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Матюшенков В.С.-Идиомы и предлоги в английском языке.Словарь-2021

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Список слов, требующих после себя определенных предлогов

bad of or at; (it’s bad of you; be bad at smth. / at doing smth.)

ban (n.) on; (the union has imposed = established / a ban on overtime)

basis for, in, or of; (for a rumor; in fact or in law; of a medicinal compound; of or an official’s authority)

be in; (be in the dock)

become of; (become of smb.)

believe in; (believe in smb.’s talent / God / etc.)

belong to smb.; (that dictionary belongs to me; the car belongs to me; the credit for this success belongs to the teacher)

betrayal of; (a betrayal of my principles)

bid (v.) for or on; (for nomination; on property)

bite in; (bite smb. in the arm)

blame (v.) for or on; (blame her for the delay; blame the delay on him)

blind in; (blind in one eye)

blink (v) at; (sense of connive; without preposition, sense of ignore or overlook)

blow to; (to be a blow to smb.)

boast (n., v.) of or about; (he’s always boasting about one’s children / about how clever his children are; not much to boast of; the town boasts of its gardens)

boggle at; (boggle at having to pay so much; boggle at a lock)

border on; (border on a country)

buy with or at; (buy things with money; buy things at a shilling / a dollar / etc. a piece / a pound / a dozen / etc.)

by; (by plane / land / sea / book-post / telegraph)


Приложение 1

call (v.) for, upon, at; (call for smth. as unity / disarmament / measures / sanctions against smth. / etc.; call for smth. as a letter / a parcel / a person / etc.; call upon smb. to do smth.; call at a place)

candidate for, to; candidate for a place / a constituency / a country; also a member of Parliament / a spokesman for (a Conservative, Labour, etc.); candidate to a post

capacity of or for; (of four quarts; for growth)

capitalize at or on (at $4 million; on opponent’s mistakes)

careless about, in, or of; (about her attendance; in her speech; of or about the children’s welfare)

catch at; (catch at smth.) catch up; (catch up with smb.) caught in; (caught in the rain)

caution (v.) about or against; (caution little children against using matches; caution against unwarranted expectations / against being late; she cautioned the child against talking to strange men)

center (v.) on, upon, in, or at (but not around); (the dispute centers on the question of overtimе pay; our thoughts were centered on the girl who had died; his interests are centered round his family; center one’s hopes on / in smb.; the interest centers in this; the discussion centered round one point)

change for (smth.); (her new dress didn’t fit so she took it back to back to the shop and changed it for another)

characteristic of; (characteristic of smb., smth.)

charge (v.) for or with; (for services; with manslaughter; with a duty; with strong emotion)

clash (n.) over; (a clash over smth.)

clear (adj.) of; (v.) of or from (to be clear to smb.)


Список слов, требующих после себя определенных предлогов

climb up (though usually redundant), down; (climb (up) the stairs with difficulty; climb into the lifeboat / onto the table / out of the window; climb onto the dray; climb down the side of the cliff; climb down a tree; the ivy is climbing up the wall; you will climb up into that tree, the instructor tells us. (RD))

coincide with; (his holidays coincide with mine; the Queen’s visit has been planned to coincide with the school’s 200th anniversary)

come of; (what came of it?; nothing came of it)

comment on smth.; (the minister refused / declined to comment on the rumors of his resignation; comment on a text; several people commented on his absence)

common (adj.) to; (this useful feature is common to both these computers = they both have it)

comparable to or with; (his poetry isn’t bad, but it’s hardly comparable with Shakespeare’s!)

compare with or to; (like things that are strictly comparable with each other; unlike things to each other in sense of liken; things with each other in sense of be worthy of comparison)

compatible with, complementary to; (is your recording system / computer compatible with my equipment?)

complain of, to or about; (complain of a pain in the back / a headache / etc.; complain about people / smb.’s behavior / etc.; complain to smb.)

compliment (n., v.) on; (he was showered with compliments on his excellent performance)

concern (n., v.) about, in, or with (smb.’s concern about smb., smth.; be concerned about smb., smth.; be concerned with smth.)

concur in or with; (in a plan or policy; with a person or view)

conducive to; (the atmosphere in the conference room was hardly conducive to frank and friendly discussions; early rising is


Приложение 1

conducive to health, conducive to appetite; the friendly tone of the meeting seemed conducive to finding a solution to the problem)

conference on; (a conference on smth.)

