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Матюшенков В.С.-Идиомы и предлоги в английском языке.Словарь-2021

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Список наиболее употребительных фразовых глаголов

look on (while smth. happens) = watch without taking part yourself; onlookers

look on (upon) (smth. in a particular way) = think of it in that way

look out = you say or shout Look out! to warn smb. that they are in danger (= watch out)

look out for (smth. you want or expect) = pay attention to things around you so that to notice it and be able to take action when it occurs or is there

look over smb. or smth. = examine or inspect them in order to get a general idea of what they are like

look through (a group of things or a place, such as a cupboard, box or room) = examine all the things there, usually because you are trying to find smth. (= go through)

look up (a piece of information in a book, or on a timetable or map) = look there to find the information

look up to smb. = respect and admire them

make for (a place) = move towards it, usually rather hurriedly (= head for)

make of = if you ask a person what they make of smb. or smth. you want to know what their impression, understanding or opinion of them is

make off = leave somewhere as quickly as possible often in order to escape (a fairly colloquial expression)

make out = manage to see or hear it

make out (a form or cheque) = write on it all the necessary information (= write out)

make out = if you make out that smth. is the case, you try to cause people to believe it (They tried to make out that the play was about Britain)


Приложение 2

make out = manage to understand smth. difficult

make up = if two people make up with each other or make it up, they become friends again after they have had a quarrel

make up (a story, etc.) = invent it, sometimes in order to deceive people

make up = the people or things that make up smth. form that thing (comprise is more formal)

make up or make yourself up = put substance such as lipstick, powder on your face; a makeup (cosmetics is formal for makeup)

pick up smb. or smth. = if you drive a vehicle and you pull up and stop the vehicle so that you can take smb. or smth. to somewhere

pick up (skill, habit or attitude) = learn it or start having it without making any effort

play back (a tape or film) on which you have recorded sounds or pictures = operate the machine so that you can listen to it or watch it

play up = if a group of children are playing up or are playing you up they are being naughty and are difficult to control (col)

pull down (a building or other structure) = destroy deliberately, so that the land it is on can be used

put smth. away = place it tidily somewhere, e.g. in a cupboard, drawer or pocket

put back (an event, appointment or task) = postpone it happening or being done until a later time (defer is more formal and bring forward is antonym)

put back, put smth. back (somewhere) = place in a position it was before it was moved

put down (words or numbers) = write or type them somewhere

put forward (an idea or proposal) = state it or publish it so that people can consider and discuss it (= set out)


Список наиболее употребительных фразовых глаголов

put off (an event or appointment) = delay or postpone it; if you put a person off you delay seeing them or doing what they want you to do by telling them that you are too busy

put off = if smth. or smb. puts you off in what you are doing, they cause you to stop concentrating by making a sudden noise or distracting you in some other way

put off = put smb. off doing smth. or having smth. means to cause them to change their mind so that they no longer want to do it or have it

put on (a play, concert or other entertainment) = organize or perform it put on (weight) = become heavier (= gain; lose is antonym)

put on (a piece of clothing) = place it over a part of your body and wear it

put smb. on = tease smb. by trying to make you believe smth. that is not so

put on = (Am col) play a joke on smb.

put out (a light) = cause it to stop shining by pressing or turning a switch (= switch off, turn off)

put out (smth. that is burning) = cause to stop it burning (extinguish is more formal)

put through (a phone call or the person making the call) = connect them with a person they want to speak to

put up = if smb. puts you up or if you put up somewhere you stay with them or stay there for one or more nights

put up with smth. or smb. = tolerate or accept them, even though you find it difficult or unpleasant (endure is more formal)

run into smb. = meet them unexpectedly (= bump into, run across, come across)

run out of smth. = have no more of it left


Приложение 2

see smb. off = go with them to the station, airport, or port that they are leaving from and say good-bye to them there

see through (a person or what they are doing) = realize what their intentions are even though they are trying to hide them

send off (of a football player) = make the player leave the field during a game as a punishment for seriously breaking the rules

send smb. up = (col) imitate in a way that makes them appear foolish (= take off)

set off = start a journey (= set out)

set smth. up = make the arrangements and preparations that are necessary for it to start

take after (a member of your family) = resemble them in your appearance, behavior or character

take (one number or amount) away from another = subtract the first from the second

take back smth. (which you borrowed or bought) = return it to the place or person that you got it from, e.g. because you have finished using it or because it is damaged

take back, take smb. back (after a quarrel or separation) = agree them to live with you or work with you again

take back = if you say that smth. takes you back, it reminds you of a period in your past and makes you think about it again (fairly colloquial)

take down smth. (that is attached to a wall, post or other object) = unfasten or disconnect it, and remove it (put up is antonym)

take down = if you take down what smb. is saying you listen to them and write it down to record it

take in smth. (that you see, hear, or read) = pay attention to it and be able to understand it, remember it, or evaluate it


