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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (22), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

[2]Kibrik A.A. Jazyk i mysl': Sovremennaja kognitivnaja lingvistika / Sost. A.A. Kibrik, A.D. Koshelev; red. A.A. Kibrik, A.D Koshelev, A.V. Kravchenko, Ju.V. Mazurova,

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[13]D'jachenko O.V. Kommunikativnaja neudacha kak rezul'tat pragmalingvisticheskih sboev v mezhkul'turnoj kommunikacii// Lingvisticheskie i jekstralingvisticheskie problemy kommunikacii: teoreticheskie i prikladnye aspekty. Mezhvuzovskij sbornik nauchnyh trudov. Saransk: Nacional'nyj issledovatel'skij Mordovskij gosudarstvennyj universitet im. N.P. Ogarjova, 2016, S.109 –114.

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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (22), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093


UDC 81 '42



A.S. Kurkina, I.A. Sternin


Voronezh State University,

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Humanities and Arts, Alla S. Kurkinа,

e-mail: allkurkina@yandex.ru

Voronezh State University,

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Department of General Linguistics and Stylistics, Iosif A. Sternin,

e-mail: sterninia@mail.ru


Statement of the problem. At the turn of the century, in the anthropocentric turn of linguistics, communication studies were activated in a number of ways. In particular, there appeared works on communicative behavior of native speakers, language personality, verbal personality, communicative personality. It is necessary to differentiate these concepts.

Results. At present, an urgent task is to study the communicative personality in all its manifestations. Such a study poses the task of defining the concept of a communicative personality in a series of similar concepts, developing a method for describing a communicative personality, both typical and individual, creating a model for such a description and testing it in practice in describing a specific communicative personality.

By communicative personality we mean the personality of a particular individual, which is characterized by some specific communicative behavior. Description of communicative behavior of a particular person is the description of this communicative person. The linguistic personality in this plan is part of the communicative personality, one of its components. Linguocultural type acts as a collective, group, and not an individual portrait of a person; verbal portrait, idiostyle, we consider as synonyms of the term communicative personality.

Сonclusion. Description of the dominant features of communicative personality of Anton Chekhov allows to form a generalized communicative image of the writer, in which he appears in the perception of his correspondents and oral interlocutors.

This image is formed by the researcher as a generalization of the parametric description. Parametric description with communicative features and examples is based on the analysis of empirical material and is its systematic description in support of empirical data. The parameters were formed by the researcher on the basis of the actual material and reflect the aspects of the communicative personality of the writer relevant to the description, a sort of generalized rubricating of the fulfilled system description of the communicative personality, in which communicative features (facts) are described. Communicative image summarizes the identified parameters and formulates them as the most vivid qualitative, informative characteristics of the communicative personality of Anton Chekhov, revealed during the analysis of the actual material and describing the perception of the communicative personality of Chekhov by his interlocutors.

Key words: anthropocentric linguistics, language personality, communicative behavior, communicative personality, communicative portrait of Anton Chekhov.

For citation: Kurkina A.S., Sternin I.A. Communicative behavior and communicative personality of language speaker / A.S. Kurkina, I.A. Sternin // Scientific Journal “Modern linguistic and methodical-and-didactic researches”. – 2018. - №3 (22). – P. 85 - 100.



© Kurkina A.S., Sternin I.A., 2018


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (22), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

At the turn of the centuries, in the context of the anthropocentric turn of linguistics, communicative studies were activated in a number of directions. In particular, there appeared works on the communicative behavior of native speakers.

The term communicative behavior was proposed in 1989 [1]. In 1991 I.A. Sternin`s brochure "Essay on Russian Communicative Behavior" was published in Halle (GDR) which first attempted a system description of the communicative behavior of people and defined the very term communicative behavior, which suggested to be understood as a set of norms and traditions of people's communication. Norms and traditions were proposed to be differentiated as obligatory and desirable rules for communication [2].

