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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 1 (28), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093

Nicolas Sarkozy: Je n’ai jamais été Premier ministre non plus. … (I've never been Prime Minister)

Ségolène Royal: Ne soyez pas condescendant.

(Don't be arrogant)

Nicolas Sarkozy: Je ne le suis pas du tout. – (I've never been)

3) eristems tu quoque (Who – Quand on m’a comparé à Franco, à Pétain, à are you?) Laval – et pourquoi pas Hitler ? vous n’avez

pas dit un mot. – ‘And you...’ [2*].

The third corpus consists of so-called paremic malapropisms [24] - statements of politicians, eristically perceived by civil society, which become, for example, the subject of national fun for the French. In the French media community, the memorization of political bloopers takes on the character of a national media game. The French national press club holds an annual competition for the most outstanding "phrase" (petite phrase) of politicians. This is another manifestation of eristic – eristic interpretation. Eristic interpretation is not always predictable and is associated with subjective evocativity, with individual associations. A typical example is the meme statements published by the French press club (pressclub.fr). When interpreting them, evocativity (associative meaning) is important, which triggers paradoxes of form or content. However, the semantic idiosyncrasy of evocative interpretation turns a neutral statement into a meme, interpreting it out of context and putting the occasional meaning of the interpreter into it. One of the sources of this eristic interpretation is the collection of bloopers of French politicians "Parlez-vous le politique: Le politique en version sous-titrée" [3*] ("Do you speak political language: the Language of politics in the version with subtitles"), quotes from which are given below translated by us:

(1)Politician: François Baroin, 10/08/11, à la sortie de la réunion «de travail» sur la situation économique et financière (Francois Baroin leaving a "workshop" on the economic and financial crisis in the country). Quote of malapropism:

Nous avons travaillé deux heures et quart ("We worked two hours and fifteen minutes").

Authors ' comments:

Pour bien montrer qu’au gouvernement, on n’hésite pas à consacrer à la crise un quart d’heure supplémentaire. C'est rassurant [3*, р.71] (it is said to show that the government is always ready to devote an extra quarter of an hour to the problems of the crisis without hesitation. This is encouraging);

(2)Politician: Marine Le Pen, 23/06/11, France 2.


Je me bats pour un avenir que j’offre aux français (I fight for the future I will give to the French people).

Authors' comments:

L’Altruiste [3*, p. 57];

(3) Politician: Dominique Voynet, 20/08/11, 20 minutes.fr. Quote:

Une campagne présidentielle, c’est bestial et inhumain (Presidential elections are something bestial, inhuman).

Authors' comments:

C’est masochiste, aussi : elle a été candidate deux fois (1995 et 2007). Fais-moi mal ?

[3*, р. 145] (this is masochism: she was a candidate twice in 1995 and 2007. Like "hurt me"?).


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 1 (28), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093

President Mr. Macron, of all his predecessors, had to stand by his words literally. His statements since his engagement in politics have attracted attention for their "irrelevance" from the point of view of their interpreters (journalists, opponents, social media, etc.). Eristemsmemes of Mr. Macron can make a small collection of "macronisms". In particular, the statement in which he compares the Lutheran Dutchmen (peuple luthérien) who are open to transformation with "Gauls who resist change" ("Gaulois réfractaires au changement") deserves a brief analysis. This irony was regarded by most French as "arrogant and contemptuous" ("Les

"Gaulois" vont se faire un plaisir de répondre à son arrogance et à son mépris!"- Marine Le Pen

(Le Monde, 29 août 2018) [4*] - The "Gauls" will be pleased to respond to his arrogance and contempt. - Marine Le Pen). (The prophecy came true: the same autumn, the "Gauls" put on "yellow vests"). Contextually, Macron's words in the presence of the Danish Queen sounded inappropriate (irrelevant), as they violated one of the postulates of communication — "do not belittle yourself in front of strangers". Self-irony implies mutual empathy on the part of the addressee, which, unfortunately, Mr. Macron cannot have: his statements receive an eristic interpretation (which is associated with the intentional and psychological pattern of his audience). A remark taken out of context becomes an occasion for serious media eristic and discredit of the President's image on the part of the opposition. "Arrogance" becomes the main media feature of Macron, who gets the nickname "Jupiter" ("Jupiter planete gazeuse") [4*].


