться на ч-л, извлекать выгоду из ч-л

15.sturdy – firm, strong, well-made, well-built – крепкий, добротный, стойкий,


16.overall(s) – a piece of clothing worn over your clothes to protect them when you are working – комбинезон

Vocabulary Check

I. Find the words in the text by their Russian equivalents.

(1)возможность все начать сначала (an opportunity for a new beginning/ to make a new start), (2)освободить место для (to make room for), (3) судьбой предназначено править континентом (to be destined to rule the continent), (4)позорный момент

(the shameful moment), (5)Дорога слез (the Trail of Tears), (6)выселенные/изгнанные из (removed from/driven out of), (7)рабовладельцы (plantation owners), (8)

официально уступить Флориду США (formally cede Florida to the US, (9)селиться при условии, что (to settle on condition that), (10)спор по поводу территории (a disagreement over the territory), (11)объявить войну Мексике (declare war on Mexico), (12)караван, обоз (wagon train), 13)не опасаясь cледовать своим религиозным убеждениям (practice religion freely), (14)в погоне за золотом (in rush for gold), (15)золотая лихорадка охватила всю страну ( gold rush /fever/ strike descended on the country), (16)сколотить состояние (make fortune), (17) разочароваться (get disillusioned), (18)нажиться на золоте (capitalize on gold)

Comprehension Check

1. What associations do you think of in connection with …?

Go West Young Man; the Indian Removal Act of 1830; The Trail of Tears; run-aways;

Texans; Sam Houston; the Lone Star Republic; the “Oregon Trail”, the Great Salt Lake; James Marshall; “forty-niners”, Levi Straus

2. Answer the questions on page 82 using the phrases mentioned above.



(pp. 82 – 86)


In groups of four, discuss the following questions.

1.What is slavery? Write a definition.

2.Has your country ever had a form of slavery? Discuss.

3.Does slavery exist anywhere in the world today? Discuss.

Vocabulary and Cultural Literacy List

Dilemma – a situation in which you have to make a difficult decision = predicament

17.to award sb sth (a care /custody of sb) – to make a legal decision to give s/one the right to do sth (e.g. to care for a child) – присудить к-л право опеки над ребёнком

18.toil – to work very hard doing sth difficult and tiring, especially physical work –

трудиться на изнурительных работах; toil (n.)

19.in terms of – c точки зрения, с позиций

20.indispensable – essential – oбязательный, не допускающий исключений

21.feminist – supporting equal rights and opportunities for women, working to achieve equal rights for women

22.abolish – to officially get rid of a system, practice etc; eliminate, end, erase, put out – отменять, уничтожать, упразднять; abolition – the official end to a system, practice etc – отмена, уничтожение рабства

23.address (problems/rights) – try to deal with a problem by thinking carefully about it, or doing things to improve a situation – справляться c, правильно распорядиться

24.abusive – treating s/one in a cruel or violent way – жестокий

25.testify (that/for/against sb) – to make a statement about s/th that you saw, know especially in a court of law – witness, affirm – свидетельствовать, давать показания; testimony (n.) – свидетельские показания ( to give ~)

26.suffrage – the right to vote; universal suffrage – the right of all adults in a country to vote in elections; suffragist

27.сatalyst – s/one or sth that causes sth to happen or change – катализатор

28.slave – (1) s/one who belongs by law to another person as their property and has

to obey to them and work for them; (2) s/one who works very hard for s/one else and does not get much help or money; slave (v.) – to work very hard; slavery – (1)the system of owning people as slaves; (2) the condition of being a slave, or of having to work for another person

29.acquisition – the process of obtaining sth in some other way; (2) the process of learning skills or getting knowledge – приобретение

30.adaptable to sth – used for different situations, or for different purposes – подходящий, хорошо вписывающийся = adjustable, suitable, changeable


31.inherent – a basic or essential feature that gives s/th its character –

неотъемлемый, врожденный, свойственный

32.outlaw – to make s/th illegal – ставить вне закона; outlaw (n.) – criminal, bandit; fugitive

33.auction[o:kS(э)n] – a public occasion when s/th is sold to people who offer the most money for them – аукцион; public auction – рынок невольников

34.humiliate – make s/one feel very embarrassed, ashamed, and unhappy – унижать;

humiliation (n.)

