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Экзамен 3 курс / Presentation

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Presentation is a speech given to one or more listeners in order to inform them about new product, service or business idea. The key to a successful presentation is a clear strategy or plan. So, it is very important to plan the presentation carefully in advance. Only good preparation makes speaker confident, helps to overcome nervousness and hold an audience’s attention. There are four stages of preparation. The first stage is the collection of information. It means that speaker should know how much does the audience know about the subject? Are they experts or do they know very little? Apart from that it is necessary for the speaker to visit the room where he will be giving the presentation before the presentation and organize it precisely to his own requirements. Sometimes it is very essential to check the equipment that will be using used during the presentation.

So, when the speaker knows his audience and the place where he will conduct his presentation he is ready to start the preparation of his speech. This is second stage of preparation. At this stage the introduction and the main body of the presentation are being developed. In the introduction the speaker gives the main items of his presentation in order to make the information clear and to hold the audience’s attention. For example he may introduce the list with phrases like – There are three things we have to consider. The speaker then says what the three things are and talks about each one at the required level of detail in the main body of the presentation. The main body of the presentation contains the details of the subject or terms described in the introduction.

The third stage is the speaker’s conclusions. The conclusion should include a summery of the speech and recommendations. And finally, the stage number four, that includes questions and answer session.

During the presentation the speaker should face the audience at all times but it doesn’t mean non-stop talking, speaker shouldn’t talk as a machine without breaks. Psychologists have suggested that concentration is reduced after about twenty minutes without a break or a change in activity. Furthermore, audience shouldn’t be overburdened with technical details or given too many facts to remember.

The visual aids, like overhead transparencies, charts, graphs maybe very useful during the presentation if there is a lot of complex information to explain. But if the speaker puts too much information on them it harms the presentation because it’s difficult to read this information and it bores the audience. Also the speaker shouldn’t forget to turn off the projector when he is not actually using it.

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