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Science cannot be mistaken in things, it can be mistaken in understanding things.

V. Libkneht

There are a lot of different subjects and phenomena around an individual: stones, air, water, light rays, plants, animals, electric and magnetic fields.

The world is entire and indivisible, and there are no separate objects there. An individual cannot comprehend everything entirely so he perceives the world piecemeal. Invented images come up to our mind – objects, working with which an individual is in metaphysical world reflected the physical world. In this world we apply such methods of cognition (research) as similarity, experiment (mental ones inclusive), abstraction, deduction, induction.

An object is everything an individual`s activity is aimed at in order to modify, create or research.

An object has many different characteristics, so there is a question emerged to choose that feature of an object which defines it completely. Taking any feature as a substantial one is relative; in one problem these features will be substantial, in the other the same features will be minor. Substantial features of an object are revealed in one case but while circumstances are changed those features can become minor. Studying the properties of object, processes, defining relationship between them in any branch of knowledge is the fundamental part of researcher`s activity.

The notion “state” is treated as a point which moved either intentionally or under random processes beyond or within it in multidimensional object state space. There are two way to describe the object state – either to introduce it in an abstract model or by measuring its backbone parameters. In the first case the results of observation on external object parameters are processes with the corresponding methods in order to


get either polynomial or functional representation of interaction by input shift change or output. In the second case the measurement results of internal parameters are entered in matrix - line which the state of the object is judged on. Thus, the notion “state” is connected with the static characteristics of an object.

The notion “process” is considered as the transition of the object from one state to another. All the bodies and phenomena of a physical world are in continuous movement, change and development. Observations show that changes happen in a definite sequence. For example, a planted seed comes through the stages of a sprout to a blooming or fructiferous plant. Certain stage of development can be observed both in the world of animals and in public processes, for instance goods and services have a certain life cycle. The notion “process” defines the dynamic characteristics of an object.

The lecture plan of meaning orgraph is given in table 2.





The lecture plan of meaning orgraph



Table 2


















Objects, states, processes











Notion “object” and its description







External description of object








Hypothetic, verbal (linguistic), abstract description :








the model of “black box”









Functioning Law and translation algorithm







Internal description of object








Object components properties









Interrelationship, multifunctionality, hierarchical









patterns, ergatical patterns, emergent patterns.








Description of relationship between object

















Graphical description









Matrix description: connection, incidence matrix









Multiple description







Objects in management








Leader: knowledge, abilities, skills










End of Table 2









Knowledge of subject field and its concepts,








knowledge of IT, ability to make decisions, skills








of analytical and technical work







Personnel as an object in management







Organization as an object in management





Notion of state






Description of object state through its external













Lagrangian model, method of finite difference,







method of lowest squares






Description of object state through its internal













Matrix - line values of backbone parameters of an















Point in multidimensional object state space






Classification of states





Notion “process”






Theoretic aspects of the notion “process”







Interrelationship between the notion of process and














Notion of discrete process and its representation with







Markov process with discrete time






Organization as set of processes





Bibliography list for students` autonomous work [13, 22, 32].

Checklist questions

1.Give the definition of hypotheses and suggest an example.

2.Give the example of verbal description of an object.

3.What is the sense of abstraction?

4.Give the definition of model. Give the examples of models you know.

5.Clarify the sense of hypothetical description of object.

6.What is the sense of the abstract model “black box”?

7.Give the definition of emergent pattern. Suggest an example.


8.Give the example of object state in management.

9.Give the example of graphical description of relationship between components.

10.Give the example of matrix description of relationship between components.

11.Draw up a connection matrix with the graphical relation schema specified.

12.What is the difference between connection and matrix?

13.What is the difference between method of lowest squares and Lagrangian method?

14.Give the definition of Markov discrete process.

15.Compile a glossary of terms, supported the sense-conveying components of lecture meaning orgraph.



Nothing can be said about the depth of a puddle until you find yourself in it.

Miller Law

The term “organization” is treated in two ways:

on the one hand it means an action directed to doing some job or the process (assembly for example); there are lots of processes in an organization (actions), directed at achieving a goal;

on the other hand the term “organization” means an object which is integral, made up of parts implementing functions differed from the function of the whole unit.

So an organization is the order, coordination of the interactive in space and time processes of more or less differentiated parts, stipulated by its structure.


The dominant features of an organization are: the goal available (goals), aggregate of functional conditions (status) and roles, rules regulating the relationship between roles, as well as formalization of considerable part of targets and relations.

Organization as a science was defined by the Russian scientist A. A. Bogdanov; he considered Organization as a metascience as regards to specific organizational sciences, which establishes common functioning rules and principles of entire formations at an abstract level [6]. Later the basic concepts of organizational theory were defined in the works of scientists working in different field of knowledge: in biology – L. v. Bertalanffy; in mathematics – W.R. Ashby and N. Wiener; in economics – R.L. Ackoff. The research result of these scientists made foundations of cybernetics, system approach and thus to consider organization theory in close link with these sciences is reasonable. Cybernetics studies the laws of system operation, connected with perception, memorization, processing, exchange of information, using it to manage them. System approach is methodology of scientific cognition, the basis of which being research of objects as systems.

The object of research in the organization theory is targets and functioning laws of societal organizations, kinds of their organizational structures, interaction with external environment, ways to improve and develop societal organizations.

The lecture plan of meaning orgraph is given in table 3.