35.deny – to say you did not do s/th, to say that s/th is not true, refuse, reject –


36.galvanize – shock or affect s/one to produce a strong and immediate reaction –

взбудоражить, заставить действовать

Vocabulary Check

I.Choose the word that best defines the italicized word.

1.A high percentage of abusive parents were themselves abused as children.


b.cruel c. talented

2.You can’t deny me the right to answer your charge.




3.Most people want insurance polices that are adaptable to changing circumstances.




4.Government have been slow to address the problem of global warming.




5.She enjoyed humiliating me in front of the other students.




6.Several people have agreed to testify against Edwards.





7.A High Court judge awarded her custody of her children.




8.Think about all those people toiling in the fields to harvest the food that you take for granted.




9.The government should abolish income tax for the low-paid.




10. The design of that building had inherent weaknesses.




II. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences according to the information in the text.

1.Women and men both became … partners in the daily struggle to survive and prosper.




2.The first convention that would … the social, civil, and religious rights of women took place in New York, 1848.




3.Only after Frederick Douglas’ impassioned speech in favor of women’s … did the resolution pass.




4. The crisis was brought about by a national … between the agricultural slaveowning states of the South and the industrializing states of the North.





5.In the North, slavery was not … to the local economy, besides it contradicted the vision of the United States as a democratic society.




6.In a democratic society, “no individual could claim … rights over another”.




Comprehension Check

I. According to the text, are these statements TRUE or FALSE? (p. 85)

1.Each new state that joined the Union after 1800 gave the right to vote to all white rich men. (F)

2.Women, blacks and American Indians did not enjoy the right to vote. (T)

3.Women and men became indispensable partners in the daily struggle to survive and prosper. (T)

4.Women had capacity to act freely in the public arena or pursue economic aspirations. (F)

5.Declaration of Sentiments listed 16 grievances against white men suppression of slaves. (F)

6.If a women were granted a divorce, she could not make a professional living. (F)

7.Women could not testify against their abusive husbands in court. (T)

8.Single women who owned property were not taxed. (F)

9.Convention did not pass the resolution on women’s suffrage because Fred Douglas was against. (F)

10.It was only in 1878 that the constitutional amendment on women’s suffrage was adopted. (F)

II.Discuss the questions on pages 85 – 86.



Guidelines: CHAPTER 8 focuses on the bloodiest war that cost the lives of more American soldiers than any other war the nation has fought - the American Civil War, its central cause, and the figure of Abraham Lincoln – one of the beloved US presidents and America’s moral leader who inspired the union forces to preserve the undivided nation. Vocabulary and Cultural Literacy List introduces the students to key vocabulary items that are closely related to central themes in the reading (pinnacle, take stands on/against, dissolve, acceptance speech, win by small margin, nominate, nominee, secede from, troops, attrition, higher-ups, be in charge of.


Vocabulary exercises of fill-in format . The comprehension and Discussion questions help students and teachers assess whether the class has grasped the main ideas and understood details from the reading. Problem questions (Talk it Over ) allow students to go beyond the text and encourage them to express their own opinions and discuss cross-cultural similarities and differences. In the activity Where do you Stand? students are asked to indicate degree of agreement or disagreement with key concepts relevant to the unit. Once the students have simultaneously taken their “stands”, they should share their reasons with the like-minded students, then the teacher may ask students to explain why they have taken that stand and coordinate discussion between groups as viewings differ.


1. The Revolutionary War in the US was the war for independence from Britain’s control. The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) was the war waged by the Soviet people for liberation from German invaders. What is a “civil war”? How does it differ from other wars?

