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Об'єктний інфінітивний зворот. Складний додаток.






Складний додаток


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him to study

що він вивчає



Об'єктний інфінітивний зворот вживається після дієслів:

І група

II група

to assume - вважати

to feel - почувати

to believe - гадати

to hear - чути (слухати)

to consider - вважати

to see - бачити

to expect - чекати

to watch - спостерігати

to find - знаходити

to observe - спостерігати

to know - знати

to suppose - припускати,


to think - думати

to show - показувати

to state - установлювати

to prove - доводити

to desire - хотіти

to require - вимагати

to wish - хотіти

Примітка: після дієслів 2 групи to перед інфінітивом не вживається.

Не saw the dean enter the classroom.

Перекладається підрядним додатковим реченням зі сполучниками щоб, що, як, підмет якого відповідає іменнику в загальному відмінку (або займеннику в об'єктному відмінку), а присудок - інфінітиву цього звороту.

**Translate the following sentences paying attention to the objective infinitive constructions:

a) 1. He wanted us to visit his office. 2.We expect you to do business with us. 3. I suppose this firm to be about 25. 4. The board of directors expected the goods to be delivered in time. 5. We know him to have 20% of our stocks. 6. Everybody knows him to be writing business articles. 7. We thought him to have taken part in their experiment.

b) 1. We felt somebody constantly buy our stocks. 2. We heard him phone Mr. Blake and say him about a 10% discount. 3. Have you ever seen Blake & C fail? 4. Nobody noticed her leave the conference room. 5. We like to see our business projects give good results.

**I. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the Objective Infinitive Construction (Complex Object).

1. She felt somebody look at her. 2. We heard him come in and close the door behind him. 3. Have you ever seen Ulanova dance? 4. She watched the boy buy a newspaper, open it, look it through and then throw it away. 5. Nobody noticed her leave the room. 6. I heard him mention my sister's name. 7. Many people like to watch the sun rise. 8. She saw her son fall. 9. He likes to watch his son play in the garden. 10. The students heard the bell ring. 11. You can't make me believe that all these stories are true. 12. In spite of "bad weather the instructor made the sportsmen continue their training.

**II. Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to the Objective Infinitive Construction (Complex Object).

1. He wanted us to visit the arts exhibition. 2. I expect you to tell me everything. 3.I suppose her to be about 50.4. The teacher does not consider him to be a good student. 5. The engineer expected the work to be done in time. 6. We expect you to show good results. 7. The discovery showed the atomic nucleus to be a vast source of energy. 8. We know him to have graduated from the institute two years ago. 9. Everybody knows him to be writing a new book. 10. We know the cybernetics to be an important branch of modern technology 11. We thought him to have taken part in their experiment.

**III. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying atten­tion to the functions of the Infinitive.

Зразок: То master English the students must study hard Для того щоб оволодгги англмською мовою, студенти повинi старанно


1. In the morning we open the window to air the room. 2. To be a good skilled engineer you must know Higher Mathematics. 3 To make the experiment you must improve the device. 4. The Laboratory is large enough to seat forty people. 5. All our students of the evening department must go to the Institute four times a week to attend classes, seminars and lectures. 6. To help students in their studies the Polytechnical Institute has quite a number of laboratories.

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