confer with; (the minister is still conferring with his advisers; confer with one’s lawyers)

confide in or to; (he confided to me that he had spent five years in prison; ...she’d confided in Henry about her abusive husband.


conform or conformity to or with; (this piece of equipment does not conform to the official safety standards / the specifications; behave in conformity with the law / your beliefs)

congratulate smb. on smth.; (I congratulate you on the happy event; we congratulate them on the birth of their son / on having come first in their exams; she congratulated herself on having thought of such a good idea)

connive at or with; (at a fraud; with an accomplice)

conscious of; (become conscious of a sharp increase in the temperature; he wasn’t conscious of having offended her)

smb.’s consent to smth.; (consent to a suggestion / to an operation)

consequent (adj.) or consequential to, on, or upon; (theft was charged, and the consequent investigation led to his dismissal)

consist of or in; (an alloy consisting chiefly of nickel; treason which consists in aiding the enemies of one’s country)

consistent with; (this statement is not consistent with what you said earlier; this development is consistent with the company’s aims of reducing its costs; practices consistent with his beliefs)

contemporaneous with; (Victoria’s reign was contemporaneous with British hegemony)


Список слов, требующих после себя определенных предлогов

contemporary with; (Beethoven was contemporary with Napoleon) contempt for; (contempt for people)

contemptuous of; (contemptuous of danger, he rushed back into the burning building)

contend with, against, about, or over; (with or against rivals, enemies, or unfavorable circumstances; about or over disputed matters)

contiguous to; (England is the only country contiguous to / with Wales; the corn-field is contiguous to our garden)

contingent on or upon (the company’s future is contingent on the outcome of the trial; peace contingent upon compliance with the proffered terms)

contrast (n.) between, to, or with; (between things; in contrast to or with; (v.) with)

contribute to smth.; (I contributed ten dollars towards John’s leaving present; contribute to the Red Cross; contribute food and clothing for the relief of the refugees)

control (n.) of (Democrats have a control of the Congress now) convenient for; (be convenient for smb.)

conversant with; (are you conversant with the facts of the case?; before you start to play make sure you’re conversant with the rules)

convict (v.) of (convict smb. of doing smth.; they were convicted of murder)

correspond to or with; (a statement not corresponding to or with his earlier account; a part that corresponds to the bore of a musket; when I corresponded with her; correspond with smb.; correspond to smth.)

crisis over; (a crisis over smth.) critical of; (critical of smb., smth.)


Приложение 1

cruel to; (be cruel to smb.)

cry out with; (cry out with fear / pain)

culminate in; (their years of work culminated in the discovery of a cure; a series of minor clashes culminating in full-scale war, the mountain system of Armenia culminates in Ararat)

cure (v.) of; (this medicine will cure you of your cough; a spell in the army will cure him of his laziness)

cut (n.) in; (cut in prices / wages)

deaf in; (deaf in one ear) debate on; (a debate on smth.) debt to; (debt to smb.)

decide on, upon, for, or against; (on or upon a matter or issue; for or against a principal in a legal action)

defiance of; (defiance of a resolution) deficient in; (food deficient in iron) departure for; (smb.’s departure for a place)

depend on smb., smth.; (depending on the situation; sciences depend upon one another; prices depend on supply and demand)

smb.’s dependence on smb.; (we need to reduce our dependence on oil as a source of energy)

be dependent on smb.; (the size of the crowd is largely dependent on the weather)

deprive of; (deprive smb. of smth.)

derive from; (he derives a lot of pleasure from meeting new people / from singing; this word is derived from Latin)

describe to smb.; (the witness described the two men to the police)


Список слов, требующих после себя определенных предлогов

desire (n.) for; (the two leaders spoke of their desire for improved relations)

desirous of; (desirous of wealth / fame; desirous of success / of succeeding)

desist from; (desist from doing smth.; desist from attempts; the judge told the man to desist from threatening his wife)

despair (v.) of; (I despair of ever passing my driving test) destined for; (for an end, use, or purpose; for a locality)

destitute of; (she was destitute of human feeling; destitute of vegetation)

destructive to or of; (be destructive of smth.; destructive of / to health)

deviate (v.) from; (she never deviates from her regular habits; on this occasion the plane deviated from its usual flight path)

devoid of; (this house is totally devoid of furniture; he is devoid of human feeling; devoid of pity / sense / fear; devoid of inhabitants; devoid of malice)

devolve from, on, to or upon; (while the President is ill, most of his work will devolve on his deputy; (law) the house will devolve to his daughter; the estate devolved to his son; devolve power on one’s representative; a heavy weight devolved upon his shoulders; too much work devolved upon him; devolve knowledge to smb.;

