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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (22), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

their own path of fulfilling the role assumed and to understand mistakes that were made. In addition to real communication with students the teacher can simultaneously watch the work of all the groups in their presentations that are in his/her "virtual disk Google" writing comments to the slides of the presentation about design and content, directing communication in chats to the right topic and answering questions being both in and out of the classroom. The "virtual disk Google" tools allow the teacher to log into his/her Google account from any mobile device, laptop or computer and monitor teamwork as well as learners to continue to work on the project at any time from anywhere.

The third final stage of the interdisciplinary project work based on Internet technologies is devoted to evaluating the results of the project and the overall progress of work. The teacher evaluates the efforts of each participant, small groups and the team as a whole.

The work on an interdisciplinary project based on Internet technologies provides conditions for self-construction and self-growth of students' knowledge when they have to perform tasks slightly exceeding their abilities with recommendations and flexible control of the teacher and collective research work. In the course of work on an interdisciplinary project participants face non-standard situations created by the teacher and arising in the process of both working with Internet resources and communicating with other members of the group. This requires constant rising above themselves and putting intellectual, creative and emotional efforts. Knowledge, skills and qualities gained in this way become personal creating the basis for further self-development.

Analytical activity of students in the process of collective work on an interdisciplinary project based on Internet technologies can be represented by the following sequence: specification of the object and subject of analysis - making hypotheses - choice of analysis methods - providing evidence - making conclusions.

Definition of the concepts and components of the methodology of an interdisciplinary project based on Internet technologies and theoretical provision of a rational for its implementation in the process of developing foreign language professional and communicative competence make it possible to graphically present the scheme of the methodology.

Methodology of an interdisciplinary project based on Internet technologies

to teach a professional foreign language to bachelor students of a technical university


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (22), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093


The described methodology of the interdisciplinary project based on Internet technologies is implemented in the process of teaching a professional foreign language and includes the following components: integrative approach that preconditions such didactic principles as cooperative learning, self-study, collective work, awareness, feedback, correlation of educational programs for teaching a professional foreign language and profile disciplines, individualization and differentiation; successive students learning activity to gain knowledge, skills, personal qualities necessary to solve foreign language professional communicative tasks when working on the interdisciplinary project based on Internet technologies at all stages (preparatory, research, final) of the project; teaching tools - traditional and computer (equipment and directly multimedia computer programs, Internet, in particular, "virtual disk Google") and pedagogical control.

In the context of the described methodology the teacher acts as an organizer and coordinator of independent, communicative, creative learning activity of students but not as a mentor


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (22), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

and source of information. Communicative basis, authenticity of the key problem and use of modern Internet services in an interdisciplinary project encourage students to make more efforts to work out the right solution and focus on the relevant material discarding irrelevant information. In the course of work on the interdisciplinary project students have to master missing skills which leads to self-construction and self-growth of knowledge. Providing links to Internet resources from different and sometimes opposite contexts the teacher directs the work of students to establish associative, thematic and interdisciplinary connections which allows them to logically build and transfer their knowledge from one context to another.

The result of implementing described methodology in the process of teaching a professional foreign language in a technical university will be development of elements of foreign language professional and communicative competence that makes a graduate-bachelor competitive in the international labor market and be able to successfully participate in foreign language professional communication.

The developed methodology can be used not only in the process of teaching a professional foreign language to bachelor students in a technical university but also linguistics students, students of refresher courses in the field of "Modern Educational Technologies", students of language courses, in specialized classes of vocational schools, when developing original courses and electives on the discipline "Professional foreign language".


[1]Fomina Z.E., Kozlova V.V. Yazykovoe obrazovanie v tekhnicheskom vuze (na primere dopolnitel'noj specializacii "Perevodchik v sfere professional'noj kommunikacii"): opyt

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[9]Kukulska-Hulme A., Norris L., Donohue J. Mobile pedagogy for English language teaching: a guide for teachers. – UK: British Council, 2015. – 41 p.