Since the early 90's, the system development of the problems connected with the study and the description of the communicative behavior of different peoples has begun in Voronezh within the "Communicative Behavior" project of the Department of General Linguistics and Stylistics of Voronezh State University and the Center of the Communicative Studies of Voronezh State University,

Russian, American, English communicative behaviors are described. In the context of the project, there are published numerous collections of the "Communicative Behavior" series devoted to describing the national communicative behavior of different peoples of the following trends: Russian and Finnish Communicative Behavior; Russian and French Communicative Behavior; Russian and Chinese Communicative Behavior; Communicative Behavior of Slavonic Peoples; Russian, Lithuanian, Estonian and Latvian Communicative Behavior; and Russian and German Communicative Behavior. These developments are summarized in the monograph "Scientific School of Prof. Z.D. Popova" (Voronezh: Istoki, 2018) [3].

These works stimulated the researches in the field of national communicative behavior, and at the turn of the centuries there appeared quite a lot of such studies, taking into account the rapidly growing interest in intercultural communication at the same period.

The studies in the field of the communicative behavior are being developed in many regions of the country, as well as abroad.

During the many-years researches of various aspects of the communicative behavior, the models for describing the communicative behavior have been developed within the framework of the project [4], the theory of the communicative behavior and the terminological system of this direction are being formed. See its systematized presentation in [5]: the principle of system, the principle of contrast, the use of ranging meta-language, the differentiation and consideration of social norms and social practice.

The experience gained in describing the national communicative behavior shows that the three basic models for describing the communicative behavior can be proposed: situational model, aspectual model and the parametric one [6]. All the three models are designed to provide a comprehensive description of the communicative behavior, but they differ in their purpose.

The situational model is based on empirical material and assumes the description of the communicative behavior within the framework of the communicative spheres and standard communicative situations (greeting, apology, gratitude, coming into contact, getting out of communication, communication at parties, communication in a team, communication on phone, communication with children, national non-verbal system, etc.). The set of the communicative spheres to be described and of the standard communicative situations is quite great, and the number of the described spheres and situations is determined by the practical considerations. This model is convenient for the applied purposes - for popular-and-scientific description of the communicative behavior of people, professional or age group and for didactic purposes. In the situational model, the verbal and non-verbal communicative behavior are considered and described separately.

The aspectual model assumes the description of the communicative behavior in the context of the aspects a priori singled out by the researcher, the main ones being verbal and non-


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (22), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

verbal, and also productive (what they say), receptive (what they understand), normative (which norms are observed), and the reactive one (the description of the communicative response to the one or other communicative situations).

The parametric model assumes a formalized system description of the communicative behavior based on some set of factors assigned by the researcher. The communicative behavior of any people, any group of native speakers, any individual personality can be described according to the parametric model.

Within the framework of the parametric model, there are singled out communicative factors, communicative parameters and communicative features. The basics for the description are the communicative features (actions and facts) identified from the actual material on the empirical basis. These features are systematized and generalized into the parameters, and the parameters - into the factors. Thus, we obtain a generalized model of the communicative behavior built "from bottom to top" and representing a systematic, ordered generalization of the revealed peculiarities of the communicative behavior.

In principle, the parametric model is the theoretical basis for the specific description of the communicative behavior of any people or social group, and the situational-and-thematic and aspectual models provide the material for the generalization used for creating the parametric description of the communicative behavior, so that all the three models do not exclude, but presuppose and complement each other.

The situational model is the most informative and convenient for the initial stage of the study, while the parametric model in its formalized form allows us to briefly sum up the description.

In the process of researching the national communicative behavior, it gradually becomes clear that not only different ethnic groups, but also different age, gender, professional, regional groups of native speakers have the specificity of the communicative behavior. The researchers of the communicative behavior come to the conclusion that it is possible and necessary to analyze the peculiarities of communication of individual groups of people; so, there appeare researches of the group communication behavior.


The object of the research is anthropocentric studies in modern communicative linguis-


The subject of the study is the communicative personality in the context of the anthropocentric approach.

The purpose of the study is to analyze some modern approaches to the communicative study of the individual and to substantiate the concept communicative personality.

The material for the research is the concepts of modern communicative linguistics in the field of the anthropocentric linguistic paradigm. The actual material of the study is the communicative behavior of A.P. Chekhov, reflected in his correspondence and reminiscences of contemporaries.

Methods of the research are text analysis, total sampling and generalization.

Results of the study

In modern communicative linguistics, in addition to the concept communicative behavior, there has been formed the concept linguistic personality, introduced by Yu.N. Karaulov into the linguistic usage. At the end of the last century, the concept linguistic personality led to a noticeable intensification of the researches on linguistic behavior of various linguistic-and- cultural types of native speakers.

