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english_1 / Методичка-44 для домашнего задания.doc
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Завдання до тексту:

1. Дайте відповіді:

Why was Mr. Jones so angry?

What words were in the notice in front of the houses down the street?

What was in the parcel Mr. Jones brought home?

What do people usually read?

2. Знайдіть усі заперечні речення в абзацах 4,5 та вкажіть, чим висловлено заперечення.

3. Прокоментуйте вживання дієслів to be та to have в абзацах 4,5.

4. В якому ступені порівняння вжиті прикметники в абзацах 4,5.

5. Які займенники вжиті в абзацах 4-6, вкажіть їх розряд.

British ways of living and some of the english customs

Some of the English customs are interesting. People in England do not shake hands as much as people do in Europe. Men raise their hats to women but not to each other. When you go to a friend’s house for a dinner, it’s not the custom to say: “Thank you” at the end of the dinner as in our country. There you wait until you are leaving to go home and then you say. “Thank you for inviting me.” Very few people have servants in their homes. It is very difficult to get servants and servants’ wages are high, so the men help their wives in many ways.

Sunday is a very quiet day in London. All the shops are not open and so are the theatres and most of the cinemas. Londoners like to get out of town on Sundays. They often go down to the sea for the day. There are very few outdoor cafes in London. That’s because the weather changes so often and so quickly. The sun may shine one minute and then a few minutes later it may rain.

Foreigners sometimes get a little tired of English cooking, and they go to Soho. Soho is a part of London where there are all sorts of restaurants: French, Italian, Greek, Spanish, Indian and many others.

You notice when yon meet English people that some of them use your first name immediately. Others are more formal addressing you as Mr., Mrs. or Miss before your surname. The question is-how do you address them? When do you begin to use their first name?

There is no simple answer to this. It is not always correct to address people by their first name even though they use your first name. The using of the first name depends on a number of factors. These factors are: the age, status and sex of the person you are speaking to.

As to age it is safe to use the first name of someone who is the same age as yourself or younger. Students, for example, normally use one another’s first names from the moment when they meet.

The other main factor is the sex of the people talking to each other. Even when the age and status are the same a man hesitates before beginning to use a woman’s first name. He must wait when she begins to use his first name as a sign that she considers him as a friend.

You may hear how foreign students say that English is a simple language. They say: “Look how easy it is to address someone in English. There is only one word “you”. In other languages it is more difficult.”

Yes, there is only one form “you”, but this does not mean that Englishmen make no distinction between friends, strangers and people to whom they want to pay respect. When you are friends you use relaxed expressions even slang expressions, that is the whole structure of the sentence may differ, according to the relationship between speaker and hearer. For example: “What time is it, John?” can become “Excuse me, can you tell me the time, please?” if you address a stranger. So the whole question of addressing someone in English is a little more difficult than it seems at first glance.