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Industrial poisons

For example, the brain, which contains a lot of lipids and has a rich circulatory system, is quickly saturated with toxic substances (especially ethyl ether).

This dependence persists even when removing substances from the body. Organs rich in blood vessels are freed from harmful substances faster.

Industrial poisons

For example, poisons related to electrolytes have a limited ability to penetrate the cell, due to the charge of its shell and the structure of the substance.

If the cell surface is charged «-», she doesn't miss it anions, and when «+» charge – cations.

Industrial poisons

Electrolytes they quickly disappear from the blood and concentrate in separate organs – deposit.

In the bones – lead, strontium, heavy metals;

In the liver – manganese;

In the kidneys and large intestine – mercury.

Industrial poisons

The release of electrolytes from the depot into the bloodstream occurs when:


nervous tension or stress;



reception of alcohol.


Effect of poisons on the body

The action is determined by the concentration of the substance in the air of the working area.

Local – when the biological effect develops before the poison is absorbed into the blood. When local action prevails tissue damage at the point of contact with the poison: skin irritation, inflammation, burn.

General - develops as a result of the absorption of poison in the blood with the development of poisoning with a predominant lesion of various organs and systems.

Effect of poisons on the body

Industrial poisoning can occur in acute, subacute and chronic forms.

Acute poisoning – occur when relatively large amounts of chemicals enter the body in a short period of time, which is possible:

At high concentrations of substances in the air;

In case of erroneous ingestion;

With severe contamination of the skin.

Effect of poisons on the body

The first signs of acute poisoning:

General weakness;



Nausea and vomiting.

Then specific symptoms develop:

Edema of the lungs or brain;

Damage to the visual organ;

Paralysis of the nerve centers…

An emergency notification of a case of occupational poisoning is sent to Rospotrebnadzor.

Effect of poisons on the body

Chronic poisoning – observed with prolonged exposure to the substance in small concentrations.

They are characterized by a gradual increase in functional and organic disorders caused by the accumulation of poison (material accumulation) or a summation of the changes it caused (functional accumulation).

Subacute poisoning – more often occur under the same conditions as acute ones, but develop much more slowly and have a prolonged course.

Effect of poisons on the body

Along with local and General effects poisons can cause:

Allergic disease;

Chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma;

To reduce the immunological resistance;

Gonadotoxic effect;

Embryotoxic effect;

Teratogenic effect (congenital deformities);

Blastomogenic effect (tumors);

Mutagenic effect (mutations)