So, in Volgograd theoretical-and-linguistic school of axiological linguistics, the concept linguo-cultural type is formed (the term of V.I. Karasik). V.I. Karasik and O.A. Dmitrieva characterize the linguo-cultural type as follows: "one can distinguish linguo-cultural types, recognizable images of the representatives of a certain culture, whose totality constitutes the culture of the one or the other society" [7, p. 8].


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (22), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

As the authors point out, "The linguo-cultural type is manifested through the communicative behavior, the most important component of which is the verbal series [7, p. 21].

Volgograd scientific school of Prof. V.I. Karasik has done a description of a great number of linguo-cultural types of Russian, English, American and other cultures. So, only in the collection "Axiological Linguistics: Linguistic Cultural Types" [8], there are described such types as Russian intellectual, English aristocrat, French bourgeois, English knight, Russian official, military man, Russian nobleman, English businessman, American superman, American cowboy, housewife, eccentric, English colonial employee, Kalmyk nomad, snob, fop, buffoon, fan, manager, boss.

The collective monograph "Linguo-Cultural Types: Features, Characteristics, Values" [9] describes such linguo-cultural types as Russian entrepreneur, American lawyer, American gangster, English snob, the British queen, English butler, English vicar, Hollywood star, Chinese healer, gypsy, aristocrat, politician, lamer, web designer, member of Young Communist League, evil mother-in-law, fop, sloven. The researches of such types as "American pioneer"; linguo-cultural types of Russia and France of the 19th century; "schoolteacher; "Cossack"; "Joker" and others have also been published.

Thus, the linguo-cultural type is manifested through the communicative behavior, and this is the description of a certain type of the communicative behavior of some type of personalities.

The further development of the communicative researches has led linguists to understand that the description of not only group, but also individual communicative behavior is of interest. The first works have been published in this direction [10-15]. These and other studies have led to the formation of the concept communicative personality.

Another important stage in the development of the research of the communicative personality has been the formation of the concept "linguistic personality", which had been introduced into the linguistic use by Yu.N. Karaulov.

The term "linguistic personality", as V.V. Krasnykh notes, today belongs to the number of "fashionable" ones, but at the same time there is a very significant dispersion in its usage - from the ego, the author of the text, the native speaker to the linguistic picture of the world, the linguistic consciousness and self-consciousness, and the mentality of people [16, p.149].

The linguistic personality is understood as "the totality of the abilities and characteristics of a person determining the creation and perception of speech products (texts), which differ: a) in the degree of structural-and-linguistic complexity; b) in the depth and accuracy of reflecting the reality; and c) in the certain purposeful direction" [17, p. 3]. In this case, the linguistic personality is considered not as a part of the many-sided understanding of the personality, but as "a kind of valuable representation of the individual, containing in itself mental, and social, and ethics and other components, but refracted through the language, the discourse" [17, p. 7].

In connection with the popularity of the term linguistic personality and Yu.N. Karaulov`s scientific authority, the word-combination linguistic personality appears in the names of many domestic linguistic studies. In this case, the actual content of the majority of such studies invariably includes the communicative manifestations of the personality as an integral part of the description being carried out. And in the classical definition of the linguistic personality, Yu.N. Karaulov points to the discourse as a manifestation of the linguistic personality: "a kind of valuable representation of the individual, containing mental, and social, and ethics and other components, but refracted through the language, t h e d i s c o u r s e " (italicized by us - A.K. ) [17, p. 7].

In these cases, the study of the communicative behavior of the individual obtains actually a narrower name - the study of linguistic personality.

Many researchers in similar situations, feeling the actual extension of the subject of their own research up to the communicative aspect, began gradually using other terms - for example, the term verbal personality.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (22), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

"The verbal personality is the individual realizing him/herself in communication, choosing and implementing one or another strategy and tactics of communication, choosing and using one or another set of means (both linguistic and extra-linguistic ones)" [18, p. 51]; "if the linguistic personality is a paradigm of verbal personalities, then, on the contrary, the verbal personality is a linguistic personality in the paradigm of real communication" [19, see 59].

A number of studies use the term speech portrait, and the term idiostyle: sociolinguistic portrait is also found.