Список наиболее употребительных фразовых глаголов

take in smth. (such as a film, museum or a place while you are on holiday or traveling somewhere) = go to see it or visit it

take off (of an airplane or a bird) = leave the ground and start flying (land means opposite); takeoff

take off (clothes or smth. you are wearing) = undress or remove it (opposite is put on)

take off smth. (such as an amount of money or a mark) = subtract it from a total (opposite is add on)

take off = if you take smb. off you imitate their appearance or behavior, usually in order to make other people laugh (col) (= mimic)

take off = if smth. such as a production or activity takes off, it suddenly becomes very successful or popular

take on (a job, task, responsibility) = accept it and try to do what is required

take on = if smb. takes you on at a place of work, they employ you

take on = if you take on a rival or opponent, especially one who is bigger or more powerful than you, you fight or compete against them (in a competition)

take out = if you take smb. out to a restaurant or film, they go with you and you pay for everything

take out = take smth. out means remove it from the place where it was, often because it is unwanted or damaged

take over (a job, responsibility) = start doing it or being responsible for it

take to smb. or smth. = begin to like them (take against is antonym) take up (an activity or job) = start doing it (= go in for)

take up = if you take up an activity that was interrupted, you continue doing it from the point where it had stopped or where smb. left off (= pick up)


Приложение 2

take up = if smth. takes up a particular amount of time, space, or effort, it uses that amount (occupy is more formal)

try on = if you try on a piece of clothing, you put it on to see if it fits you or if it looks nice

turn back = if you turn back or are turned back when you are traveling somewhere you stop and return

turn back = reverse one’s movement

turn down (a person, their request or offer) = refuse their request or offer (= reject)

turn down smth. (such as radio or a heater) = adjust the controls and reduce the amount of sound or heat being produced (turn up is antonym)

turn off (a device, machine or appliance) = adjust the controls in order to stop it working (= switch off; turn on is antonym)

turn on = when you turn on smth. you adjust the controls so that it starts working

turn out = if smth. turns out a particular way, it happens in that way (= work out)

turn up = if smb. turns up, they arrive somewhere (= show up)





1.500 английских пословиц / ред. В.И. Киселева. Москва: Высшая школа, 1966.

2.Аксененко Б.Н. Предлоги английского языка. Ленинград: Гос. учеб.-пед. изд-во министерства просвещения РСФСР, 1962.

3.Артемова А.Ф., Леонович О.А. Энциклопедия самообразования по английскому языку и страноведению Великобритании и США. Москва: АСТ: Астрель: Транзиткнига, 2005.

4.Большой англо-русский словарь / под общ. рук. И.Р. Гальперина. Москва: Русский язык, 1979.

5.Многоязычный словарь современной фразеологии / под ред. Дж. Пуччо. Москва: ФЛИНТА, 2012.

6.Aberson T. It’s a Breeze 42 Lively English Lessons on American Idioms. Chimayo Press, 2013.

7.J. Green. Cassell’s Dictionary of Slang. Cassell, 2003.

8.Flavel R., Flavel L. Dictionary of Idioms and Their Origins. Kyle Books, 2016.

9.Courtney R. Longman Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs Harlow: Longman Group Limited; Moscow: Russky Yazyk Publishers, 1986.

10.Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Harlow: Longman Group Limited; Moscow: Russky Yazyk Publishers, 1992.

11.McMordie W., Seidle J. English Idioms and How To Use Them. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1978.

12.Moore J.D. The Logic of English Prepositions. J. Daniele Moore, 2018.

13.A. Bruckfield. Prepositions: The Ultimate Book — Mastering English Prepositions. OAK Publishers, 2012.

14.St. Clair S. J. Origins of Cliches, Proverbs, and Figurative Expressions. St. Clair, 2013.



15.The Definitive Illustrated Encyclopedia Jazz and Blues / Ed. Rolf J. London: Flame Tree Publishing, 2007.

16.The Great Book of American Idioms. Lingo Mastery, 2019.

17.The Written Word II (based on the New American Heritage Dictionary). Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1976.



Справочное издание

Матюшенков Владимир Сергеевич