Communicative eristic is primarily nonconventional speech behavior, that is, an intentionally directed deviant form (anomaly) of the expression plan or the content plan that creates internal tension (challenge, provocation) in the perception and interpretation of content – cognitive (mental) representation – and speech-language form.

Eristic behavior, having different functionality (routine communication, institutional communication-political debates, media eristic, etc.), has some invariant features that determine the type of eristic discursive personality. Conducted research [6; 10; 11; 12; 23; 24] allowed us to identify several features of an eristic cognitive and speech strategy consisting of intentional and speech components:

1)egocentrism and neglect of the partner's interests (ref. "centered personality type" - [8];

2)"expatia" means devalorization and discrediting of the partner;

3)paternalism, imperiousness, self-praise;

4)priori negation (prejudice);

5)emotional and expressive active rejection;

6)challenge (threat to the addressee's "positive image");

7)transgression means violation of rational (argumentative), ethical (detaboo) and speech and language (tropes, language game, etc.) norms;

8)negative speech and language range (paraverbalics, lexical and grammatical connotations, eristic metaphors, collocations, substandard or non-normative naming units, etc.);

9)discursive collision means a set of speech actions (tactics) that make up speech opposi-


10)increased intellectual level of the interactive frame;

11)theatricality ("communicative trope" - see [21]).

Eristic as a property of emotional intelligence and speech strategy is ambivalent and ambiguous, but it is undoubtedly important for image formation. Manifestations of the eristic can become part of the charisma and make the image of the leader light-hearted, emotional, witty, and emphasize the sense of humor in evocative speech acts-eristems. The study of the eristic tone of discourse, the structure and typology of eristems, functional and genre manifestations of the eristic in speech leads to the creation of a non-trivial theoretical system model that is an alternative to generalized ideas about speech aggression.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 1 (28), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093


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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 1 (28), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093

[20]Bern E. Igry, v kotorye igrayut lyudi. Lyudi, kotorye igrayut v igry. – M.: Spetsial'naya literatura, 1996.– 398 s.

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Analyzed sources

[ 1*] House Transcripts, URL: https://clinic-duty.livejournal.com/12225.html (время обращения – 19.12. 2019).

[ 2*] La transcription exhaustive du débat Nicolas Sarkozy vs Ségolène Royal, URL: http://www. liberation.fr/france/ 2007/05/02/la-transcription-exhaustive-du-debat_9771 (время обращения – 19.12. 2019).

[ 3*] Wattier P., Picard O. Parlez-vous le politique: Le politique en version sous-titrée. P.: Editions Chiflet & Cie, 2011. 239 p.

[ 4*] Comment Macron critique les Français quand il est à l’étranger, URL: https://www. youtube. com/watch?time_continue=2&v=3_6hDHIYSNg&feature=emb_logo (время обращения – 19. 12. 2019).


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 1 (28), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093


UDC 80=20



E.V. Sarafannikova, A.A. Padurets


Voronezh State Technical University Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor

of Foreign Languages and Technology of Translation Department Elena Vitalievna Sarafannikova

e-mail: famsar@vmail.ru

Voronezh State Technical University Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor

of Foreign Languages and Technology of Translation Department Anna Aleksandrovna Padurets

e-mail: annapadurets@yandex.ru


Statement of the problem. News media texts, as a result of certain discursive activities, are valuable material for linguistic analysis. The article defines the communicative category of authority, which is considered an integral attribute of the message, focuses on strategies to increase and decrease authority, and, in particular, examines the discursive marker y a k o b y and its contribution to the authority of news texts.

Results. As a result of the news items analysis, it was revealed that the discursive marker y a k o b y , along with the realization of its emotional-evaluative function, helps to reduce the credibility of information reported, creating additional information layer in the text, and also undermines the authority of the information source.

