7.15 Mб

Table 8.43 – FormalExpression attributes and model associations

Attribute Name




language: string [0..1]

Overrides the Expression language specified in the Definitions. The language


MUST be specified in a URI format.



body: Element

The body of the Expression.


Note that this attribute is not relevant when the XML Schema is used for


interchange. Instead, the FormalExpression complex type supports mixed


content. The body of the Expression would be specified as element content.


For example:


<formalExpression id=“ID_2">


count(../dataObject[id="CustomerRecord_1"]/emailAddress) > 0


<evaluatesToType id="ID_3" typeRef=“xsd:boolean"/>






The type of object that this Expression returns when evaluated. For example,


conditional Expressions evaluate to a boolean.

8.4.7Flow Element

FlowElement is the abstract super class for all elements that can appear in a Process flow, which are FlowNodes (see page 99, which consist of Activities (see page 149), Choreography Activities (see page 319) Gateways (see page 285), and Events (see page 231), Data Objects (see page 204), Data Associations (see page 220), and

Sequence Flows (see page 97).


Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), v2.0.2

Figure 8.22 – FlowElement class diagram

The FlowElement element inherits the attributes and model associations of BaseElement (see Table 8.5). Table 8.44 presents the additional attributes and model associations of the FlowElement element.

Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), v2.0.2


Table 8.44 – FlowElement attributes and model associations

Attribute Name




name: string [0..1]

The descriptive name of the element.



categoryValueRef: CategoryValue

A reference to the Category Values that are associated with this Flow



auditing: Auditing [0..1]

A hook for specifying audit related properties. Auditing can only be


defined for a Process.

monitoring: Monitoring [0..1]

A hook for specifying monitoring related properties. Monitoring can only


be defined for a Process.



8.4.8Flow Elements Container

FlowElementsContainer is an abstract super class for BPMN diagrams (or views) and defines the superset of elements that are contained in those diagrams. Basically, a FlowElementsContainer contains FlowElements, which are Events (see page 231), Gateways (see page 285), Sequence Flows (see page 97), Activities (see page 149), and Choreography Activities (see page 319).

There are four (4) types of FlowElementsContainers (see Figure 8.23): Process, Sub-Process,

Choreography, and Sub-Choreography.


Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), v2.0.2

Figure 8.23 – FlowElementContainers class diagram

The FlowElementsContainer element inherits the attributes and model associations of BaseElement (see Table 8.5). Table 8.45 presents the additional model associations of the FlowElementsContainer element.

Table 8.45 – FlowElementsContainer model associations

Attribute Name




flowElements: Flow

This association specifies the particular flow elements contained in a

Element [0..*]

FlowElementContainer. Flow elements are Events, Gateways, Sequence


Flows, Activities, Data Objects, Data Associations, and Choreography




Note that:


Choreography Activities MUST NOT be included as a flowElement for a





Activities, Data Associations, and Data Objects MUST NOT be included as



a flowElement for a Choreography.

laneSets: LaneSet [0..*]

This attribute defines the list of LaneSets used in the FlowElementsContainer


LaneSets are not used for Choreographies or Sub-Choreographies.

Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), v2.0.2