[10]Raickaya L.K. Internet-resursy v prepodavanii anglijskogo yazyka v vysshej shkole: klassifikaciya, kriterii, ocenki, metodika ispol'zovaniya: Monografiya / L.K. Raickaya. – M.: Izd-vo MGIMO (U) MID Rossii, 2007. – 190 s.

[11]Kachalov N.A. Metodicheskaya organizaciya kompleksa uprazhnenij po razvitiyu umenij govoreniya i pis’mennoj rechi / N.A. Kachalov // Vestnik TomGPU. – 2013. – Vyp. 7 (135). – S. 143–145.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (22), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

Analysed sources

[1*] FGOS VO po napravleniyam bakalavriata [EHlektronnyj resurs] URL: http://fgosvo.ru/fgosvo/92/91/4 (data obrashcheniya: 15.11.2017).

[2*] Obrazovatel'nyj standart Tomskogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta [EHlektronnyj resurs] URL: https://tpu.ru/education/activity/standart (data obrashcheniya: 9.08.2018).

UDC 81’42



N.M. Tsarenko, S.V. Shustova


Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University, English Language Department, Assistant Professor,

Natalia M. Tsarenko

e-mail: shibalovanata6a@mail.ru

Perm State University,

Doctor of Philology, Linguodidactics Deparment Svetlana V. Shustova

e-mail: lanaschust@mail.ru


Statement of the problem. The article deals with the question of functional potential of grammar discourse markers as a means of formation and development of grammar competence. The authors describe realization of didactic, particularly methodical and specific principles in development of grammar competence taking students' book "Total English" of Intermediate level as basic.

Results. The authors distinguish pragmatic idioms “Could you…?”, “Would you …?”, “Would you like …?”, “Would you mind …?. They identify their pragmatic functions (etiquette, motivation for action, reproach / regret, possibility, conventionality, desire satisfaction, question). The article describes pragmatic potential of the modal verbs of the English language can, could, should, may, might, must, taking into account realization of some pragmatic functions. Analysis of the students' book "Total English" of Intermediate level also demonstrates presence of lexical discourse markers: in general, luckily, unfortunately, firstly, etc.

Conclusion. Suggested system of exercises in the students' book "Total English" does not allow to form grammar competence with reference to pragmatic functions of discourse markers. Exercises with discourse markers usage taking into account realization of their pragmatic functions are recommended to be included.

Key words: grammar competence, communicative competence, pragmatization, the English language, cognitive student's activity, grammar discourse markers, pragmatic function, pragmalinguodidactics, pragmatic idiom, discourse.

For citation: Tsarenko N.M., Shustova S.V. Discourse markers as a means of development of grammatical competence: pragmalinguistic approach / N.M. Tsarenko, S.V. Shustova // Scientific Journal “Modern linguistic and methodical-and-didactic researches”. – 2018. - №3 (22). – P. 77 - 84.


Discourse markers (дискурсивные маркеры, connectives, operators, pragmatic markers,


© Tsarenko N.M., Shustova S.V., 2018


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (22), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

formatives, Diskurspartikel, Gesprächswörter, Gliederungsignal) are language items, used in the utterance for structuring of the discourse. Such dependent language items as conjunctions, interjections and adverbs are supposed to be discoursive markers. Discoursive markers unit does not have particularly stated boarders; their functional potential is not researched from the point of view of pragmalinguadidactics. Synchronically and diachronically they are polyfunctional [see, e.g., 1, S. 173].

Discoursive markers are a complex auxiliary system of discourse represented by the communicative items of different parts of speech and levels of organization providing additional information for utterance interpretation. In earlier works we have justified the usage of the term "discoursive marker". These language items are used in discourse, structure it, express particular pragmatic functions and so to say mark the meanings, transmit additional intentional information. Cognitive element of discoursive markers forms the discourse participants' image of the context, communicative act and utterance logic.

