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Клочкова Практическое пособие для аспирантов 2011

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О.Ф. Клочкова



Рекомендовано к изданию УМО «Ядерные физика и технологии»

Москва 2011

УДК 811.111(075) ББК 81.2я7 К 50

Клочкова О.Ф. Практическое пособие для аспирантов по переводу научнотехнической литературы. М.: НИЯУ МИФИ, 2011. 128 с.

Пособие предназначено для аспирантов физико-технических специальностей и ставит целью развитие навыков технического перевода и составление аннотаций, рефератов, а также написание собственных статей по специализации выпускающих кафедр факультетов «Т», «Ф», «КиБ», «А», «С». Материал пособия основан на аутентичных научных текстах оригинальных периодических изданий.

Пособие может быть использовано аспирантами, обучающимися по специальностям всех физико-технических кафедр НИЯУ МИФИ. С его помощью аспиранты смогут проводить самостоятельную подготовку к сдаче кандидатского экзамена по английскому языку. Также его можно использовать в качестве учебного пособия при работе под руководством преподавателя.

Подготовлено в рамках Программы создания и развития НИЯУ МИФИ.

ISBN 978-5-7262-1606-5 © Национальный исследовательский ядерный университет «МИФИ», 2011

Оригинал-макет изготовлен С.В. Тялиной

Подписано в печать 15.11.2011. Формат 60×84 1/16 Уч.-изд. л. 8,0. Печ. л. 8,0. Тираж 100 экз. Изд. № 5/4. Заказ № 90.

Национальный исследовательский ядерный университет «МИФИ». 115409, Москва, Каширское шоссе, 31.

ООО «Полиграфический комплекс «Курчатовский». 144000, Московская область, г. Электросталь, ул. Красная, д. 42.



Введение ___________________ 4 LESSON 1 ___________________ 5 LESSON 2 ___________________ 12 LESSON 3 ___________________ 22 LESSON 4 ___________________ 33 LESSON 5 ___________________ 42 LESSON 6 ___________________ 52 LESSON 7 ___________________ 63 LESSON 8 ___________________ 78 LESSON 9 ___________________ 87 LESSON 10 ___________________ 98 LESSON 11 ___________________ 109 APPENDIX __________________ 119



Данное учебное пособие предназначено для аспирантов, специализирующихся в различных областях физики, компьютерной технологии, информационной безопасности и разработке компьютерного программного обеспечения.

С его помощью аспиранты могут самостоятельно совершенствовать знания и практические навыки, необходимые для сдачи кандидатского минимума.

Тексты и примеры отобраны из англоязычных научных изданий и являются полностью аутентичными. При этом они не предполагают глубокого или всестороннего знания рассматриваемого предмета и будут понятны для всех аспирантов указанных специализаций.

Важной особенностью данного учебного пособия является его практическая направленность, что позволит в дальнейшем использовать полученные навыки не только для работы с английскими текстами, но и для самостоятельного написания аннотаций и статей на английском языке.

Пособие может быть также использовано для аудиторных занятий под руководством преподавателя.

Структура пособия

Пособие состоит из 11 уроков, каждый из которых включает несколько разделов.

Part one содержит отрывок оригинального научного текста, а также вопросы и задания, ориентированные на проработку основных грамматических конструкций.

Part two включает практические задания, предназначенные для закрепление грамматики.

В Part three основное внимание уделяется практической отработке некоторых наиболее часто встречающихся в научной литературе лексических структур, а также приводится отрывок текста, включающий рассматриваемые грамматические конструкции.



Word Order

Remember the word order of the English sentence

1 – Subject

2 – Predicate

3 – Object

0 and 4 – Adverbial Modifiers

0 1 2 3 4

Last year I published a paper in a scientific journal.

Time and Tenses

Part I


1. Answer the questions.

1. What is AI?

2. Do you think human type AI is achievable?

3. If you were to build a thinking machine, what would it be like? 4. Is it important to have it look like a human being?

2. Read and translate the following.

The world stands on the threshold of a second computer age. New technology now moving out of the laboratory is starting to change the computer from a fantastically fast calculating machine into a device that mimics human thought processes - giving machines the capability to


reason, make judgments, and even learn. Already this "artificial intelligence'' is performing tasks once thought to require human intelligence...

Computers have emerged from back rooms and laboratories to help with writing, calculating and play in homes and offices. These machines do simple, repetitive tasks, but machines still in the laboratory do much more. Computers can be made smart, and fewer and fewer people disagree. To understand our future, we must see whether artificial intelligence is as impossible as flying to the Moon.