...a utopian community that devolved into warring tribes, women against men. (T))

dictate to smb.; (she dictated a letter to her secretary / typist) die of; (she died of cancer / hunger / old age)

differ from, on, over, or with; (from another person in outlook; on or over issues; with a second party to an argument)

difference to; (it makes no difference to me)


Приложение 1

different from or than; (a job different from his; an outcome different from what we expected; how different things seem now than yesterday. Different from is the preferred form when it works readily — when from is followed by a single word or short clause. Different than is most acceptable when it aids conciseness — when from could not be used except ponderously and when than is followed by a condensed clause)

differentiate between, among, or from; (this company doesn’t differentiate between men and women — everyone is paid at the same rate; can you differentiate this kind of rose from the others)

diminution of; (diminution of value)

disagree with; (chocolate always disagrees with me; disagree with one’s digestion; the climate disagrees with him / with his health)

disappointed by, in, or with a thing; (in smth., with smb.) discharge from; (discharge smb. from somewhere)

discourage from; (the bad weather discouraged people from attending the parade; he discouraged them from going there)

disdain (n.) for; (disdain for grandstanding)

disengage from; (disengage truth from a mass of lies; tried to disengage his leg from the underbrush)

disgusted with, at, or by; (with a person or an action; at an action or behavior; by a personal quality, action, or behavior)

dislike of, for; (show a strong dislike for / of / to smb., have a dislike of / for cats, she took an immediate dislike to him = began to dislike him at once)

dispossess of or from; (the rebel leaders were dispossessed of all their property; dispossess smb. of his land)

dispute over; (a dispute over smth.)


Список слов, требующих после себя определенных предлогов

disqualify for or from; (his youth / his criminal record disqualified him for the job / from getting the job; three of the athletes were disqualified for taking drugs; be disqualified from driving / from holding public office; disqualify smb. for the Olympic games; this alone would disqualify him for the position)

dissent (n., v.) from; (only one member of the committee dissented from the final report; dissent from smb.’s opinion)

dissimilar to; (a picture dissimilar to / rare from / with the others)

divide into or in; (divide smth. into three / four / etc. parts; divide smth. in two / among (many) / between two)

dissociate from; (you can’t dissociate yourself from the actions of your colleagues in the union; dissociate oneself from others; dissociate oneself from the opinion)

dissuade from; (she dissuaded him from leaving home)

distaste for; (a distaste for town life / smb.; he had a distaste for such work)

distinguish from, between, or among; (distinguish one species from another; distinguish between or among shades of meaning)

distrustful of; (distrustful of oneself)

divest of; (they divested the king of all his power; divest oneself of one’s garment; divest smb. of his right / of his rank)

do smth. out of; (do smth. out of curiosity / jealousy / spite / charity) dote on; (he dotes on his youngest son)

dub in; (dub a film in Russian / English / etc.) duty to; (duty to smb.)

emanate from; (strange-smelling gases emanated from holes in the ground; do you know where these rumours emanated from?)


Приложение 1

embellish with; (a white hat embellished with pink roses) emigrate from; (her family emigrated to America in the 1850s) empty (adj.) of; (at this time of night the streets are empty of traffic)

enamored of or with; (he’s so enamored of his own plan that he won’t even consider mine; be enamored of smb., smth.)

encroach on or upon; (his new farm buildings encroach on his neighbor’s land; be careful not to encroach on her sphere of authority)

end (v.) with or in; (with a light dessert or with a benediction; in divorce / victory / failure / confusion)

endow with; (she is endowed with both beauty and brains)

entrust to or with; (entrust a mission to a confidant; entrust a friend with a mission)

envelop in; (the building was soon enveloped in flames; mountains enveloped in mist; distant hills enveloped in a blue haze)

envious of; (I’m very envious of your new job = I wish I had a job like that)

equal to; (this one is equal to that)

escape from; (escape from prison / a detention camp / etc.; escape death / punishment / being executed / etc.)

essential (adj.) to or for; (n.) of; (good timing is essential to / for our plans; the book will teach you the essentials of Englsh grammar)

estrange from; (the argument estranged him from his brother)

exclusive of; (the hotel charges $10 a day; exclusive of meals; the ship had a crew of 57 exclusive of officers; price of dinner exclusive of wine; exclusive of wrappings / of goods)

excuse (v.) for or from; (for a fault; from an obligation or duty)