In this connection, we consider the term communicative personality to be the most successful and adequate one; it specifically points out the fact that the communicative manifestations of the personality are being investigated and described.

This term has already received a certain application in communicative linguistics [20-22, etc.], although it requires more precise terminological definition.

According to V.B. Kashkin, the communicative personality is "the totality of individual communicative strategies and tactics, cognitive, semiotic, motivational preferences, formed in the communication processes as the communicative competence of the individual, his/her "communicative passport" and "visiting card". Communicative personality is the content, center and the unity of communicative acts, which are directed to the other communicative personalities - the communicative figure [20, p. 127].

V.I. Karasik distinguishes the linguistic and communicative personality as follows: the linguistic personality can be regarded in the conditions of communication as the communicative personality. V.I. Karasik defines the communicative personality as a generalized image of the bearer of cultural-and-linguistic and communicative activities, values, knowledge, purposes and behavioral reactions [21, p.26].

Introducing the term linguo-cultural type into the research practice, V.I. Karasik points out that it has some generality with the above terms, and at the same time it differs from them: "The theory of linguo-cultural types is the development of the theory of the linguistic personality in the context of linguo-cultural studies and synthesizes the achievements of linguistics, literary criticism, sociology, psychology and culturology. The concept "linguo-cultural type" intersects with the concepts "linguistic personality", "model personality", "role", "stereotype", "occupation", "character", "image" and "speech portrait". The most important semantic distinctions of the concept "linguo-cultural type" consist in the typifying of a certain personality, the significance of this personality for culture, the presence of a valuable component in the concept that fixes such a person, the possibility of his/her both actual and fictional existence, the possibility of his/her concretization in a real individual or in a character of a fiction, the possibility of his/her simplified and ludicrous representation, the possibility of his/her description with the help of some special methods of sociolinguistic and linguistic-and-culturological analysis" [7, p. 23].

Our research uses the term communicative personality in our research. By communicative personality we mean the personality of a particular individual, that is characterized by some specific communicative behavior. The description of the communicative behavior of a particular person is the description of the communicative personality in question. In this regard the linguistic personality is a part of the communicative personality, one of the components. Linguo-cultural type acts as a collective, group, but not an individual portrait of a person. The rest of the above terms, in particular, the speech portrait, idiostyle are considered by us as the synonyms with the term communicative personality.

At present, an urgent task is to study the communicative personality in all manifestations. Such a study poses the task of defining the concept communicative personality in a series of similar concepts, developing a method for describing the communicative personality, both typical and individual ones, creating a model for such a description and testing it in practice in describing the specific communicative personality.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (22), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

Our research is devoted to the description of the communicative personality of A.P. Chekhov. This is a man who was remembered by his contemporaries not only as an outstanding writer, but also as the most interesting and original personality having influenced the Russian society and a great number of people who surrounded him.

A.P. Chekhov is not deprived of researchers` attention, the number of works about him is very great. There are many literary works on his creative genius, artistic language, linguistic works on the stylistic peculiarities of his texts, but these works are on the creativity and artistic language of the writer, but not on his communicative personality. A.P.Chekhov's prose has many works devoted to the comic [23; 24; 25, etc.]. Attention of the researchers was also repeatedly attracted by A.P. Chekhov`s correspondence [26; 27, etc.].

But this is not a characteristics of the communicative personality of the writer either, this is a description of a particular aspect of his communicative activity.

Nowadays the works on the description of A.P. Chekhov as a communicative personality is not presented in linguistics. At the same time, it is rather interesting and important to describe A.P. Chekhov in the communicative plan:

as a bright personality in communication,

as a very sociable person,

as a creative communicative personality,

as a communicative person, disposed to language games and experiments with a word,

as a person disposed to humor in communication,

as a representative of the communicative type the Russian intellectual of the 19th centu-


The study of A.P. Chekhov`s communicative personality is conducted by us on the basis of his correspondence and the analysis of the reminiscences about the author.

Many recollections have been preserved about A.P. Chekhov, as well as 4,400 letters written for 29 years - from 1875 to 1904 that can be sufficiently reliable material for describing his communicative personality. The materials were the letters written by A.P. Chekhov for 22 years (from 1875 to 1897), published in the many-volume edition: [1*] A.P. Chehov. Polnoe sobranie sochinenij i pisem: v 30-ti tomah. Pis'ma: v 12-ti tomah / pod red. N.F. Bel'chikova. T.1-6. – M.: Nauka, 1974-1978.