Conclusion. As a rule, in the media influence is disguised as information. Therefore, such analysis of ways to increase and decrease authority of information in the news allows us to understand the true intentions of the sender. The discursive marker y a k o b y is one of the means to influence the addressee by fulfilling its emotional evaluation function and also to implicate doubt in the credibility of the information reported. As a result, an additional information layer appears in the message. The ability to penetrate into this layer helps to perceive the information critically, which is a relevant skill in the wide media landscape.

Key words. Media, news discourse, news message, discursive markers, category of authority, discursive marker y a k o b y .

For citation: Sarafannikova E.V., Padurets A.A. Authority of news discourse (the case of discursive marker y a k o b y ) / E.V. Sarafannikova, A.A. Padurets // Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and- didactic Researches”. – 2020. - № 1 (28). – P. – 58 - 66.


Language and linguistic communication are the process of communicative interaction with the constant change of roles and therefore such communicative category as authority is one of the fundamental in this process. This category marks the degree of mutual influence of the participants in communication, it can be direct and indirect, and can reflect both the communicant authority and the source authority. The problem of authority in communication was highlighted in the cognominal multi-author book “Authority and Communication” edited by the professor of the VSU V.B. Kashkin [1].


© Sarafannikova E.V., Padurets A.A., 2020


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (28), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093

It presents the study of verbal and non-verbal means of expressing authority in various spheres: science, politics, media, advertising, education, and reveals both matching, universal strategies for increasing and lowering authority as well as specific markers of this category typical of this or that field. The category of authority extends to various types of discourse, in the analysis of which we rely on the works of T.A. van Dyck, V.I. Karasik, V.B. Kashkin, I.N. Borisova.

Methodology of the research

In this work the research object is a news message, which is the product of the media discourse; the research subject is the discursive marker of assessment y a k o b y .

The material for this study consists of the news messages texts containing the discursive marker y a k o b y (the list of sources is attached).

In the process of material selection we used the continuous sampling method and in the interpretation of the obtained material, the semantic method and the contextual analysis methods were used.

Results of the research

The results reflected the functions of the discursive marker y a k o b y in news messages and showed that it is able not only to regulate the emotional attitude to the message, but also significantly influence the authority of communicated information.

Before turning to the study of the category of authority the dialogical nature of communication as a general matter should be noted. The roles distribution by the participants of this process is built up according to the degree of impact, influence on each other, therefore it is reasonable to talk about the dialogical nature of the category of authority, “... through it the influence of words on the communicative consequences is evaluated and also the possibility of this influence is strengthened or weakened by interacting communicants " [2, p. 69]. The formation and strengthening of the individual authority is possible only in the process of interpersonal interaction, when the participants of communication both exert influence and are exposed to persuasion. Authority is always manifested as an appraisal in the eyes of others. In the process of communication (no matter what sphere of human activity we take) there is a place for a certain verbal and non-verbal rivalry. By broadcasting their authority the participants of communication influence each other, form the appraisals that are desirable for them, and direct the actions of the other participant of the dialogue in the broad sense to the wanted direction. In addition it should be noted that “... the inequality of the dialogue participants is not related to formal indicators of the verbal flow, but to the characteristics of the communicants themselves obtained by them before entering into discursive relations or obtained and confirmed (or affirmed) by them in the process of such interaction” [1, p.7].

In this article the terms authoritativeness and authority are often interchangeable, since in our opinion they are interdependent, “... authoritativeness is based on faith in the authority of another person, on trust in his/her knowledge and opinions” [3, p. 112]. From the linguistic point of view, “... authority is a way of influencing the addressee by the selection and implementation of certain discursive strategies and at the same time the goal and sometimes the result of influencing the addressee” [4, p. 88].

