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english_1 / Методичка-44 для домашнего задания.doc
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Завдання до тексту:

1.Дайте вiдповiдi:

What uncommon animals live in Australia?

Why are funnel-web spiders so dangerous?

What other animals with so sharp teeth can you meet in Australia?

Was it a good idea to bring cane toads to the continent?

2.Знайдiть усi присвiйнi займенники у абзацi 6.

3.Прокоментуйте вживання “The verb to have” у абзацi 2.

4.Знайдiть усi прикметники в абзацах 1,2 та визначить у якому ступенi порiвнення вони вживаються.

Living in a dream

Everybody wants to build dream house, a house that is unique and special; but only few are able to build it. Let’s look at them.

A sand house. Sounds like a house out of a fairy tale book. But it isn’t! It’s the house of a postman Ferdinand Cheval. To realise, his “dream”, Ferdinand worked hard for 33 years, using sand and rocks. He built it all on his own using a shovel and a bucket… like those you find on the beach. His house is now a masterpiece. It’s 26 metres long and 12 metres tall. It has a big living room and a 23 metre long terrace. Well, you see… with a “little bit” of effort one can surely achieve one’s goal.

A vegetable house. Now the people of Hull, a small town in northern England can admire and be proud of the first vegetable house in the world. In fact, two artists, Dan Harvey and Heather Ackroyd have covered a typical villa, made of red bricks, with grass. Grass on the wall, on the root… even on the curtains. Isn’t that incredible? How did they do that? They used material that contained seeds of grass and then gave water to the seeds… and abracadabra grass came up.

It is Dan and Heather’s way of telling the world that Nature is alive and living.

Living in a ball. Hans Walter Muller is a German architect. He lives and works in an inflatable house 30 kms from Paris in the country. Do you know what’s magical about the house? It has no doors or windows and it’s soundproof, which means that you don’t hear any noise from outside. You are alone with your thoughts in complete silence. Muller is also aware of other social problems so he has built similar houses for the homeless in Paris and also inflatable churches for the poorest quarters of the city.

Завдання до тексту

1. Дайте відповіді:

For how many years the sand house was built?

How was the vegetable house constructed?

What kinds of inflatable buildings did Hans Muller construct?

Do you think it will be nice to live in any of the houses described?

2. 3найдіть випадки суфіксації в абзаці 4.

3. Які слова з абзацу 2 утворені словоскладанням? Перекладіть їх українською.

4. Визначить розрядову приналежність займенників, що зустрічаються в абзаці 2.

That Spot

I don’t think much of Stephen Mackay any more. If ever I meet him again, I shall not be responsible for my actions. It passed beyond me that a man with whom 1 shared food and blanket should turn out the way he did. I always sized Steve up as a square man, without an iota of anything malicious in his nature. I shall never trust my judgement about men again.

We started down the Klondike in the fall of 1897. We had to buy dogs. That was how we came to get that Spot. Dogs were high, and we paid one hundred and ten dollars for him. He looked worth it. We called him Spot, for on one side, in the thick of the mixed yellow-brown-red-and-dirty-white (that was his prevailing color) there was a spot of coal-black. He was the strongest-looking brute I ever saw in Alaska, also the most intelligent-looking. Once I sat and looked into that dog’s eyes till the shivers ran up and down my spine, what of the intelligence I saw shining out. The eyes never pleaded, they challenged. But in my judgement it was unconscious on his part.

We paid a hundred and ten dollars for Spot from the bottom of our sack, and he wouldn’t work.

Steve spoke to him the first time we put him in harness, and he sort of shivered, that was all.

On top of that, Spot was the cleverest thief. We nearly starved to death on the Stewart because of him. He stole from everybody.

At the end of the first week we sold him to the Mounted Police. A week later we woke up in the morning to the bitterest dog-fight we’d ever heard: it was Spot who had come back and was knocking the team into shape. So we made money out of Spot. He was such a fine looker that we had no difficulty in selling him and no one asked for the money back.

But there was no getting rid of Spot. I might have become a millionaire on the Klondike but for Spot. He got on my nerves. I was worn down to skin and bone for that Spot. And in the summer of 1899 I pulled out. But I fixed it up all right with Steve. I left a note for him. At last I could sigh with relief. I was beside myself with joy.

And then I got up one morning and found that Spot chained to the gate-post and holding up the milkman. At the sight of him I almost lost consciousness. I learned later that Steve had been to San- Francisco and had gone to Seattle that very morning without looking me up, so Spot will be with me until I die, for he’ll never die.

That is why I am disappointed in Stephen Mackay.