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Санкт-Петербургский государственный электротехнический

университет «ЛЭТИ» им. В. И. Ульянова (Ленина)




Учебно-методическое пособие

Санкт-Петербург Издательство СПбГЭТУ «ЛЭТИ»


УДК 811.111(07)

ББК Ш143.21-923 Т57

Тонкова М. М.

Т57 Стилистика английского языка: учеб.-метод. пособие. СПб: Изд-во СПбЭТУ «ЛЭТИ», 2018. 20 с.

ISBN 978-5-7629-2267-8

Содержит задания и упражнения, способствующие формированию навыков стилистического анализа научного, художественного и публицистического текстов. Приводятся художественные тексты на английском языке и тексты, затрагивающие вопросы истории, межкультурной коммуникации и научных технологий.

Предназначено для студентов направления 45.03.02. «Лингвистика»

УДК 811.111(07)

ББК Ш143.21-923

Рецензент – канд. филол. наук, доц. А. В. Набирухина (СПбГУЭФ).

Утверждено редакционно-издательским советом университета

в качестве учебно-методического пособия

ISBN 978-5-7629-2267-8

© СПбГЭТУ «ЛЭТИ», 2018







СЛОВАРНОГО СОСТАВА АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА......................................



1.1. Разговорная и литературно-книжная лексика........................................................



1.2. Архаизмы...................................................................................................................................



1.3. Городское просторечие и кокни ....................................................................................








2.1. Тропы...........................................................................................................................................



2.2. Конвергенция стилистических приемов ...................................................................



2.3. Аллюзии .....................................................................................................................................



2.4. Эвфемизмы ...............................................................................................................................



2.5. Ирония .....................................................................................................................................



ТИПЫ ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ ТЕКСТА ..................................................................






4.1. Научный стиль.....................................................................................................................



4.2. Публицистический стиль ...............................................................................................



4.3. Деловой стиль ......................................................................................................................



СТИЛИСТИКА ТЕКСТА .................................................................................




1.1. Разговорная и литературно-книжная лексика

Прочитайте и сравните два текста. Определите, какую разговорную и литературно-книжную лексику использует автор для создания речевой характеристики персонажей:

1.The part that got me was a lady sitting next to me that cried all through the goddam picture. The phonier it got, the more she cried. You'd have thought she did it because she was kind-hearted as hell, but I was sitting right next to her, and she wasn't. She had this little kid with her that was bored as hell and had to go to the bathroom, but she wouldn't take him. She kept telling him to sit still and behave himself. She was about as kind-hearted as a goddam wolf. You take somebody that cries their goddam eyes out over phoney stuff in the movies, and nine times out often they're mean bastards at heart. I'm not kidding.

2.I was referring to their possibly ectoplasmic character. Isn't that obvious? These two students had not attended a single class. That's all I knew about them. I was using the word in its customary and primary meaning: “spook” as a specter or a ghost. I had no idea what color these two students might be. I had known perhaps fifty years ago but had wholly forgotten that “spooks” is an invidious term sometimes applied to blacks. Otherwise, since I am totally meticulous regarding student sensibilities, I would never have used that word. Consider the context: Do they exist or are they spooks? The charge of racism is spurious. It is preposterous. My colleagues know it is preposterous and my students know it is preposterous. The issue, the only issue, is the nonattendance of these two students and their flagrant and inexcusable neglect of work. What's galling is that the charge is not just false – it is spectacularly false.

1.2. Архаизмы

Прочитайте текст. Найдите в нем архаизмы:

The moment I got a chance I slipped aside privately and touched an ancient common looking man on the shoulder and said, in an insinuating, confidential way:

“Friend, do me a kindness. Do you belong to the asylum, or are you just on a visit or something like that?”

He looked me over stupidly, and said:

“Marry, fair sir, me seemeth –”


“That will do,” I said; “I reckon you are a patient.”

I moved away, cogitating, and at the same time keeping an eye out for any chance passenger in his right mind that might come along and give me some light. I judged I had found one, presently; so I drew him aside and said in his ear:

“If I could see the head keeper a minute -- only just a minute –” “Prithee do not let me.”

“Let you WHAT?”

“HINDER me, then, if the word please thee better.”

1.3. Городское просторечие и кокни

Отметьте особенности социолекта кокни и городского просторечия, которые свойственны речи второстепенных персонажей романа Сью Таунсенд «Мы с королевой»:

1.Now I know I ain‟t an angel. Fact is, I‟m a tea leaf, no sense in ‟idin‟ it.

2.And ‟til recent I‟ve kep‟ you all in food and clothes and shoes, ain‟t I?

3.She took ‟em wiv‟er.

4.Tell me what he needs an‟ I‟ll geddit.

5.Me dad were a gyppo, so I‟m used to ‟orses.

6.No, I‟d sunk a few pints and I just sort of took to ‟im. He were tied up outside in the car park an‟ I just‟ sorta felt, like sorry for ‟im. He were only fifty quid, ‟n‟ a roll of stair carpet. ‟Is name‟s Gilbert! ‟E‟s got new shoes on.

