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Because religious terrorists are concerned not with rallying a constituency of fellow nationalists or ideologues but with pursuing their own vision of the divine will, they lack one of the major constraints that historically has limited the scope of terror attacks, experts say. As Hoffman puts it, the most extreme religious terrorists can sanction "almost limitless violence against a virtually openended category of targets: that is, anyone who is not a member of the terrorists' religion or religious sect".

What are some examples of religious terrorist groups?

Examples include Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network, the Palestinian Sunni Muslim organization Hamas, the Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah, the radical Jewish groups affiliated with the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, the Israeli extremists Baruch Goldstein (who machine-gunned Muslim worshipers in a Hebron mosque in 1994) and Yigal Amir (who assassinated then Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995), some American white-supremacist militias, and the Aum Shinrikyo doomsday cult in Japan.

Exercise 1. Consult a dictionary, define the following words and try to explain the difference:

Rebels, insurgents, separatists, guerrillas, insurrectionists, freedom fighters, fundamentalists... are these all terrorists?

Exercise 2. Pronounce the words correctly. If it is necessary consult the dictionary:

Thwarting, to resort to, to deter, anthrax, botulism, plague, smallpox, to orchestrate, bioterrorism, cyberterrorism, to sabotage, narcoterrorism, traffickers, to alienate, Palestine, Basque, Kurdistan, Turkey, Muslim, Lebanese.

Exercise 3. Fill in the correct words from the list below. Use the words only once.

To combat, to attack, to take the matters, to influence, to rivet, to hack into, rise, to resort, nuclear, to be at

1………………………..a new high 2………………………..facilities 3………………………..networks 4………………………..terrorism 5………………………..into one’s own hands 6………………………..in activity 7………………………..to terrorism 8………………………..world attention 9………………………..governments 10………………………nuclear facilities

Exercise 4. Fill in the correct word derived from the words in brackets.

The essence of terrorism is 1)……………….. (violent) with the aim of 2)……………(intimidate). Those who commit 3)…………….. (terror) acts are different political and social organizations and just citizens who want to gain some goal. The object of 4)………… (violent) is usually the power of the certain 5)……………..(government) workers as the 6)…………………(personify) of the whole governmental power or 7)……………….(peace) citizens as 8)…………………. (personify) of the whole society including 9)……………(foreign). The aim of such violence is to achieve the desired goal that is usually one of points in revolutions, 10)……………….(stabilize) of society, war breaking with foreign countries, getting independence, political changes, etc.

Exercise 5. Fill in the missing words which best fit each sentence. Use only ONE WORD in each gap.

aircraft hijackings, released, hostages, suicide bombers, hijacked, demand, targets, threatened, imprisoned, attack

Terrorism can involve a variety of different kinds of attacks, 1)………………..targets and weapons. Increasingly, the most common terrorist incidents involve the use of bombs on airplanes, trucks, cars, or ships or 2)……………………..suicide bombers. And the perpetrators and targets have become more diverse. Terrorists began to use 3)…………………………aircraft

hijackings in the 1970s to project their message. For example, in December 1973, Arab terrorists killed thirty-two people in Rome’s airport during 4)………………..an attack on a U.S. aircraft. 5)………………..Hostages were taken in support of the hijackers’ 6)………………demand for the release of 7)…………………imprisoned Palestinians. In 1976, a French plane with mostly Israeli passengers was 8)………………..hijacked by a Middle Eastern organization and flown to Uganda, where the hijackers 9)………………threatened to kill the hostages unless Arab prisoners in Israel were 10)………………released.


Exercise 6. Explain the difference between the following pair of words:


abduct – to kidnap


Exercise 7. Look through the text and find out other types of terrorism.

A gunshot, an explosion, and screaming heard. That is what is generally thought of when one hears the word "Terrorism". In most cases it is true, but there

are many other types of terrorism. Most terrorist incidents in different countries have been bombing attacks, involving explosive devices, tear gas and pipe bombs.

People often generalize terrorism however; there are three main types of terrorism that is becoming more and more prevalent in today’s world: international, domestic, and political terrorism. With terrorist threats on the rise, the nation is well aware of the possibility of yet another terrorist attack.