The etymology of the word (comes from lat. auctoritas — “power, influence”) refers to the abstract idea of power and authority as its inherent attribute. The state needs to maintain its authority in the eyes of people and the media can very influence the masses effectively, that is why it is called the fourth power. So, television can be considered an intermediary between the viewer and the external world in the process of informing when it comes to news. The news message in this article is analyzed to a great extent from the point of view of its belonging to a certain type of discourse. The interpretation of the concept of discourse in linguistics is quite broad and therefore it is reasonable to highlight the main aspects that researchers pay attention to. Discourse is a speech act, it is speech connected with action [1]. N.D. Arutyunova sees discourse as speech immersed in life [1**]. According to I.N. Borisova discourse is "...situationally and socially conditioned activities" [5, p.182]. So, discursive, linguistic activity


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 1 (28), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093

should be considered in the context of human activity as a whole. V.I. Karasik defines the sphere of discourse research as the interdisciplinary field, which is at the junction of linguistics, sociology, psychology, ethnography, semiotics, stylistics, and philosophy [6, p. 276]. This researcher identifies the so-called institutional discourse, the participants of which realize their status-role opportunities in the following forms: political, administrative, legal, pedagogical, etc. As the scientist we attribute the news to the media form of institutional discourse.

News message is a product of news discourse created by the media, formally it is intended to inform in fact one of its leading tasks and goals is having an impact. The function of targeted influence on the addressee in order to form public opinion is typical of media texts in general [7, p. 53; 8, p. 111].

However, the fact that news reality is not a mirror image of real life should be taken into account and understood. According to T.A. van Dyck news should be perceived as "... the result of the cognitive and social activities of journalists in the production of texts and their meanings, as the result of the interpretation of texts by newspaper readers and TV viewers, based on the experience of their communication with the media" [9, p.123]. In fact, the selection of events taking place around the world goes through several levels in accordance with certain criteria for this genre, as well as on the basis of the subjective preferences of the authors (and the news does have authors) that cannot but take into account the interests of the authorities. As a result, the mass addressee (the news consumer) unconsciously becomes immersed in the constructed reality. Authority of the media through which interested people (addressees) transmit their authority largely assists in this. In this regard, one cannot help but recall the phrase that has become an aphorism, which belongs to the authoritative researcher of mass communication M. McLuhan: “the medium is the message” [10]. It should be interpreted as follows: when transmitting information the means of transmitting does not remain neutral. That is the information medium itself has a certain authority in the eyes of the recipient of information. It is interesting that with the development of society and technology, the authority of the means (channels) of information is changing. If some time ago the authority of the printed word was undeniable, then television became the main channel for obtaining information, the visual nature of which greatly strengthened the authority of this source in the literal sense in the eyes of the viewer. Today the undisputed leader in obtaining information is the Internet. Many users recognize this channel as more authoritative, claiming that they themselves choose what to watch and what to read, emphasizing not only the freedom of choice but also the more objective nature of information presentation. All this deserves a separate in-depth study, but in the context of this work we will only say that news on the global network is also initially selected by someone, interpreted in a certain way, that is, it also has an author. Dialogics of communication predetermines the fact that one of the parties has more authority, and the other is forced to obey its authority. In mass communication it is obvious that authority is on the side of the addressee. Adherents of the Internet, it seems to us, subconsciously want to violate this order, trying to some extent to transfer the role of the author with his authority on themselves.

It should be noted that in many respects the message itself is not so authoritative as its source. And the source is taken in a fairly broad sense of the word. This is the information channel itself already mentioned by us (the press, the radio, the television, the Internet), as well as the source of communicated information, the link to which indirectly indicates the authority of the communicant. In the news texts, as markers of the authority of the source, you can find links to various news agencies, authoritative instances, and government representatives. However, the text of the news message itself has direct and indirect discursive markers that affect the authority of the communicated information.

The authority of the news is directly related to the objectivity and reliability of the message, without which the news could not function as a genre. At the same time, objectivity and reliability are properties of the information itself. Traditionally information is characterized by the following parameters:


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 1 (28), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093

objectivity - subjectivity;

completeness - incompleteness;

reliability - unreliability (falsity);

relevance - irrelevance (outdated information);

adequacy - inadequacy;

availability - inaccessibility [11].