Besides, the following reminiscences of the writer's contemporaries have been analyzed: A.P. Chehov v vospominanijah sovremennikov / sost., podgot. teksta i komment. N. Gitovich.

– M.: Hudozh. lit., 1986. – 735 s. [2*]; Vokrug Chehova / sost., vstup. st. i primech. E.M. Saharovoj. – M.: Pravda, 1990. – 656 s. [3*]; A.F. Koni Vospominanija o pisateljah / A.F. Koni. – M.: Pravda, 1989. – 656 s. [4*]; K.I. Chukovskij Sovremenniki. Portrety Portrety i jetjudy / I.K. Chukovskij. –M.: Molodaja gvardija, 1963. -704 s. [5*].

In all 2,033 letters of A.P. Chekhov and the reminiscences of 47 of his contemporaries (1,390 pages) have been studied.

The description is carried out in the form of the presentation and illustration of the dominant features of the writer`s communicative personality.

D o m i n a n t f e a t u r e s of the writer`s communicative personality are such characteristics of his communicative personality that are presented in the materials of the research (in texts and recollections): 1) the most frequently, 2) the least contradictorily.

The description of А.P. Chekhov`s communicative personality is the result of the successive application of the following research procedures (models):

-the revealing of the entire set of the facts of the writer`s communicative behavior, obtained when analyzing his correspondence and reminiscences about him by the method of total sampling;

-the subsequent analysis of the entire set of the established facts in order to reveal among them the dominant ones - the most frequent, communicatively meaningful, being more or less consistently described by the materials of both letters and recollections;


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (22), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

-the classification of established communicative facts on the generalized parameters of the communicative behavior, relevant for A.P. Chekhov`s communicative behavior;

-the formation of the model for describing A.P. Chekhov`s communicative personality as a certain sequence of describing parameters and features;

-the description of the writer`s communicative personality according to the developed model by illustrating the dominant features of the communicative personality by established parameters, and inside them - by the communicative features, using the most typical examples from the texts of letters, recollections or in the form of a brief generalizing commentary confirming this feature;

-the generalization of the description received in the form of a concise description of the writer`s communicative image - singling out the main tendencies of the manifestation of the writer`s communicative personality in the form of an informative list of the constituents of his communicative image, i.e the image in which he appears to his interlocutors.

Here is the example of describing the dominant characteristics of A.P.Chekhov`s com-

municative personality according to the parameter A s p i r a t i o n t o C o m m u n i c a t i o n . A s p i r a t i o n t o C o m m u n i c a t i o n

S t r i v i n g f o r n e w a c q u a i n t a n c e s

«Необыкновенно скорый на знакомства и дружбы, он в первые же годы своей жизни в Москве перезнакомился буквально со всею Москвою, со всеми слоями московского общества, а заодно изучил и Бабкино, и Чикино, и Воскресенск, и Звениго-

род…» [5*, p. 8] / "Being unusually quick on acquaintance and friendship, in the very first years of his life in Moscow, he got acquainted literally with the whole of Moscow, with all layers of Moscow society, and at the same time he studied Babkino, and Chikino, and Voskresensk, and Zvenigorod ..." [5 *, p. 8];

«Без этой феноменальной общительности, без этой постоянной охотой якшаться с любым человеком, без этого жгучего интереса к биографиям, нравам, разговорам, профессиям сотен и тысяч людей он, конечно, никогда не создал бы той грандиозной энциклопедии русского быта восьмидесятых и девяностых годов, которая называется мелкими рассказами Чехова» [5*, p. 9] / "Without this phenomenal sociability, without this constant hunt for consorting with any person, without this burning interest in biographies, customs, conversations, occupations of hundreds and thousands of people, he would certainly never have created that grandiose encyclopedia of Russian life of the 80`s and 90`s that is called the short stories of Chekhov" [5 *, p. 9];

«Наблюдаю пчел и людей, среди которых я чувствую себя чем-то вроде Миклухи-

Маклая» (Чеховым) – [1*, V. 2; p. 76] / "I observe bees and people, among whom I feel like something a kind of Miklukha-Maclay" (to the Chekhovs) [1*, V. 2; p. 76].