Some forms of terrorism take place in our own neighborhood, or place of work. Terrorists do not have to be from a foreign country, the majority of terrorism that takes place in our country are from people that do not fit the terrorist profile. From internet hacking, to car bombing, terrorism is a constant threat today. The most recognized type of terrorism is international terrorism. International terrorism takes place all over the world however, the terrorism going on in the Middle East, and Gaza Strip has been a raging war for decades.

Another form of terrorism that is often overlooked is domestic terrorism. Acts of domestic terrorism can include car bombing, internet hacking, and gang-related crimes. The mob is a prime example of domestic terrorism that can take place. The mob was running companies and government branches, through the dirty funds, and drug money. Internet hacking is a very dangerous form of terrorism.

Hackers can be committing grand theft, and fraud while being 500 miles away from the desired location. Hacking is the hardest form of terrorism to track simply due to today’s technology. Internet terrorism can be committed internationally, and domestically. From credit card numbers, to bank access codes, makes internet terrorism one of the most important types of terrorism to be aware of today. From something as simple as a car bomb, to internet related crimes, domestic terrorism is the broadest form of terrorism, and takes place more often.

Writing Project

Look at the Array of Terrorism and write a short article about one of the terrorist incidents which happened in the world.

Array of Terrorism

ATTACKS………………Suicide bombing



Drive-by shooting

Targeted assassination

Air piracy

TARGETS…………… Public gatherings

Oil tankers



Food suppliers

Human rights workers



WEAPONS………………………… AK 47

Sarin gas

Car bomb

Shoulder-fired missile

Dirty bomb


Airplane as missile

GOALS………………Political independence Revenge

Free prisoners

Вoost followers’ morale Weaken government Publicize demands

GROUPS……………… Nationalists


Official state agency

Proxy for state

Secret state agency

Religious militants

Left-wing militants

Right-wing militants

INFRASTRUCTURE…………… Training camps

Safe houses

Money laundering

Weapons suppliers

Exercise 9. Render the text into English using the key vocabulary:

Самый страшный акт терроризма на американской земле был совершен 11 сентября 2001 года, когда группы из четырёх-пяти террористов захватили четыре авиалайнера, отправившихся из аэропортов на восточном побережье Америки. Пользуясь ножами, 19 воздушных пиратов превратили самолёты в

огромные заполненные топливом ракеты. Убийцы направили два самолёта на Нью-йоркский Центр международной торговли, а третий самолёт – на Пентагон в Вашингтоне.

Команды и пассажиры героически боролись с захватчиками на борту четвёртого самолёта, предназначавшегося для поражения другой цели в Вашингтоне. Самолёт потерпел крушение в Пенсильвании, при этом все пассажиры на его борту погибли. Действия пиратов внутри самолёта были жестокими и продуманными. Но это было только начало ужаса. Вместе с сотнямипассажиров,погибшихнабортусамолётов,более4800людейпогибли в огне и руинах Центра международной торговли. Многие погибли сразу же после столкновения самолётов с двумя зданиями ЦМТ.

Некоторые, спасаясь от огня, прыгали из окон небоскрёбов. Сильное пламя расплавило конструкции зданий, выдержавших непосредственный удар самолётов: менее чем через два часапосле первого взрыва оба зданиярухнули, похоронив под своими руинами тысячи людей. Ответственность за ужасные события, произошедшие 11 сентября, лежит на террористической сети «АльКаида», возглавляемой Усамой бин Ладеном.

Follow-up Activities

1. Study the material of Unit II again and fill in the table. Discuss the issue with a partner.


























Read the following headlines and decide what form of terrorism each headline describes, then choose one of the headlines and talk about it as if you were a witness.

1.An explosion caused a Russian train crash.

2.Pakistan suicide bomber kills dozens at volleyball.

3.Freed hostage Peter Moore expected back in UK today.

4.Iraqi governor seriously injured in double suicide attack.

5.Two bomb blasts hit Pakistan.




Warm-up Activities

1.Look at the pictures. How can you comment on them?

2.How can people stop terrorism?

3.What do you know about the war on terrorism?

On a piece of paper briefly answer the following questions:

1.When did the war on terrorism start?

2.Who started the war?

3.What would you like to know more about?

READING TASK: You are going to read a newspaper article about counter terrorism. Define the major characteristics of the current international terrorist threats.

The current international terrorist threat is quite different from the terrorist threats people faced in the past. Contemporary terrorist groups claim a religious justification for their actions and have a wide-ranging religious and political agenda; they are no longer concerned with a single issue. Many seek mass civilian casualties

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