It is believed that reliability should not be confused with objectivity. Objectivity characterizes information from the point of view of its correspondence to reality, while reliability characterizes the undistortedness of information. Biased information cannot be considered reliable. However, in a paradoxical way false information can be objective. In science when modeling objects and phenomena, objective (but false information) is used, but under the condition that inaccuracy, i.e. the degree of uncertainty, is known. In this work objectivity is characterized through reliability, since it is a property of the final product – a news message. Reliability is based on the factuality and verifiability of the data and is ultimately reflected in the objective (or biased) nature of the final message.

In the modern information space objectivity is openly and actively discussed, the war is going on to recognize whether this or that information is reliable or not. Not so long ago the English word fake penetrated into Russian language. More and more often journalists and broadcasters themselves use this word in relation to this or that information. The evaluative nature of this word implies that, when calling the information fake, the addressee indicates its unreliability (falsity), thereby indirectly accusing the other side of deception. Moreover, such open accusations show the speaker’s desire to gain more authority against this background, which obviously is a kind of discursive strategy. Here for example is one of the news headlines:

RF Ministry of Defense Denied the F a k e of Western Media about the Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria [1*].

On behalf of the authoritative source (RF Ministry of Defense), the information on the use of chemical weapons is openly called false (fake). Further in the text of this message there are some more evaluative phrases that support this thought: the so-called independent nongovernmental organizations, information that does not correspond to reality, and even quite colloquial expression with a blue eye (meaning false, hypocritical, without a second thought):

And literally a day after this warning on social networks, for example, on Twitter, photos and videos of the “consequences of the chemical attack” began to appear, which are attributed w i t h t h e b l u e e y e to Syrian army and Bashar al-Assad. Of course, it is not possible to identify the reliability of such frames [1*].

In this news discourse it is necessary to analyze both the authority of the message source and the authority of the information. There are certain markers of authority – introductory phrases, links, quotes, insertion texts, etc. They are metacommunicative units that help in regulation of discursive activities. In news message texts, for example, links to the source (direct markers of authority) are a mandatory attribute, since formally they are designed to emphasize the reliability of the communicated information. In the media texts, references to some collective, authoritative source are widespread (as Russian Defense Ministry reported, The Washington Post experts say, According to Reuters, Russian Center for Reconciliation of Parties stated). The collective sender, whose authority is not in doubt by the majority, significantly enhances the authority of communicated information.

However, in the message itself there are lexical units (discursive markers), which indirectly indicate the authority of the communicant. In the news, for example, discursive markers


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 1 (28), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093

of reliability can be distinguished, reflecting the degree of correlation of the reported information with reality: indeed, of course, obviously, apparently, very likely, perhaps, maybe, etc. They allow you to adjust the degree of reliability, make it higher or lower, and thereby affect our perception of information. In this article the marker y a k o b y is considered, which expresses (again indirectly) certain doubt in the reliability of the message.

In D.N. Ushakov’s defining dictionary we find the following information about the word y a k o b y :

conjunction, used as the conjunction “what” to express uncertainty in something or unreliability of something (bookish, obsolete, colloquial, ironical)

particle, used before the word to express ostensibility, discrepancy with the reality, meaning as if, as though (bookish) [2 **].

The meaning of unreliability and ostensibility comes from the etymology of this word. It is believed that the word y a k o b y occurred by merging of the conjunction y a k o , which had the meaning l i k e , and the particle b y , which has a subjunctive connotation.

In the analyzed news messages y a k o b y is the particle that gives emotional coloring to the word that it adjoins, so this particular component is called into question:

The elements of “political show” are completely in the American spirit, as one cannot recall Secretary of State Colin Powell and his fake test tube y a k o b y with anthrax spores, shown right there at the UN and leading to attacks on Iraq and the overthrow of Saddam Hussein [2 *].

