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Развитие навыков разговорной речи на английском языке по теме Поговорим о себе - Алентьева М.А

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Рецензент: Л.Г. Паранук, доктор филологических наук, профессор

А54 М.А. Алентьева. Методические указания по развитию навыков разговорной речи на английском языке по теме «Поговорим о себе» для студентов I курса. – Майкоп: редакционно-издательский отдел Адыгейского государственного университета, 2003. – 28 с.

Данные методические указания предназначены для аудиторной работы в I семестре по теме «Поговорим о себе». Указания состоят из четырех разделов, включающих следующую тематику: знакомство, приветствия и прощания, семья, внешность и характер, рабочий день.

Основная цель указаний – развитие навыков разговорной речи на основе коммуникативного подхода к обучению английскому языку. Реализации поставленной цели способствует последовательное выполнение заданий каждого раздела.

Тексты носят информативный занимательный характер, что облегчает задачу обучения студентов умению ознакомительного чтения. Каждый текст снабжён заданиями и вопросами, которые составляют определенную коммуникативную задачу, ради которой читается текст.

©Адыгейский государственный университет, 2003



1.1.Do you know how Englishmen greet each other when they meet and what they say when they leave? No? Then listen:

Part I

You say "How do you do" to a person when you meet him for the first time. This formula may be used almost any time of the day and it is rather formal. You say "Good morning" to people whom you know little or when your greeting is more formal. This formula is used before lunch. You say "Good afternoon" to people you don't know well between lunch time (12 a.m.) and tea-time (6 p.m.). You say "Good evening" to people you don't know very well after 6 p.m. The standard replies to "Good morning", "Good afternoon" and "Good evening" are the repetition of the sаmе words. "Good day" is never used as a greeting. The most informal greeting is "Hello" ("Hi" is used mainly in the USA). This formula is usually used with the first name, not with the surname "Hello, Janet". After an informal or friendly greeting often comеs the question: "How are you?" or "How are you getting on?" The answer may be "(I'm) very/ quite well, thank you"; "Fine, thanks")

or "Not too/sо bad (thank you)" "Sо-so".

Part II

As a rule when introducing somebody you say: "Mrs. White, may I Introduce Mr. Blake?" "Let me introduce..." is less formal. The simplest form of introducing is just saying: "Mrs, White.- Mr. Blake".

The usual response to an introduction is "How do you do", which is a sort of greeting and not a question (about your health) and the best answer is "How do you do".

Sometimes you may say less formally: "(I'm) glad/pleased to meet you", "Happy to meet you". These formulas are common in America but are not often used in Britain by educated people.

Part III

When you want to take your leave you can use one of the phrases, like: "(Well/I'm afraid) I must be going/off now",

“It's time I was going/off". After that you say "Good bye", but there is a number of other less formal phrases such as "Bye-bye!", "Cheerio!", "See


you later/tomorrow", "See you" is used by young people to their fiends. Notes:

formal ( Informal)

- официальный (неофициальный)

greet (greeting)

- приветствовать, (приветствие)

answer/reply/response - ответ

lеаves (take leave), (leavetaking) - прощание (прощаться) introduce (introduction) - представлять (представление) to be common - быть обычным, бытьпринятым

simple (simplest)- простой (простейший)

1.2.And nоw can you give correct answers to the following?

1)What is the most widely used formal form of greeting which may be used at any time of the day?

2)What are standard replies to "Good morning", "Good afternoon", "Good evening"?

3)What is the most widely used formula of an informal, greeting?

4)What phrase comes after an Informal greeting?

5)What is a less formal phrase to introduce people?

6)What formula of leavetaking is suitable at any time of the day?

7)What other less formal phrases for leavetaking are there?


most widely used - наиболее часто используемый

1.3. -Choose the strongest way of oppressing Agreement and react to the following statements showing your agreement

-There is no doubt [daut] about It. - Несомненно.

-Yes, you are quite right. - Да, Вы совершенно правы. -Very likely. - Bполe возможно.

-Agree with you. - Я c вами согласен.


-It looks like it. - Похоже, что это так.


Model: - It is important to know the

rules of Introduction.

- There is no doubt aboutit. (Can you give any other variants?)

1) It is not easy to start a conversation with someone to whom you have just been introduced.


2)The most common expression when taking leave is "Good-bye" which is used at any time of the day and on all occasions.

3)It is by our manners and our conversation that people, when wе first meet them, form their opinion of us.

4)Greeting people in a foreign language is not so simple as it may seem.

5)It is rude to interrupt, especially when an older person is speaking. Notes:

statement - утверждение agreement - согласие

It is not easy to start a conversation...-Нелегко начать разговор The most common expression...- Самое обычное выражение...

on all occasions - во всех случаях

It is by our manners and our conversation that... - Именно по нашим манерам и нашему


opinion - мнение

foreign ['fכֿrin] language - иностранный Язык

It is rude to interrupt, especially... - Грубо прерывать (кого-л.), особенно...

1.4.Read the dialogues and act them out:

a)A - Hello, Pete. Haven't seen you for ages,

В- Hello, old man. Neither have I. A - Who is with you?

В- Oh, sorry. It's Nelly, my cousin.

A - How do you do? Glad to meet you.

С- I'm happy to meet you, too. And what's your first name? A - It's Nickolas. Call me Nick for short.

С- All right.

b) A : Hello, John. I'm so glad you've come! How are you? B : quite well, thank you. How are you?