L o v e f o r s p e n d i n g t i m e i n c o m p a n i e s

«Не поехать ли нам в Красково в четверг? Если Вы не прочь, то я стану собирать компанию» (Ф.О. Шехтелю) – [1*, V. 1; p. 237] / "Wouldn`t we go to Kraskovo on Thursday? If you don`t object, then I will begin gathering the company" (to F.O Shekhtel)

- [1 *, V. 1; p. 237];

«Путешествие за границей обходится гораздо дешевле, чем, например, поездка на Волгу. Я часто думаю: не собраться ли нам большой компанией и не поехать ли за границу? Это было бы и дешево, и весело. Я, Потапенко, Маша, Вы и т. д., и т. д.

Как Вы думаете?» (Н.М. Линтваревой) – [1*, V. 5; p. 322] / "Travel abroad is much cheaper than, for example, a trip to the Volga. I often think: wouldn`t we gather with a


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (22), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

big company and go abroad? It would be both cheaper and more gaily. Me, Potapenko, Masha, you, etc., and etc. What do you think?" (to N.M. Lintvareva) - [1 *, V. 5; p. 322];

«А.П. Чехов был очень общителен и любил «компанию». В компании не отказывался и выпить, хотя пил очень умеренно. <…> Иногда к нашей компании примыкали новые и новые люди, чьи-нибудь знакомые; составлялись столы, настроение подвинчивалось. Какие-нибудь «шашлыки» кончались поездкой за город и потом продолжительным присестом за «кофеем» в «Центральной» гостинице. Чехов никогда не отставал от «теплой» компании» (В.А. Фаусек) [1*, p. 261-262] / "A.P. Chekhov was a very sociable man and he loved the "company." Being in the company he did not refuse to drink, although he did it very moderately. <...> Sometimes our company was joined by new and new people, somebody's acquaintances; tables were laid, the mood was raised. Some "shashliks" ended up with a trip outside the city and then with a long sitting for "coffee" in the "Central" hotel. Chekhov has never lost touch with the "warm" company" (V.A. Fausek) [1*, p. 261-262].

«Он, например, в один из своих приездов в Петербург подвигнул здешних беллетристов хоть раз в месяц собираться на общие обеды. В Москве он привык этот день проводить в шумном обществе товарищей по Московскому университету, и привычка эта была так сильна в нем, что он, несмотря на то, что дела этого не позволяли, чуть было не укатил на один вечер в Москву. Он отказался от этой мысли только тогда, когда ему удалось уговорить группу петербургских беллетристов собраться в этот день где-нибудь в ресторане для общего обеда, что и было исполнено. И этому обеду суждено было сделаться «учредительным», так как от него пошел целый ряд регулярно повторявшихся обедов. Они назывались «беллет-

ристическими» (И.Н. Потапенко) [1*, p. 333] / "He, for example, in one of his visits to St. Petersburg, roused the local fiction writers to gather for general dinners at least once a month. In Moscow, he used to spend that day in the noisy society of his friends on Moscow University, and this habit was so strong in him that he, despite the fact that things did not allow it, almost drove off to Moscow for one evening. He refused this idea only when he managed to persuade the group of St. Petersburg fiction writers to gather that day somewhere in a restaurant for a general dinner, that was done. And this dinner was destined to become "constituent", because it originated a number of regularly repeated dinners. They were called "fiction" (I. Potapenko) [1*, p. 333].

L o v e f o r l o n g c o n v e r s a t i o n s

«Суворин толковал со мной от 9 часов вечера до 1 часа ночи непрерывно. Беседа интересная в высшей степени» (Чеховым) – [1*, V. 2; p. 38] / "Suvorin was uninterruptedly talking with me from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The conversation was very interesting" (to the Chekhovs) [1 *, V. 2; p. 38];

«Живу в Феодосии у генерала Суворина. <…> Целый день проводим в разговорах. Ночь тоже. И мало-помалу я обращаюсь в разговорную машину. Решили мы уже все вопросы и наметили тьму новых, еще никем не поднятых вопросов. Говорим, говорим, говорим и, по всей вероятности, кончим тем, что умрем от воспаления языка и голосовых связок» (И.Л. Леонтьеву-Щеглову) [1*, V. 2; p. 297] / "I live in Theodosia at General Suvorin. <...> We spend talking the whole day. Night, too. And little by little I turn into a conversation car. We have already decided all the problems and have outlined ten thousand of new issues, never raised by anybody yet. We talk, talk, talk and, in all likelihood, end up by dying from inflammation of the tongue and vocal cords"

(to I.L. Leontiev-Shcheglov) - [1*, V. 2; p. 297].