It should be understood that the test tube contained n o t anthrax spores, it is called fake here, so if we go further, the secretary of state on the air provided false information.

Journalists of American television channel One America News Network visited Syrian city Duma, where chemical weapons were y a k o b y used on April 7 [3 *].

The presence of the word y a k o b y implies that chemical weapons were n o t used then.

One American also managed to talk with the doctor of the hospital, where they filmed y a k o b y consequences of dropping bombs with poison [3 *].

This passage disputes the fact that the consequences presented in the video (that is, visually reliable) are the result of the bombing.

The Defense Ministry noted that a number of so-called independent non-governmental organizations, including the White Helmets, widely known for their fake news, stated that a chlorine bomb had y a k o b y been dropped by the Syrian armed forces in Duma yesterday [1 *].

The clear indication to the falsity of the communicated information is supported by other evaluative components – so-called independent organizations, fake news.

During an open meeting of the Public Press Complaints Collegium on September 26, Vasilyeva stated that one of the CEC staff y a k o b y threatened that the journalist “will never make a career and will not be allowed into the Foreign Ministry, CEC and the

Kremlin” [4 *].


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 1 (28), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093

The discursive marker y a k o b y and the general tone of the message make us interpret the journalist’s words about threats addressed to her as false.

The Internet article devoted to y a k o b y notes that this word belongs to the colloquial style.

“And although there are no restrictions on the use of “yakoby”, for example, in official style, this word should be used in informal situations, because, as it was already mentioned, it has some emotionally expressive color with dismissive, disapproving or ironical judgements” [12]. The question is why this marker with its emotional and evaluative character that gravitates toward colloquial style is so often found in news texts, especially in recent time?

Here are two short news messages on the same topic. They are about the recent visit of new President of Ukraine Zelensky to the United States and his negotiations with President Trump.

Zakharova: Zelensky's Speech at the UN is Propaganda Tinsel

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova commented on the anti-Russian statement by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky on the Russia-1 television channel on the air of the program “60 minutes”. She called the speech "propaganda tinsel" and suggested that the reason for it was inexperience of his team and the influence of people who had remained in his circle after Poroshenko.

Zelensky accused Russia of fighting against Ukraine. In addition, he showed a bullet that y a k o b y killed Vasily Slipak, Ukrainian opera singer, in Donbass. Zakharova denied this information, adding that the gunman from the Right Sector extremist organization (banned in the Russian Federation) was killed by this bullet.

Zakharova suggests that Zelensky was framed by people who told him not to go to the UN empty-handed. She noted that the methodology of the president’s speech at the General Assembly was the same as Poroshenko had used. He repeatedly appeared on international sites with some kind of “material evidence” – either with passports y a k o b y seized in Donbass from Russian military men, then with a piece of the bus body y a k o b y fired upon near Volnovakha.

Zakharova believes that Zelensky had not been told the main thing: "they come to the UN with a conceptual view of world and regional affairs." You should not come to the General Assembly with propaganda tinsel, which distracts attention from the main problems

[5 *].

Matvienko Accused Zelensky of Inactivity

President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky is personally responsible for inactivity instead of ceasefire in Donbass and the implementation of the Minsk agreements, said Federation Council Chairwoman Valentina Matvienko. She was quoted by Russian news agency Novosti on Friday, September 27.

Commenting on the Ukrainian president’s speech at the UN, during which he accused

Russia of starting a war, Matvienko pointed out the threat of irreversible consequences. On September 25, during his speech at the UN General Assembly, Zelensky showed the bullet that y a k o b y killed Ukrainian opera singer Vasily Slepak. According to the president of Ukraine, the artist defended Ukraine from Russian aggression.

The Russian foreign-policy establishment criticized Zelensky’s statement. As the official representative of Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, noted, in this way, the Ukrainian leader had tried to divert attention from topical issues [6 *].

Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova and Federation Council Chairwoman Valentina Matvienko are authoritative figures in politics, so their statements reflect the certain common position shared by the majority in our country. The bullet that the new president of