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2ой курс / англиский / class 9. test auscultation docx

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Auscultation of the heart

1. The site of the mitral area of auscultation is:

1. right of the sternal border in the second intercostal space

2. left of the sternal border in the second intercostal space

3. apex

2. Possible cause of diminished heart sounds is:

1. Obesity

2. Thin thoracic cavity

3. Splitting of the second heart sound is caused by a delay in closure of:

1. Mitral and aortic valves

2. Aortic and pulmonary valves

4. An opening snap of the mitral valve is a:

1. Physiological heart sound

2. Pathological heart sound

5. All of the following regarding loud first heart sound is true EXCEPT:

    1. Loud first heart sound is heard in mitral stenosis at the apex of the heart

    2. Loud first heart sound is heard in mitral regurgitation at the apex of the heart

    3. Loud first heart sound is caused by an increased force in closing the mitral valve

6. Diminished second heart sound can be associated with:

    1. Low blood pressure in large vessels

    2. Aortic and pulmonary regurgitation

    3. Pulmonary hypertension

7. Match the heart valves in the left column (1-5) with their areas of auscultation in the right column (A-E):

1. Mitral valve А. Apex of the heart

2. Aortic valve B. Lower part of the manubrium

3. Pulmonary valve C. Left of the sternal border in the 2nd intercostal space

4. Tricuspid valve D. Right of the sternal border in the 2nd intercostal space

5. Erb’s point E. Left of the sternal border in the 3rd intercostal space

8. All of the following regarding diastolic murmur are true EXCEPT:

1. Diastolic murmur is always abnormal

2. Diastolic murmur is heard after the second heart sound

3. Diastolic murmur is heard between the first and second heart sounds

4. Diastolic murmur is a sign of mitral stenosis

5. Diastolic murmur is heard in aortic regurgitation

9. Which of the following is true about gallop:

1. Gallop is a three-component heart sound

2. Gallop is caused by the occurrence of the added heart sound

3. Gallop is caused by decreased contractility of myocardium

4. Gallop is present in mitral stenosis

10. Additional point of aortic auscultation is called


The site of this point of auscultation is:

1. apex of the heart

2. lower part of manubrium

3. left of the sternal border in the 2nd intercostal space

4. right of the sternal border in the 2nd intercostal space

5. left of the sternal border in the 3rd intercostal space