Cognitive linguistics has recognized inseparable unity of language and human mental organization. There are only two ways of stating relations between language activity and cognitive processes: from thinking to language and from language to thinking. As there is still little information about thinking language can become a source of knowledge. Postulate on the cognitive motivation of language form exists [2, с. 31–32]. Language expresses thoughts and is a means of thought and knowledge exchange [3, p. 88, 190].

According to cognitive approach to foreign language education learning process regularities and peculiarities of mental (intellectual and emotional) activity of students are taken into account. Cognitive approach to foreign language education leads to optimum organization of students' learning actions corresponding natural human learning behaviour. Moreover, in Russian tradition of linguadidactics cognitivity is understood in a broad sense distinguishing particular levels: rule, meaning, speech activity, social, cultural and student cognitive style levels. Cognitivity levels coincide with the elements of communicative competence, which proves that cognitive processes influence on its formation. We can conclude that communicative competence includes cognitive element [4, с. 41–42].

Discoursive markers are indicators of metalinguistic activity in the consciousness (conscious) of the speaker.

Discoursive markers do not form discrete unit of language items because they belong to different parts of speech. They can be conjunctions (and, but, or, because), adverbs (now, then, so, basically, particularly), particles (oh, well), introductory sentences (you know, I mean, by the way, anyway, really, in other words), modal verbs (can, must, could, may, might, should), fixed expressions (Would you mind...?, Could you... ?, Would you ...? and sentences (it is widely accepted that , there is no doubt that…).

Modal verbs are referred to as items of speech etiquette and as syncretic discoursive markers (Can I open the door? May I come in? Couldn’t you repeat this again, please? He must be at home and etc.). Infinitive constructions (to begin with, to sum up, to be sure, etc.), adverbs of degree of certainty (definitely, certainly, probably, etc.), and tag-questions (disjunctive) (They're not actually losing much by giving to us, are they?) we find as discoursive markers.

Essence of the suggested topic can be explained by linguistic and extra linguistic factors. Foreign languages education is teaching usage of means of communication. Communicative and cognitive approach is regarded as the one of the most current nowadays for reaching the earlier mentioned aim of foreign languages education. Language information the same as any other kind of information undergoes the same cognitive laws thus foreign language education should be organized due to cognitive process. Pragmatisation of educational process leads to formation and development of pragmalinguistic competence approximates it to the conditions of real communication. Thus, necessity of including such speech units and language items


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (22), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

which can contribute to the success of intercultural communication and minimize communication failures arises.

Educational process is based on certain principles that determine achievement of particular results. In the context of pragmalinguadidactics specific practical recommendations that are not included in the learning process are needed [e.g., 5, p. 79−91].


Formation of skills of grammar competence is of a phased, stadial nature. Such linguists as N.D. Galskova [6], O.A. Kaplun (2011) [7], E.I. Passov (1991) [8], O.V. Sycheva (2016) [9], J.C. Richards, W.A. Renandya (2002) [10] and others identify three stages: presentation, practice, production (PPP). This implies that the student is an active participant in the learning process of a foreign language, carrying out communicative activities on the formation of grammatical skills on a cognitive basis.

The object of the analysis is the pragmatic potential of discursive markers of the English language.

The subject of the analysis is the identification and description of the pragmatic functions of discoursive markers of the English language, presented in the Intermediate level course book

“Total English” [1 *].

The aim of the proposed work is to substantiate the approaches to the development of system of exercises aimed at the formation of grammar competence based on discoursive markers in the process of foreign languages education.

To achieve this aim the following tasks are implemented:

to conduct a theoretical analysis of research on the problem of applying the communicative and cognitive approach, taking into account the pragmatic component of development of the grammar competence of students-linguists;

to justify the expediency of teaching grammar discoursive markers in aspect of development of grammar competence;

to characterize the pragmatic potential of grammar discoursive markers;

to implement the content analysis of discoursive markers in the “Total English” Intermediate educational complex.