2.Name some of the countries where were civil wars.

3.What might cause a civil war?

4.What do you think might stop a civil war?

Vocabulary and Cultural Literacy List

1.pinnacle – the most successful or exciting part of s/one’s life – point, peak, climax, zenith – вершина (власти)

2.humble – from a low social class/status; not proud, simple -lowly, modest; respectful – скромный, простой; уважительный; humbleness (n.)

3.vehemently [`vi:эmэntli] – involving extremely strong feelings or beliefs – горячо,


4.take stands on/against – state your opinion clearly – занять чёткую позицию,

твёрдо стоять на своем

5.acceptance speech – a speech given formally accepting a public position

6.endure – last for a long time – продержаться, длиться, оставаться; suffer – терпеть, вынести

7.dissolve – to formally end government, parliament, marriage etc – распуститься,

прекратить существование

8.nominate – to officially suggest that sb should be given a job, a prize – предложить кандидатуру; nominee s/one who has been officially suggested for a job/prize –

кандидат, номинант

9.win by small (narrow) margin – amount sth (the competition/election) is won

by – победить с небольшим перевесом; Ant. win by large/wide margin

10.secede from – to officially leave the organization, union, usually about a state or region that chooses to become independent and govern itself – выйти из состава; secession – the act of seceding from a country

11.prison camps – a place where prisoners are kept during a war – лагерь военнопленных

12.overwhelming – much larger, stronger, more important than anything else –

огромный, подавляющий, непреoдолимый


13. resort to – to do sth extreme in order to solve the problem – прибегнуть к

14.scrip – бумажные деньги, выпускаемые оккупационными войсками

15.troops – soldiers in large numbers – войска

16.exempt – to allow s/one to ignore a rule, law, obligation, or payment – освободить от налога, службы, обязательств

17.attrition – the process of making an enemy physically and mentally weaker by continuously attacking them – изнурение, измор, изматывание

18.dissension – strong disagreement within a group of people – раздор

19.cemetery – an area of ground where dead people are buried – кладбище cf.: graveyard ; grave –an area of land where a dead body is buried in a deep hole in the ground

– могила; tomb – a structure above the ground that contains the dead body –

надгробие, могила с надгробием

20.conspiracy – a secret plan by a group of people to do sth illegal, bad, plot, intrigue

– заговор; conspirator – заговорщик

21.trigger – the part of a gun that you move with your finger to make the gun fire –

спусковой крючок; trigger (v.) – make sth happen = spark – нажать на спусковой крючок (привести в движение)

22.execution– the act of killing a person as a punishment for a crime – казнь; execute

23.higher-ups – those who have a more important job than you in an organization –

руководство, начальство

24.be safe from exposure – остаться в тени, благополучно избежать разоблачения

25.be in charge of – have control over sth and be responsible for it – руководить,

быть ответственным за

26.make s/th public – tell everyone about s/th – предать огласке

Vocabulary Check

I. Fill the blanks with the words from the vocabulary list that correctly complete the sentence. Use the words in an appropriate form. Which word is the One Odd Out? execution, resort, pinnacle, trigger, conspiracy, endure, vehemently, exempt,

dissolve, humble, overwhelming

1.The law will ___ (exempt) people over the age of 60.

2.Convicted drug traffickers may face ___ . (execution)

3.This film marked the ___ (pinnacle) of her acting career.

4.The Soviet Union was ___ (dissolved) in 1991.

5.I think we can solve this problem without ___ (resorting) to illegal actions.

6.The news of his death ___ (triggered) more violence.

7.He had risen from ___ (humble) origins to amass immense wealth.

8.The charges against them include ___ (conspiracy) to assassinate the president.

9.I had an ___ (overwhelming) to get up and leave.

10.Sam ___ (vehemently) denied his involvement in that.

Comprehension Check

1. What associations do you think of in connection with …?

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