T h e d e s i r e t o i n v i t e a n i n t e r l o c u t o r t o v i s i t


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (22), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

«Я положительно не могу жить без гостей. Когда я один, мне почему-то становится страшно, точно я среди великого океана солистом плыву на утлой ладье»

(А.С. Суворину) [1*, V. 3; p. 223] / "I positively cannot live without guests. When I am quite alone, for some reason, I am seized by fear, as if I'm swimming quite alone in the middle of a great ocean on a frail boat " (to A.S. Suvorin) [1*, V. 3; p. 223];

«Он был барственно гостеприимен и во всяком умел найти хорошие качества. Это подкупало. В его квартире происходило множество встреч, собраний, обедов,

ужинов» (Вл. И. Немирович-Данченко) [2*, p. 289] / "He was a lordly hospitable man and could find good qualities in everything. It won all our hearts. There were many meetings, gatherings, lunches and dinners in his apartment" (V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko) [2*, p. 289];

«У Антона Павловича был вечно накрытый стол, либо для завтрака, либо для чая. <…> Приезжали, уезжали. Кончался один завтрак, подавали другой; Мария Павловна разрывалась на части, а Ольга Леонардовна, как верная подруга или как будущая хозяйка дома, с засученными рукавами деятельно помогала по хозяйству»

(К.С. Станиславский) – [2*, p. 389] / "Anton Pavlovich always had the table laid, either for breakfast or for tea. <...> They arrived and left. One meal ended, another was served; Maria Pavlovna was everywhere at once, and Olga Leonardovna, as a faithful friend or as the future mistress of the house actively helped with her sleeves rolled up in the household" (K.S. Stanislavsky) [2*, p. 389];

«Он был очень гостеприимен, любил, когда у него оставались обедать, и умел угощать на свой особенный лад, просто и радушно» (А.И. Куприн) [2*, p. 520] / "He was very hospitable, and loved when his friends stayed for dinner, and he knew how to treat to his own special way, simply and cordially" (A.I. Kuprin) [2*, p. 520].

A.P. Chekhov's invitations of an interlocutor are very expressive in their emotionality. The most typical communicative methods of "luring" the addressee to be a guest are the following:

• persuasion

«Право, нужно быть большим крокодилом, чтобы подобно Вам коптеть теперь в городе. Послушайте, отчего бы Вам не приехать? Если у Вас есть 70 рублей, то уверяю Вас, этих денег совершенно достаточно, чтобы приехать, пожить в свое удовольствие и благополучно вернуться. Если же у Вас нет этих денег, то возьмите взаймы, украдите, но приезжайте. Потратите Вы 70 р., но вернете 700»

(И.Л. Леонтьеву-Щеглову) [1*, V. 2; p. 267] / "Indeed, one has to be a big crocodile, to vegetate like you in town now. Listen, why don`t you come? If you have 70 rubles, then I assure you, this money is quite enough to come, to live for your own pleasure and to safely return. If you do not have this money, then borrow, steal, but come. You will spend 70 rubles, but you will get back 700" (to I.L. Leontiev-Shcheglov) [1*, V. 2; p. 267];

«Итак, я еду в Украину, а Вы, крокодил, остаетесь в тундре… Зачем Вы остаетесь? К чему? Не говорите мне, что у Вас нет денег на дорогу… Безденежье не может быть препятствием. Надо только решиться… Если у Вас есть 100 руб., то поезжайте. На еду и карманные расходы Вы заработаете на месте…»

(И.Л. Леонтьеву-Щеглову) [1*, V. 2; p. 246] / "So, I'm going to Ukraine, and you, a crocodile, stay in the tundra ... Why do you stay? For what? Do not tell me that you have no money for the journey ... Lack of money cannot be an obstacle. You should just make up your mind... If you have 100 rubles, then go. For food and pocket expenses you will earn on the spot ..." (to I.L. Leontiev-Shcheglov) [1*, V. 2; p. 246].