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Fig.10 Gastrulation and differentiation of the germ layers in human

A – the germ disk (15 days);

B – stage of the primitive streak;

C – migration of cells of mesoderm and notochord (17-18 days);

D – trilaminar embryo;

E – neurulation and differentiation of mesoderm (20-21 days)

1 – the primitive node; 2 – the primitive streak; 3 – extra-embryonic mesoderm;

4 – the amnion wall; 5 – the yolk sac wall; 6 – epiblast; 7 – hypoblast; 8 - cloacal membrane; 9 – prechordal plate; 10 epidermal ectoderm; 11 – neuroectoderm;

12 – intraembryonal mesoderm; 13 – entoderm; 14 – notochord; 15 – neural tube’ primordium; 16 – somite; 17 – intermediate mesoderm (nephrotomes);

18 – parietal mesoderm; 19 – visceral mesoderm

Table 7

Derivatives of the nerve crest

Sensory neurons of spinal ganglia and ganglia of cranial nerves;

Neurons of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve system;

Schwann cells and cells-satellites of ganglia;

Neurohypophysis (posterior pituitary gland);

Pia mater and arachnoid membrane


Cells of the carotoid body;

Calcitonin-producing cells (parafollicular cells) of the thyroid gland;

Chromaffine cells (the adrenal gland)

Cartilage, bones, muscles and connective tissue of the face;

Maxillary and mandibular processes;

Sublingual arches and the 3-d throat arch;


Corneal endothelium

Dilator and sphincter pupillae muscles

Ciliary muscle

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