Research methods: method of scientific observations (study of literature on the research topic), methods of induction and deduction, method of generalization, method of description (description of the essence of grammar competence and the role of discoursive markers in its development).

Results of the study

In the Intermediate level course book “Total English”, students receive receptive perception of grammatical material while listening or reading. This method of presentation can be considered relevant, as a linguistic guess develops, the prediction abilities, cognitive processes and the compensatory component of communicative competence are activated. A cognitive formation of a conceptual model of a grammar phenomenon occurs; the perception of the grammar phenomenon of the English language goes on a subconscious level. The next stage of work with a grammar phenomenon provides an opportunity to formulate the features of its use, pragmatic functions and structure by induction. This stage involves the active cognitive activity of students; the teacher guides the students, corrects their inferences and leads to the correct conclusions.

Then students begin to practice grammar phenomenon in the exercises. Training exercises are substitutive and transformational in nature, there are also correlation exercises. Exercises are considered linguistic and contribute to a more accurate understanding and assimilation of the form of a grammar phenomenon, they exclude targeted speech activity using the studied grammar phenomenon [1*].


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (22), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

Conditional-speech exercises are considered to be more effective: the participants of communication interact with each other, carrying out speech activity using foreign language. The speaker has a certain pragmatic task and often speaking is based on a pattern or example. True-speech exercises suggest the presence of strategy, interaction between the participants of communication, situationally, pragmatic and independence of statements [8, p. 142-159].

True-speech exercises in the “Total English” Intermediate course book have various forms: discussions, dialogical interaction, monologic utterance, survey and written reports [1*]. However, a number of true-speech exercises can be considered pseudo-communicative, since the motives of speech activity are created artificially, the need of the speaker to present a particular role and situation [11, p. 77].

At the stage of checking the formation of grammar competence in the course book, only language exercises are used, only the degree of acquisition of a particular grammar form is checked.

In general, the development of grammar competence is implemented in the course book in the aspect of the communicative and cognitive approach. The principles of complexity, consistency, intrinsic motivation through the pragmatization of the functions of language units and the conditional situational nature of the communication process are observed. The spiral progression of educational process, the primary acquaintance with grammar phenomenon through discourse and consciousness also corresponds to the principles of this approach. However, it is worth paying attention to the method of performing true-speech exercises: the student "plays" a certain role, performs the prescribed actions, so his independence is limited somehow.

The first group of grammar discoursive markers that need to be analyzed in the course book is the pragmatic idioms "Could you ...?", "Would you ...?", "Would you like ...?" and

"Would you mind ...?". Purposeful teaching of these discoursive markers is absent in the course book.

The verb could is considered in terms of ability and possibility in the past and a low degree of confidence, the function of regret is excluded from the learning process. Its etiquette pragmatic function is ignored, as well as the function of motivating to action and allowing action.

The verb would is studied and applied from the standpoint of an unreal condition in a subordinate clause (Conditionals I, II, I wish ...) and as a part of grammar discoursive marker “Would you like ...?”, where the main attention is focused on the features of using the lexical unit like. Probabilistic prediction function and etiquette function of this pragmatic marker are not traceable.

The pragmatic idiom “Would you mind ...?” is not reflected in the course book texts, respectively, students-linguists do not form an idea of pragmatic and grammar features of this idiom. Generalized data on the availability of studying pragmatic functions of pragmatic idioms are presented in Table 1.

Table 1.

Pragmatic idioms in the “Total English” Intermediate course book




P r a g m a t i c i d i o m s


F u n c t i o n s









«Would you

«Would you













Motivation for action






Request for permission to action





























Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue

3 (22), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093







Desire satisfaction












The development of grammar competence with a pragmatic component of the use of modal verbs involves the disclosure of many functions. The first function is probability function, which the author of the course book refers to the future tense, and is expressed by the verbs may, might and could. Then the modal verbs can and could are studied in terms of skill and ability, which is the main meaning of these verbs and has no pragmatic component of use. The etiquette function of these verbs is studied from the point of view of the communicative situation of making phone calls and orientation in the city, but the nuances of using each verb are not displayed.

