7.15 Mб

Figure 11.33 shows the Collaboration view of the above Choreography diagram. It becomes clear that “Participant A” will not know the appropriate time to send Message “M3” to “Participant C.” If the Message is sent too soon, then “Participant C” will not be prepared to receive it. Thus, as a Choreography, the model in Figure 11.32, above, cannot be enforced.

N ot Va lid –

There is no w ay to enforce the seq uen ce of “M 2” and “M 3”





Se nd

Sen d

Me ssag e





M 1






R ece ive

S end



Me ssag e

M essa ge


M 2






R eceive

R e ce ive

M essa ge




Figure 11.33 – The corresponding Collaboration for an invalid Choreography sequence

11.6 Events

11.6.1 Start Events

Start Events provide the graphical marker for the start of a Choreography. They are used much in the same way as they are used for a Process (see “Start Event” on page 237). This table shows how the types of Start Events are applied to Choreography.

Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), v2.0.2


Table 11.6 – Use of Start Events in Choreography

Type of Event


Usage in Choreography?







Yes. This is really just a graphical marker since the arrival of the first Message in the



Choreography is really the Trigger for the Choreography. Sub-Processes,



however, we should look at. The Parent Process can be considered the trigger.







No. A Message Start Event, in a stand-alone Choreography, has no way to show



who the senders or receivers of the Message should be. A Choreography Task



should be used instead. Thus, a None Start Event should be used as a graphical



marker for the “start” of the Choreography.







Yes. All Participants have to have an agreement to the approximate time.







No. An Escalation is only visible to a single Participant. That Participant will have to



send a Message to the other Participants.







No. An Error is only visible to a single Participant. That Participant will have to send a



Message to the other Participants.







No. Compensation is handled within a single Participant (an orchestration










Yes. This is actually determined internal to Participant, but then the other Participants



know this has happened based the first interaction that follows.







Yes. The source of the Signal is NOT REQUIRED (and might not even be a Participant



in the Choreography). There are no specific recipients of a Signal. All Participants of



the Choreography (to comply) MUST be able to see the Signal.







Yes. But they can only be Multiple Signals or Timers. As in Orchestration, this acts like



an OR. Any one of the incoming Signals will Trigger the Choreography. Any Signal



that follows would create a separate instance of the Choreography.




11.6.2 Intermediate Events

Table 11.7– Use of Intermediate Events in Choreography




Type of Event


Usage in Choreography?




None: in Normal Flow


Yes. However, this really doesn’t have much meaning other than just document-




ing that a specific point has been reached in the Choreography. There would be




no Message exchange or any delay in the Choreography.




None: Attached to Activity


No. There would be no way for Participants to know when the Activity should be












Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), v2.0.2

Table 11.7– Use of Intermediate Events in Choreography

Message: in Normal Flow

No. A Message Intermediate Event, in a stand-alone Choreography, has no


way to show who the senders or receivers of the Message should be. A


Choreography Task should be used instead. Also, would the Event be a Catch


or a Throw?



Message: Attached to

Yes. Only for Choreography Tasks. The Intermediate Event has to be attached

Activity boundary

to the Participant Band of the receiver of the Message (since it is a catch



Event). The sender of the message has to be the other Participant of the


Choreography Task.



Message: Use in Event

No. A Message Intermediate Event, in a stand-alone Choreography, has no


way to show who the senders or receivers of the Message should be. A



Choreography Task should be used instead.



Timer: in Normal Flow

Yes. Time is not precise in Choreography. It is established by the last visible


Choreography Activity. The Participants involved in the Choreography Activity


that immediately precedes will have a rough approximation of the time—there


will be no exact synchronization.


For relative timers: Only the Participants involved in the Choreography Activity that


immediately precedes the Event would know the time. The sender of the Choreography


Activity that immediately follows the timer MUST be involved in the Choreography Activity


that immediately precedes the timer.


For absolute timers (full time/date): All Participants would know the time. There does not


have to be a relationship between the Participants of the Choreography Activities that are


on either side the timer.


The sender of the Choreography Activity that immediately follows the timer is the


Participant that enforces the timer.



Timer: Attached to Activity

Yes. Time is not exact in this case. It is established by the last visible Event. All


Participants will have a rough approximation of the time—there will be no exact



synchronization. This includes both interrupting and escalation Events.


The Participants of the Choreography Activity that has the attached timer all enforce the




For relative timers: They all have to be involved in the Choreography Activity that


immediately precedes the Activity with the attached timer.


For absolute timers (full time/date): All Participants would know the time. They all have to


be involved in the Choreography Activity that immediately precedes the Activity with the


attached timer.



Timer: Used in Event

Yes. See Event-Based Gateway below.





Error: Attached to Activity

No. An Error is only visible to a single Participant. That Participant will have to


send a Message to the other Participants.




Escalation: Used in

No. An Escalation is only visible to a single Participant. That Participant will have

Normal Flow

to send a Message to the other Participants.




Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), v2.0.2


Table 11.7– Use of Intermediate Events in Choreography

Escalation: Attached to Activity

No. An Escalation is only visible to a single Participant. That Participant will have


to send a Message to the other Participants.




Cancel: in Normal Flow

No. These are Throw Events. As with a Message Event, there would be no


indicator as to who is the source of the Cancel.



Cancel: Attached to Activity

Yes. These are Catch Events. As with a Message Event, they would be


attached to the Choreography Activity on the Participant Band that is receiv-



ing the Cancel. These would only be interrupting Events.



Compensation: in Normal

No. These are Throw Events. As with a Message, there would be no indicator


as to who is the source of the Cancel.




Compensation: Attached to

Yes. These are Catch Events. As with a Message Event, they would be

Activity boundary

attached to the Choreography Activity on the Participant Band that is receiv-



ing the Cancel.



Conditional: in Normal Flow

Yes. This is a delay that waits for a change in data to trigger the Event. The data


are to be visible to the Participants as it was data of a previously sent Message.



Conditional: Attached to

Yes. This is an interruption that waits for a change in data to trigger the Event.

Activity boundary

The data are to be visible to the Participants as it was data of a previously sent






Conditional: Used in Event

Yes. This is a delay that waits for a change in data to trigger the Event. The data


are to be visible to the Participants as it was data of a previously sent Message.




Link: in Normal Flow

Yes. These types of Events merely create a virtual Sequence Flows. Thus, as


long as a Sequence Flow between two elements is valid (and within a


Choreography Process level), then a pair of Link Events can interrupt that


Sequence Flow.



Signal: in Normal Flow

Yes. Only Catch Events can be used. For Throw Signal Events, there would be


no indicator of who is the source Participant.


This would be a delay in the Choreography that waits for the Signal. The source of the


Signal is NOT REQUIRED (and might not even be a Participant in the Choreography).


There are no specific recipients of a Signal. All Participants of the Choreography (to


comply) MUST be able to see the Signal.



Signal: Attached to Activity

Yes. These are Catch Events. This would be an interruption in the Choreogra-


phy that waits for the Signal. The source of the Signal is NOT REQUIRED (and



might not even be a Participant in the Choreography). There are no specific


recipients of a Signal. All Participants of the Choreography (to comply) MUST


be able to see the Signal. This Event MUST NOT be attached to a Participant


Band or this would suggest that Participant is a specific recipient of the






Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), v2.0.2