The lecture plan of meaning orgraph



Table 3
















Organization as an object in management











Organization: organization theory and its components







Cybernetics, system approach






Targets of an organization






Organization structure description







Organization structure







Job description








General targets of job description











End of Table 3

















Rational division of labour, choosing right








personnel and its positioning, consolidation of








office discipline, increase of organization


















Special objectives of job description










Development of organizational and legal grounds








for office activities of personnel, increase of








employees` amount of responsibility for work,








guarantee of

objectivity on employees`









settlement of disputes



















qualification requirements







Description of an organization functional structure






Classification of an organization








Classification of organizations on integration principle






Classification of organizations on setting up mode








Types of organizations








Classification of organizations on nature of activity






Classification of organizations on public functions






Laws of an organization









Laws of the first level (general laws)









Laws of synergy, self-preservation









Law of ontogenesis: law principles








Laws of the second level









Laws of equality of analysis and synthesis








Law of composition and proportion: principles of























Bibliography list for students` autonomous work [6, 14, 15, 21, 25].

Checklist questions

1.Give the definition of cybernetics.

2.Explain the scope of concept “mission of an organization”.

3.Explain the essence of information description of an organization.

4.Explain the essence of information description of an organization.

5.What are reasons, modes put as basics of organization classification?


6.Who was the founder of theory of organization?

7.What does cybernetics study?

8.Give the definition of problem. What problems does a manager solve?

9.Explain the notion “synergy”. Give the example.

10.Explain the notion “law”.

11.What is a sense of equality of analysis and synthesis?

12.What is a sense of principles of law of ontogenesis?

13.What is a sense of principles of law of composition and proportion?

14.What is a sense of system approach?

15.Give the definition of structure. Give the example.

16.Give the example of regression model.

17.Explain the essence of method of "decision matrix".


When one doesn`t know what landing stage he steers his course, not a wind will be fair.


The analysis of a definite goal and the notions related (expediency, intentionality, goal-formation) shows that the notion “goal” has different nuances from ideal aspirations to end results obtained within a time interval, and all that depending on the level of object cognition.

Organizations of different types can have different goals, for example, the goal of a business organization is to maximize profit and sometimes it can bring to pay increase. State-run organizations don`t strive for profit, but they are cared about expenses.

In divisions of an organization as well as in an entire organization there is a need to elaborate goals. The divisional goals of different organizations, having similar activities will nearer between each other, than divisional goals within one organization dealing with different activities.


The goals determined should the status of a law for the organization and its divisions. However the goal should be changes due to the dynamism of the internal parameters and the environment.

There are two ways to change a goal:

the way depending on the environment and the matters in an organization. Under the way good knowledge of environment parameters is required and thus this way is rather difficult. The preferred one is the second way;

the way of systematic pro-active change of goals.

The kernel of systematic pro-active change of a goal is in the development of itemized short-term goals according to the long-term goal. On achieving short-term goals new long-term ones are developed, where the changes in the environment of direct and indirect influence are taken into consideration. On the basis of new long-term goals short-term ones are defined, on achieving them new long-term goals being developed. Under such iterative process achieving long-term goals fails as they are regularly altered. However, there is a constant long-term goal orientation in an organization and a regular adjustment of a course of actions is done new circumstances and opportunities beingtaken into consideration.

The lecture plan of meaning orgraph is given in table 4.




The lecture plan of meaning orgraph


Table 4














Goal of an organization











Types of object goals







Formal (mission), operational, operating






Goals of object growth








Goal of rapid growth (function with increasing







increment), goal of steady growth (linear







increasing function), goal of

growth reduction







(function with decreasing increment)





Two ways to adjust a goal






Requirements to the goals of organization












End of Table 4







Accuracy of wording, feasibility, flexibility,






measurability, compatibility, acceptability





Four phases of goal-taking






Environment effect and effect of inner parameters of






an object on defining a mission and goals, revealing






system-formation parameters of an object






Setting up a hierarchy of goals (structuring)








Tree of goals







Bringing the goals up to executing officers







Major directions of setting up goals







Profitability, position within external environment,







productivity, diversification







External environment of organization





Bibliography list for students` autonomous work [3, 4, 5, 6, 30].

Checklist questions

1.What is the role of goals in the life of an individual?

2.What is the purpose of your going to the educational institution (university, academy, institute, college)?


4.What is the reason for organization to consider and apply the goal of growth reduction?

5.What is way an organization takes external environment into consideration?

6.How does an organization take its internal parameters into account?

7.What is the kernel of setting up a hierarchy of goals?

8.Give the example of a tree of goals.


10.What are the criteria if setting up goals?

11.Compile a glossary of terms, supported the sense-conveying components of lecture meaning orgraph.



In any hierarchy every employee has a trend to reach his own level of incompetence.

From Parkinson's laws

Structure is an abstract notion, reflecting different aspects of either

designed or researched object. If to consider:

the flow of documentation, it is said about informational structure (documents circulation of an organization);

objectives, functions, it is said about functional structure;

technique of an object, it is said about technical structure;

morphology of an object, it is said about organizational structure. There are informational, financial, tangible flows within organizational structure.

Key notions of organizational structure are elements (components, authorities) and relationship between them. Components of the structure are workers of an organization (leaders, experts, office workers), departments, workshops, areas, management personnel. Organizational structure of an organization represents the frame where certain objectives and functions are reached. So, foe example, Human resource department solves the problem of finding the right person for the right position both for current needs and for strategic purposes; engineering department solves the problems of improving the quality of production.

The lecture plan of meaning orgraph is given in table 5.


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