Etiquette function and the function of allowing the action of the modal verb may are worth mentioning, which are also implemented in the situation of a telephone conversation. The actualization of these verbs in the speech activities of pragmatic functions occurs in roleplaying games - pseudo-communicative situations.

The pragmatic function of the verb could is considered in terms of permission of the action in the past. The verbs must and should are studied as elements of order, imperative advice and prohibition, which are their direct denotative meanings of these grammar phenomena. Pragmatic functions of the degree of confidence and probability, as well as the permission of action (for should) are not distinguished by the authors of the course book. The pragmatic function of regret using modal verbs is not reflected in the coursebook. Summarized data on the pragmatic functions studying of modal verbs are presented in Table 2.








Table 2.

Pragmatic functions of modal verbs in the Total English Intermediate textbook












P r a g m a t i c f u n c t i o n s




V e r b s




















Degree of confidence and probability









Motivation for action









The permission of the action and the possibility of









its commission





















For logical organization of one’s own discourse, objectivity, personal emotional evaluation and argumentation, the authors of the course book propose to use certain discoursive markers, which from grammar point of view do not cause difficulties, since they are lexical and are isolated in the sentence. Among them there are such initiating expressions as: in general, luckily, unfortunately, interestingly, (not) surprisingly, firstly, secondly, in conclusion. Infinitive grammar discoursive markers are absent in the course book.

Development of grammar competence in the use of lexical pragmatic markers definitely, certainly and probably, expressing a degree of confidence, is reflected in the course book. Presentation is carried out on the basis of discourse, then derivation of the rule is proposed in an inductive way on the basis of support, doing training (substitutional) exercises and then applying these discourse markers in written speech through group work followed by discussion.

The authors of the course book draw students' attention to differences in the syntactic structure of negative and affirmative statements using these discoursive markers at the stage of deriving the rules of use and pragmatic features.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (22), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

Final grammar discoursive marker that needs attention is tag-question. The functioning of the discoursive markers is presented in the discourse, which is a brief dialogue with gaps. This exercise activates the students' language guess, cognitive process, and a sense of language. Checking the correctness of the assignment is proposed by the authors of the course book through listening followed by the derivation of the rule based on the support. Training is carried out through substitution exercise.

Speech activity with the use of tag-questions is realized through a pseudo-communicative exercise, which does not create conditions for intrinsic motivation. The authors of the course book draw students' attention to the pragmatic potential of answering tag-questions, but do not comment on the intonation, which in real communication situation can convey true intentions of the speaker. Since the presentation of this grammar discoursive marker is accompanied by an audio recording, the teacher should pay attention to the differences in intonation when voicing a question in order to determine a pragmatic function: statement or question and degree of confidence.

The checking of the formation of grammar competence in the use of one or another grammar marker is carried out through substitution and transformational exercises, which does not objectively assess the ability to use these grammar discoursive markers in speech in terms of interpersonal communication.


As a result of the analysis of the availability of studying grammar discoursive markers in the “Total English” course book of the Intermediate level, it can be concluded that not all pragmatic functions are actualized, there is almost no studying of pragmatic idioms with modal verbs, no attention is paid to the intonational realization of pragmatic functions of tag-questions [1*].

