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248. "Afghanistan and Pakistan: current situation and perspectives of development" (collection of essays)


249."Tribes, clans and families in Qatar" by A.Aganin

250."Russia – Turkey: current situation and a possible scenario

of development of economic relations development " by E.Kasaev

251."Problem of Western Sahara: myth and reality" by N.Pogornova

252."From inter-block confrontation towards formation of “the party of power”. Tendencies in the Israeli political and social life in the light of results of elections to the Knesset of the 19th convocation and creation of the country’s new" by Alek D. Epstein

253."The Contemporary Middle East" № 47 (collection of essays)

254."Saudi Arabia: political processes in the 1990-2000" by G.Kosach

255."Tribes and clans in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan" by


256."Perspectives of the Iranian nuclear program under the President Hassan Rouhani" by V.Evseev


257.“ «The Arab spring» in the Maghreb countries" by N.Podgornova

258."Kuwait in the 2000th: home political process and foreign policy" by E.Melkumian

259."Mauritania between the last and the future" by N.Podgornova

260."Egypt: 90 years of constitutional transformations (1923–2013)" by


261."The Somalian tribes. Reference book" by S.Aleinikov

262."Turkish diaspora in Germany: between Ankara and Berlin" by


263."Political structures and electoral process in Israel in the beginning of XXI century" by Vladimir (Ze'ev) Khanin


264."Closest allies? The real history of American-Israely relationship" T. 1-2 by Alek D. Epstein. In association with Bridges of


265. "The Contemporary Middle East" № 48 (collection of essays).

In association with the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences

266."From antiterrorist operation towards the war: Israel and islamist armed resistance in summer of 2014" by Alek D. Epstein

267."On oil and gas production in Iraq" by R.Subkhankulova

268." «The Third Israel»: Russian-speaking community and political process in the Jewsh state in the beginning of XXI century" by

Vladimir (Ze'ev) Khanin

269." «Al-Qaeda in the space of Islamic Maghreb» and others in North Africa (Chronicle of events)" by V.Kudelev


270."Problem of Western Sahara and in Algerian policy" by


271."Thoughts about struggle with terrorism" by Ju.Scheglovin

272."Iran and non-Muslim countries of South Caucasus (Armenia and Georgia)" by V.Mesamed

273."Policy of France in the countries of the South-West Africa" by


274."Electoral process after the «Arab Spring»" by M.Sapronova

275."The formation of National innovation system of Israel

(1985–2012)" by N.Zhadovec

276."The role of the Islamic factor in the socio-political development of Arab countries and its evolution in terms of the Syrian uprising. (90th XX – beginning of XXI)" by V.Akhmedov

277."The Contemporary Middle East" № 49 (collection of essays).

In association with the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences


278."Investment climate in the Arab countries in the end of XX – XXI centuries" by E.Uspenskiy

279."The contemporary Somali" by S.Aleinikov


280."Russian-Saudi relations: a political aspect (1990-2015)" by


281."The Arab Maghreb in a search for optimal way of development" by N.Podgornova

282."The arab population of Israel and Palestinian territories. Origin clan and confessional structure" by M.Chernin. In association with

Bridges of Culture/Gesharim

283."Horizon and mirages of the Palestinian statehood" by Alek D. Epstein. In association with Bridges of Culture/Gesharim

284."Thoughts about the Islamic State" by Ju.Scheglovin

285."Problem of Israeli political system reform in the light of prerequisite and results of election campaign to the XX Knesset" by

Vladimir (Ze'ev) Khanin

286."The Contemporary Middle East" № 50 (collection of essays)

287."The states of Israel and the Baltic states between past and future" by E.Yakimova

288."Phenomenon of Belarus-Iran relationship" by V.Mesamed


289."China – Pakistan: cooperation military-technical and economic fields in the beginning of the XXI century" by M.Kazanin

290."Political process in Lebanon in the turn of the XXI century" by


291."Tribes, clans and families in Kuwait" by A.Aganin

292."Iraqi oil policy in the 2003–2016" by A.Manafova

293."Experience of the Arabian Peninsula States in tackling migration problems" by S.Balmasov


294."“The Arab Spring” in Yemani way" by P.Rjabov

295."Conflict in Syria: assessments of Chinese experts" by M.Kazanin

296."The Contemporary Middle East" № 51 (collection of essays)

297."The Arab Spring: a Moroccan phenomenon" by V.Kudelev


298."The military power of the Republic of Turkey" (volume 1, 2) by

T.Ganiev and S.Zadonskiy

299."Thoughts on the Syrian conflict" by Ju.Scheglovin

300."The state of Israel and the European republics of the former Soviet Union: the slipping partnership" by E.Yakimova

301."Israel on the verge and in the year of it’s 70th anniversary: current aspects of foreign and domestic policy" by Vladimir (Ze'ev) Khanin

302."The Contemporary Middle East" № 52 (collection of essays)

303."Tribes of the Syrian desert and the Euphrates valley"

by A.Aganin

304. "Revolution of freedom and dignity in Tunisia: Great hope" by A.Kashina

2019 г.

305."From Vladimir Jabotinsky to Benjamin Netanyahu: national liberal movement in Israel – past and present" (volume 1, 2) by Alek D.


306."The modern Somalia" by S.Aleinikov

307."Islam: the XXI century" by A.Malashenko

308."The military power of the Islamic Republic of Iran: military policy and armed forces of the country" (volume 1, 2) by T.Ganiev,

S.Zadonskiy, V.Karjakin

309."Kurdish question in the political conflict in Syria" by O.Mazur

Internet: www.iimes.ru



А.Р. Аганин


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