Thinking machines need not resemble human beings in shape, purpose, or mental skills. Indeed some artificial intelligence systems will show few traits of the intelligent liberal arts graduate, but will instead serve only as powerful engines of design. Nonetheless, understanding of how human minds evolved from mindless matter will shed light on how machines can be made to think. Minds, like other forms of order, evolved through variation and selection.

3. Answer the grammar questions / do the tasks.

1.Do the actions/facts in the sentences with parts in bold refer to the present, past, or future?

2.Put yes/no questions to the sentences with parts in bold.

3.Put “wh” questions to the first and last sentences.

4.Put questions beginning with when, where, why to other sentences.

5.What feature distinguishes questions in the Simple from those in other tenses?

6.Put questions to the subject of the sentences with parts in bold.

7.What makes the question to the subject different from other ones?


Part II


1. Complete the sentence with each of the suggested variants and answer the questions.

When the science adviser came to the lab…

Max was checking the results.

Steve checked the results.

Andrew had checked the results.

Who is the most hardworking? Who is the laziest?

Who will have a chance to listen to the comment of his chief?

2.Write three similar sentences.

3.Study the structure of the predicates in the following sentences.

1.When we checked the result another time we saw a mistake in our calculations.

2.The basic technique for such storage was proposed in 1963 by Pietre van Heerden who was working on holographic technologies.

3.While experimenting with the passage of electric current in a tube from which most of the air had been removed, Roentgen made two observations.

4.Answer the questions.

1.Do the actions in 3 happen simultaneously?

2.What grammar shows, that:

а) they are/were simultaneous?

б) follow each other in chronological order? c) one of them happened earlier than the other?


5. Write three sentences dealing with some scientific facts, where the actions:

а) follow each other

b)happen at the same time

c)one action was before the other

6. Answer the question.

1. Why is the name of Bill Gates known to everyone?

When Allen and I launched Microsoft, big, expensive mainframe computers ran the back-office operations for major companies, governmental departments and other institutions. Researchers at leading universities and industrial laboratories were creating the basic building blocks that would make the information age possible. Intel had just introduced the 8080 microprocessor, and Atari was selling the popular electronic game Pong. At homegrown computer clubs, enthusiasts struggled to figure out exactly what this new technology was good for…

7. Explain the use of tenses in the passage above.

Writing a paper

1. Write a short paragraph (150 words) dealing with some scientific facts or events.

Use sentences in different tenses.


Part III


1.Discuss the following ideas:

1.One day machines will undertake all routine work that humans do now.

2.Machines will never be as intellectual as humans.

2.Read the text and answer the question.

What are the most difficult things for robots to do?

Over the past century, anthropomorphic machines have become familiar figures in popular culture through books such as Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot, movies such as Star Wars and television shows such as Star Trek. The popularity of robots in fiction indicates that people are receptive to the idea that these machines will one day walk among us as helpers and even as companions. Nevertheless, although robots play a vital role in industries such as automobile manufacturing — where there is about one robot for every 10 workers — the fact is that we have a long way to go before real robots catch up with their science-fiction counterparts. One reason for this gap is that it has been much harder than expected to enable computers and robots to sense their surrounding environment and to react quickly and accurately.

It has proved extremely difficult to give robots the capabilities that humans take for granted — for example, the abilities to orient themselves with respect to the objects in a room, to respond to sounds and interpret speech, and to grasp objects of varying sizes, textures and fragility. Even something as simple as telling the difference between an open door and a window can be devilishly tricky for a robot.

3.Think of the best way to translate the underlined words.

4.Translate the parts in bold.


5. Complete the sentences below with some facts from your field of specialization.

Put the predicate in (a) in the Present Perfect Tense.

a)Over the past century… Over the previous year… Over the past decade… Over that period…

b)The fact is that…

The truth is that…

The idea is that…

6. Read the following sentence.

How would we be able to tell if we were in a special place?

a)think of the meaning of the word tell in this context

b)which is the correct way to translate the word if into Russian («если» or «ли» with the corresponding verb)?

c)Translate the sentence

7. Translate the sentences.

Note: whether is the synonym of if.

1.They are now looking to see if using skeletal muscle instead of heart muscle could help the robots move more freely

2.The new technology has a lot of potential, although it is difficult to know at this point if their approach will succeed.

3.It is a matter of debate whether biological or social reasons caused the difference between the sexes.

4.The ethical debate about whether or not to use drugs to improve performance in normal schoolchildren and students will probably be resolved over the next 20 years.


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