Teaching pragmatic idioms of the English language, which include modal verbs, is extremely important, as they reflect the mentality of native speakers. It is well known that the British give great importance to the degree of politeness in appeals and requests, and pragmatic idioms are just carriers of this information. A native speaker clearly distinguishes degrees of politeness in such idioms as “Could you ...?” and “Would you ...?”, which also actualize such concepts as social status of the interlocutors, the environment, the nature of the interaction, and the temporary space. The pragmatic functions of the modal verbs must and should, the degree of confidence and probability of action, are also advisable to be used in connection with their frequency of use in various contexts (7409378 and 13422575 uses, accordingly) [12]. The use of infinitive grammaк discoursive markers is necessary from the point of view of the upcoming use of English in professional sphere: solving business issues, business meetings, participating in conferences and presenting research. These language units contribute to a clearer structuring of speech and emphasizing important information. Intonational features of tag-questions, with ignorance of their pragmatic functions, can lead to misunderstanding between interlocutors and misinterpretation of the statement as a whole, which can be called a pragmatic malfunction [13]. Involving more functions of the pragmatic potential of this or that discoursive marker contributes to the development of grammar competence, taking into account different speech registers (formal, neutral and informal).

In the course book “Total English” of the Intermediate level, staged development in the development of grammar competence is observed. There are language, conditional-speech and true-speech exercises accordingly each stage. We consider this fact as the optimal gradation of the exercise system for the development of grammar competence.

Language exercises should contribute to the formation of cognitive image of a discoursive marker: its language form, pragmatic functionality and syntactic features of use are assimilated. Conditional-speech exercises actualize the first attempts of students to incorporate discoursive markers into communication taking into account certain specified conditions. Truespeech exercises in the Intermediate level course book “Total English” with rare exceptions are


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (22), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

pseudo-communicative, that is, the communication process does not create conditions for the motivated personal involvement of students, communication does not cease to be conditional. In this connection, all the exercises of true-speech character should be based on the situation of communication and exclude the role predetermined behavior of the interlocutors. A communicative task is put before the students, but their behavior should not be clearly regulated and predetermined by “acting” the role. This can be achieved by creating a social situation of communication with the actualization of the following components of a speech act with elements of pragmatization:

what is needed to be expressed through a foreign language;

what language function should be implemented;

what the social function of the language in this situation is;

who talk to (to a friend, to a stranger, to a representative of the law, etc.);

the situation in which the conversation will take place (in the store, in the director's office, in the office, on the plane, etc.);

what time space is (time and space perspective regarding the time of year, time of day, past and future);

what the mood of the speaker at the moment is;

what the nature of the interaction is;

what area of the language will be affected;

what randomicity can happen in this situation.

Creating an environment as close as possible to reality in the classroom is quite problematic. Nevertheless, students should not be asked to present themselves in a particular role; it is better to refer to their life memories and life experiences. Any foreign language linguistic phenomenon is better remembered and activated if it is passed through the student’s own experience, his real memories, sensations and associations. Target setting involves discussing a particular topic, expressing opinions, describing one’s experience, life events, finding a solution to a problem, etc.

A good help for enhancing students' personal experience is the inductive derivation of the pragmatic functions of discoursive markers based on the situation of communication. As a situational component, the discourse can be considered together with its extralinguistic characteristics, which is quite carried out by the authors of the “Total English” course book at Intermediate level [1 *].

The prospects for the study of the functional potential of discoursive markers include the development of an integrated methodology for the formation of pragmalinguistic and the development of grammar competences by attracting material from different languages. The pragmatic potential of any discoursive marker lies in the complex of its functions, realized in the discourse. Grammar discoursive markers, in addition to pragmatic functions, can play a certain role in a sentence — predicative, initiating, and function of circumstance. Tag-questions can be considered not just grammar discoursive markers, but also grammatical-phonetic, since their intonation in the process of speech activity predetermines the interpretation and understanding or misunderstanding of the speaker's hidden intent. These discoursive markers can create certain syntactic problems in the construction of utterances that need to be identified, worked out and automated, translating the grammar skill into ability.


[1] Buβmann H. Lexikon der Sprachwissenschaft. Hrsg. von H. Buβmann. Dritte akt. u. erw. Auflage. − Stuttgart: Kröner, 2002. − 783 S.