7.Oh, I know ‟oo you are. You‟ve ‟ad a bit of trouble yourself, ‟aven‟t yer? I ‟ad some good mates at the shopfittin‟. I‟ve lived on me own for three years and I‟d be watchin‟ a good telly programme and I‟d be on me own and I‟d think, in the morning I‟ll tell mates about this. Pathetic really, i‟n‟t it?

Скакой целью автор использует социолект кокни и городское просторечие в следующем отрывке:

Charles was sharing a cell with a tall thin youth called Lee Christmas. When Charles entered the cell, Lee turned his lugubrious face, stared at Charles and said,

“Watcha in for?”

Charles said, “Affray and assaulting a police officer.” “Yeah? Bit posh for that, ain‟t yer?”

Charles diverted this uncomfortable line of questioning and asked, “You are er … in for?”

“I stole a knob.”


“Stole a knob?”

“There was this car, right? Bin in our street over free months; tyres an‟ stereo went first night. Then everythin‟ went, ‟cludin‟ engine. ”

Charles nodded, he could see the wreck in his mind‟s eye. There was one just like it in Hell Close. William and Harry played in it.

“Any road up,” continued Lee. “It‟s a Renault, right? An‟ I got one the same. More or less the same year – so, I‟m walkin‟ by, right? An‟ there‟s kids playin‟ in this wreck ‟tendin‟ to be Cinderella on their way to the – wassa place?”

“Ball?” offered Charles.

“Dance, disco,” corrected Lee. “I get in the front – seats are gone – an‟ I‟m jus‟ pullin‟ this knob off the top of the gear lever, right? ‟Cos the knob‟s missin‟ off mine, see? So I want it, OK?” Charles grasped the point Lee was making. “When ‟oo d‟ ya think grabs me arm through the winder?” Lee waited. “Two coppers in plain clothes,” “An‟ I‟m arrested for thieving from this piece of shrapnel”.



2.1. Тропы

Прочитайте текст и определите в нем все виды тропов:

There is a Chinese proverb. “Beware of occasions that demand new clothes.” I consistently ignore this advice. On the occasion of my first American book promotion – a landmark in any writer's life – I not only ignored the advice. I laughed in its face.

I was walking down a street in London when I saw The Coat in a shop window. It was ankle length and suede. I went into the shop and touched The Coat. The suede was as soft as a lover's skin. A smiling girl murmured encouraging words and I soon found myself wearing The Coat and poncing up and down

in front of what



a particularly flattering mirror. The coat

weighed nothing.

I could


been wearing thistledown. The girl adjusted

the collar so that it framed my face.

Perhaps at this point I should inform you that the itinerary for my American tour was as follows: Heathrow – New York – Boston – New York – Washington – Miami – Heathrow.


Did you spot the odd one out? Miami boasts temperatures in the high nineties for most of the year, except for a couple of months when it drops to the high seventies. But, as I stood in the shop clad from ears to ankles in the dream coat, I banished Miami from what was left of my mind. The salesgirl said. “I've been longing for somebody elegant and sophisticated to buy that coat.” Now, reader, in normal circumstances I would have laughed, because I know I am not elegant. My chipped nail varnish is legendary, my tights spring holes as soon as I take them out of the packet, and my black tailored suits are usually decorated with an inelegant sprinkling of white cat hairs. But the circumstances were not normal. I was going to four American cities where I would be giving readings from my book. I was terrified. So I chose to believe the salesgirl and I bought it. The price of The Coat is a secret I will take to my grave.

The Coat was too long for any wardrobe in the house and it dragged on the floor of the cloakroom, so I hung it on a hanger from the picture rail in the hall. Visitors and family took to stroking it as though it were an exotic pet. The weather in England was unseasonably warm, but New York and that snow storm were never far from my mind.

New York was rejoicing in a freak heatwave. The taxi driver who drove me to my hotel wore a T -shirt. People strolled along the sidewalks in Bermuda shorts.

In Miami 1 sat on the beach in my Wonderbra and knickers, leaving The Coat to sulk in the hotel wardrobe.

I'm back in England now and still praying for a cold snap, but I'm beginning to think that The Coat is a useless acquisition, except as a mocking testament to my vanity and folly.

2.2. Конвергенция стилистических приемов

Найдите все случаи употребления изобразительных и выразительных средств языка в рекламных текстах. Отметьте случаи конвергенции стилистических приемов и выразительных средств:

1. Over 20 years No1 Cuba specialist in the UK, we at The Holiday Place are very excited to be celebrating our 20 years in Cuba. Our deep knowledge and well-cemented expertise in this fascinating destination make us the go-to company for unforgettable tailor-made holiday experience in Cuba. We offer you the whole of Cuba. Pick anywhere you like and we‟ll take you there.


2.Time for you to start a new adventure. It‟s time for you to lose yourself in the moment, and discover beautiful destinations. To set sail on a holiday that‟s unlike any other, and create memories you‟ll cherish forever. It‟s time to book a P and O Cruises holiday.

3.Hurry – sale ends in 4 days. Save up to 33 % in the any weekend anywhere sale. Don‟t miss your last chance to save at over 300 hotels across Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

4.St Paul‟s Cathedral. It‟s more than the Dome… The Cathedral. The Crypt.

