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Практикум английский.docx
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  1. Тексты для контрольного перевода (к разделу 4)

  2. 1. Heart attack is diagnosed most readily by means of an electrocardiograph. This machine records patterns of electrical activity of the heart and can detect changes in activity that are associated specifically with heart attack.

  3. Once they have been hospitalized, heart-attack victims can be helped in a number of ways. For example, in some cases further damage to the heart can be prevented by dissolving the clot that caused the attack. Injections of substances, such as streptokinase or tissue plasminogen activator are used for this purpose. In many hospitals heart-attack victims are routinely admitted to specialized coronary care units. In these units the electrical rhythm of the heart is monitored continuously, and arrythmias (abnormal rhythms) can be treated promptly.

  4. If the heartbeat rate falls too low, a temporary pacemaker may help. The pacemaker is inserted into a vein and moved to the right ventricle, where its electrical impulses stimulate the heart to beat more quickly. Similarly, catheters for monitoring blood pressure may be inserted into a vein.

  5. 2. Another method of artificial respiration which has now found favour is known as "mouth-to-mouth respiration". The principle on which this method is based is that expired air from the resuscitator's lungs is breathed into the patient's lungs. It is important that there should be an air-tight seal between the two mouths and that the patient's nostrils should be closed by the resuscitator's hand. The patient's head should be held back and care should be taken to ensure that the patient's tongue does not obstruct the air-way. The resuscitator must also guard against the use of excessive force because this might propel sea water or vomit back into the patient's lungs. He should bear in mind that although he himself will have to breathe more deeply than is his custom he must not overdo this. If he does he might easily faint himself.

  6. Часть 2 Неличные формы глагола (Non-Finite Forms of the Verb)


  8. Participle (причастие) — неличная форма глагола, которая обладает как

  9. признаками глагола, так и свойствами прилага­тельного и наречия.

  10. Gerund (герундий) — неличная форма глагола, которая обладает как

  11. признаками глагола так и некоторыми признака­ми существительного.

  12. Infinitive (инфинитив) — неопределённая форма глагола, которая отвечает

  13. на вопросы "что делать?", "что сделать?".

  14. ФУНКЦИИ НЕЛИЧНЫХ ФОРМ ГЛАГОЛА В ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИИ Обозначения: 0 — выполняет функцию 0 — входит в состав

    1. подлежа­щее

    1. сказуе­мое

    1. дополне­ние

    1. определе­ние

    1. обстоя­тельство

    1. 1. Participle I Active

    1. 2. Participle I Passive

    1. 3. Participle I Perfect Active

    1. 4. Participle I Perfect Passive

    1. 5. Participle II

    1. 6. Gerund

    1. 7. Infinitive

  15. Раздел 5 Причастие (The Participle)

  16. 5.1 Причастие I в функции определения

  1. Упражнение 14

  2. А. Найдите причастие I (Ving), выполняющее функцию определения, которое может стоять как до, так и после определяемого существительного.

  3. Пример: Pulsating heart is a pump distributing to the brain and all other parts of the body important substances.

  4. Б. Переведите предложения с причастием I в функ­ции определения, которое в русском языке соот­ветствует причастию действительного залога.

  5. Например: pulsating heart - пульсирующее сердце

  1. The lining membrane of the lung secretes mucus.

  2. Aspirin can have an irritating effect on the lining of the stomach.

  3. The working muscle needs more oxygen and gives off more carbon dioxide than the resting muscle.

  4. The liver is the major detoxicating organ in the body.

  5. The fluid escaping from blood soon clots.

  6. Blood arriving in the lungs from the body has a high concentration of carbon dioxide in it.

  7. The white blood cells include a variety of cells differing in structure, shape and functions.

  8. Sodium is a major factor determining blood volume and blood pressure.

  9. No evidence supporting this hypothesis has yet been described.

  1. Chyme entering the duodenum is acid in reaction because it has been mixed with the acid gastric juice.

  2. Certain diseases occuring in various tissues have been recognized as potentially dangerous because of the occasional development of cancer on this background.

  3. The processes taking place in the large intestine are due mostly to the millions of bacteria living there.

  4. Inflammation involving the mucosal and smooth muscle layers of the respiratory tract plays a major role in the development of acute asthmatic bronchospasm.

  5. In addition to the digestive glands existing in the walls of the canal there are two large glandular organs lying outside it and pouring their secretion into it by their ducts; these are the liver and the pancreas.

  6. As the smallest units retaining the fundamental properties of live, cells are the "atoms" of the living world.

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