7.15 Mб

Figure 10.62 – InputSet class diagram

The InputSet element inherits the attributes and model associations of BaseElement (see Table 8.5). Table 10.61 presents the additional attributes and model associations of the InputSet element.

Table 10.61 – InputSet attributes and model associations

Attribute Name




name: string [0..1]

A descriptive name for the input set.



dataInputRefs: DataInput [0..*]

The DataInput elements that collectively make up this data requirement.


optionalInputRefs: DataInput

The DataInput elements that are a part of the InputSet that can be in the


state of “unavailable” when the Activity starts executing. This association



MUST NOT reference a DataInput that is not listed in the




The DataInput elements that are a part of the InputSet that can be evalu-

DataInput [0..*]

ated while the Activity is executing. This association MUST NOT reference a



DataInput that is not listed in the dataInputRefs.

outputSetRefs: OutputSet [0..*]

Specifies an Input/Output rule that defines which OutputSet is expected to


be created by the Activity when this InputSet became valid.


This attribute is paired with the inputSetRefs attribute of OutputSets.


This combination replaces the IORules attribute for Activities in BPMN 1.2.


An OutputSet is a collection of DataOutputs elements that together can be produced as output from an Activity or

Event. An InputOutputSpecification element MUST define at least OutputSet element. An OutputSet

MAY reference zero or more DataOutput elements. A single DataOutput MAY be associated with multiple OutputSet elements, but it MUST always be referenced by at least one OutputSet.


Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), v2.0.2

An “empty” OutputSet, one that is associated with no DataOutput elements, signifies that the ACTIVITY produces no data.

The implementation of the element where the OutputSet is defined determines the OutputSet that will be produced. So it is up to the Activity implementation or the Event, to define which OutputSet will be produced.

Figure 10.63 – OutputSet class diagram

The OutputSet element inherits the attributes and model associations of BaseElement (see Table 8.5). Table 10.62 presents the additional attributes and model associations of the OutputSet element.

Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), v2.0.2


Table 10.62 – OutputSet attributes and model associations

Attribute Name




name: string [0..1]

A descriptive name for the input set.



dataOutputRefs: DataOutput [0..*]

The DataOutput elements that MAY collectively be outputted.



optionalOutputRefs: DataOutput [0..*]

The DataOutput elements that are a part of the OutputSet that do not


have to be produced when the Activity completes executing. This asso-


ciation MUST NOT reference a DataOutput that is not listed in the




The DataOutput elements that are a part of the OutputSet that can

DataOutput [0..*]

be produced while the Activity is executing. This association MUST



NOT reference a DataOutput that is not listed in the



inputSetRefs: InputSet [0..*]

Specifies an Input/Output rule that defines which InputSet has to


become valid to expect the creation of this OutputSet. This attribute is


paired with the outputSetRefs attribute of InputSets. This combina-


tion replaces the IORules attribute for Activities in BPMN 1.2.

Data Associations

Data Associations are used to move data between Data Objects, Properties, and inputs and outputs of Activities, Processes, and GlobalTasks. Tokens do not flow along a Data Association, and as a result they have no direct effect on the flow of the Process.

The purpose of retrieving data from Data Objects or Process Data Inputs is to fill the Activities inputs and later push the output values from the execution of the Activity back into Data Objects or Process Data Outputs.


The DataAssociation class is a BaseElement contained by an Activity or Event, used to model how data is pushed into or pulled from item-aware elements. DataAssociation elements have one or more sources and a target; the source of the association is copied into the target.

The ItemDefinition from the souceRef and targetRef MUST have the same ItemDefinition or the

DataAssociation MUST have a transformation Expression that transforms the source ItemDefinition into the target ItemDefinition.


Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), v2.0.2

Figure 10.64 – DataAssociation class diagram

Optionally, Data Associations can be visually represented in the diagram by using the Association connector style (see Figure 10.65 and Figure 10.66).

Figure 10.65 – A Data Association




Write Text

the Topic


Figure 10.66 – A Data Association used for an Outputs and Inputs into an Activities

The core concepts of a DataAssociation are that they have sources, a target, and an optional transformation.

When a data association is “executed,” data is copied to the target. What is copied depends if there is a transformation defined or not.

If there is no transformation defined or referenced, then only one source MUST be defined, and the contents of this source will be copied into the target.

Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), v2.0.2