The monuments. The Whispering Gallery. The views from the Golden Gallery.

5.Unique resort experience in Maldives. The jewel island. An island surrounded by transparent water, deep blue with hints of turquoise. A symphony between sands and sea. This paradise awaits you.

6.Why not to join our Cruise community today?

7.Oceans of choice and amazing offers, whichever ocean you wish to sail on.

8.Becket preached. Shakespeare entertained. Drake moored. Dickens lived. Mandela enjoyed. Kapoor exhibited. Foster designed. Olive shopped. You should visit Bankside. Bankside is one of London‟s riversides destinations, stretching

from Blackfriers Bridge to London Bridge. The area offers a true alternative to the West End and is famous for its intriguing history, iconic landmarks, vibrant art scene, world class markets, atmospheric pubs, award-wining restaurants and shops.

9. Celebrate with a celebrated view. From weddings and birthdays to just a great day with friends, your special day deserves London‟s finest views. With 10% off for online bookings, it‟s the height of good value too.

10.Bus tours. London‟s most popular tour! Fantastic discounts (The Original Tour); London‟s amphibious adventure. An experience to remember. A quirky and unique way to see London!

11.Walk through the Royal Mile‟s dark and mysterious Wynds. True tales of unimaginable horror! Extreme paranormal ghost tour. Only for the very brave! Haunted graveyard. Haunted underground vaults. Haunted tavern. Be afraid, be very afraid.

12.Have a Coke and a smile!

13.Say yes to great skin. Yes, dry skin can be dewy, smooth, comfortable. Yes, oily skin can avert breakout. Yes, you can evict fine lines, refine pores, enjoy a more even tone.


2.3. Аллюзии

Найдите в предложениях аллюзии. Объясните, на что ссылается автор, и какую дополнительную информацию привносит аллюзия в текст:

1.Somebody had made Fred unhappy, and somebody was going to be made unhappy in turn. An eye for an eye.

2.When will a Good Samarian appear?

3.To be a human being one had to drink the cup.

4.“This is the original Tower of Babel,” Harris said. “West Indians, Africans, real Indians, Syrians, Englishmen, Scotsmen in the Office of Works, Irish priests, French priests”.

5.The key to the Alice-in-Wonderland door had come with the invitation.

6.Somebody behind him in the boxcar said, “Oz.” That was I. That was me.

The only other city I‟d ever seen was Indianapolis, Indiana. (Освобожденные пленные видят Дрезден с его прекрасной архитектурой)

7.I saw myself on the top of the Empire State Building, as snug as a bug despite the biting east wind blowing from the Hudson River

8.The salesgirl (who had probably just graduated from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art) said. “I've been longing for somebody elegant and sophisticated to buy that coat.”

9.I know, that “I guess” is at least as old as Chaucer, pure British English, something sent over in the “Mayflower”

2.4. Эвфемизмы

Прочитайте текст. Найдите в нем эвфемизмы:

The dictatorship of Cassandra started this morning. Our household is not allowed to drink tap water, coffee, tea or alcohol, nor to eat eggs, cheese, chocolate, fruit yoghurt, Marks&Spencer's lemon slices... etc., etc. The list goes on forever. There are also things we mustn't say. I happened to mention that Bianca's boss, the newsagent, is a fat man. Cassandra snapped, “He's not fat, he's dimensionally challenged”.

Christian remarked to his wife over lunch that he was losing his hair, “going bald” were his words. Once again, Cassandra snapped into action. “You're a little follicularly disadvantaged, that's all”, she said, as she inspected the top of her husband's head.


I cannot share this house with that woman, or her language. It is not as though she is pleasant to look at. She is as ugly as sin, or, as she might put it, she is facially impaired.

2.5. Ирония

Восстановите лежащую в основе исходную модель пословицы и назовите языковые средства реализации иронии:

1.A friend in need is a friend to be avoided.

2.If you must choose between two evils, pick the one you‟ve never tried


3.Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him to use the Net and he won't bother you for weeks.

4.Don't byte off more than you can view.

5.Where there is a will, there is a relative.

6.A penny saved is a penny taxed.

7.Spoil the rod and spare the child.

8.Beauty is in the eye of beer-holder.

9.He who laughs last, thinks the slowest.

10.Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

11.Those who live in glass houses should change in the basement.

12.Don‟t count your chickens until they‟ve crossed the road.

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие языковые средства реализации иронии используются в тексте:

Every day is fraught with danger. You wake in the morning, rush to the window and take a deep breath. Don't! Hasn't anyone told you about the air being polluted with lead from petrol? Next you go to the bathroom. After touching the lavatory handle, your innocent-looking hands are covered in bacteria, which even a good wash won't entirely remove. You sigh, and get dressed. Good heavens! Didn't you realize that all that nylon won't let your skin breathe?

With a rash beginning to appear on your skin, you make your way to the kitchen for breakfast. Eating must be good for you – mustn't it? Of course it

is, provided you don't

have tea or coffee, which

are bad for your heart,

or a good old-fashioned

English fry-up, which will

fill your stomach with

cholesterol-building fat.




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