A:Very well, thank you. You've met Mr, Black, haven't you? He's staying with us for the week-end.

B:Oh, yes, we know each other quite well.


c) Professor Jones : Good morning, Mr. Brown. Glad to see you back!

Brown: Good morning, Professor Jones. Let me introduce my father to you.

Professor Jones : How do you do, Mr. Brown.

Father : How do you do, Professor Jones. I'm very glad to meet you. I've heard a great deal about you from my son. What formulas (formal or informal) are used in this dialogue? Who do you think take part in, this conversation?

Will you learn this dialogue or make up your own? Notes:

Haven't seen you for ages - He видел вас целую вечность Neither ['nai∂ ] have I - Я тоже (не видел)

for short - для краткости

1.5. Do you know anything about the origin of some British surnames? Will you read some facts about it?

The way in which British surnames have developed is very complicated. Before the Normans arrived, the use of surnames wasn't really known. Many English surnames were originally connected with it person's Job - Charles Baker, Mary Smith, Margaret Thatcher; someone's size - Jack Long, Mаrу Little: or a family relationship - Robin William' son (Robin son of William).




sizeразмер, величина

Normans - Норманны

relationship - родство

arrive - прибывать


originally - изначально job-работа,baker- пекарь, булочник

thatcher [‘θæt∫∂] -тот , кто кроет крьши соломой smith - кузнец

Scottish Names

Many people in Scotland have the name McDonald or McKenzie [m∂k'kenzi]


"Mac" means "son of", and people with this name usually feel they belong to the same family or clan.

Campbell or Cameroon are other. common surnames. Common boys' names are Angus ['æng s] Donald ["d כnld] or Duncan ['d nk∂n] and girls' names are Morag ['m כ:ræg] , Fiona [fl’oun∂] or Jean

The names Jimmy and Jock are so common that many English people call a man from Scotland "a Jimmy" or "a Jack".


Scottish - Шотландский

Gaelic Names

Years ago, all Irish people spoke Gaelic, and this language is still spoken in some parts of Ireland, although today all Irish people speak English also. The influence of Irish Gaelic is found in the names of people. Here are sоmе typical Gaelic first names:


[∫כ:n] , same as John


[li כm], same as William

Catail [kæhil] , same as Charles

Paddy (short for Patrick) and Micky (short for Michael ['maikl] are not Gaelic names but they are so common in Ireland that these two names are sometimes used to mean "an Irishman".

Mаnу Irish surnames begin with:

0' ... meaning "the. family of" (O'Brien ∂u'brai n); Pitz... meaning "son of" (Fitzgerald [fits'dзer∂ld] ); Notes:

Gealic - гальский

Irish, Ireland, Irishman - ирландский, Ирландия, ирландец influence - влияние

Welsh Names

The most common Welsh surnames were all originally Christian naimes in some form: Dylan Thomas [t כm∂s], Roger Davies [deivis] , David Williams ['wili∂ms] Many other names соmе from the tradition of calling a child "son of" his father using the Welsh word "ар (or ab)". This "p" can


be found at the beginning of many common Welsh names. "Prichard" is the same as the English "Richardson" (son of Richard). Welshmen living in England are often called "Taffy". This may come from River Taff, which runs through the capital of Wales, Cardiff.


Welsh - уэльский.

Christian [‘kristj∂n] name - first name -имя (в отличие от фамилии)

1.6. And now can you solve this puzzle?

William Jones, lan McDonald, Patrick O'Connell and Tim Smith are the members of one Gentlemen Club, They all speak English. They are all British, but they all are from different countries. Where did they come from?


solve a puzzle - отгадать загадку, решить головоломку

1.7. Here is a joke for you to enjoy: Introducing a witty friend

A certain playwright, introducing his friend, a wellknown comic actor, to a famous theatre star, said; "Madam, this is Mr. B.who is not such a fool as he looks". "True, madame", said the comedian, "And that is the principal difference between my friend and me"

Notes: witty-остроумный

principal difference -главное отличие to look - (эд.) выглядеть

Act this joke out using some additional words and phrases you have learnt. There, would be three of you - a playwright, a comic actor and a theatre star.

1.8 Learn the poem by Edward Lear: There wаs an Old Person of Burton

Whose answers were rather uncertain; When they said: "How d'you do?"

He replied: "Who are you?"


1. Sams, Samuel The General Secretary of British-Soviet friendship Society.
2. Marron, Christopher professor of Chemistry University of London Mr. Sams' friend.
3. Marron, Helen poetess Mr. Marron's wife.
4. Pearl, Shirley young famous actress.
Twin Towns - города-побратимы

That distressing Old Person of Burton. Notes:

rather uncertain ['ra:∂∂ n’s∂:tn] - ДОВОЛЬНО неопределенный distressing - раздражающий, внушающий беспокойство

Have you enjoyed the poem? Can you give its Russian poetict ranslation?

1.9. Role PIay :

Russian-British Twin Towns Conference is held In Rostov-on-Don. You are a member of the British delegation. You'll take part in many interesting debates and discussions, you'll see places of interest of Rostov and Rostov region. You'll make the acquaintance of different people and find friends among them.

And now - mini role play:

You are in London Airport ready to leave for Rostov. You don't know all the members of the delegation yet. Introduce yourself to the оthers.

Role Cards

5. Took, Michael Journalist.

6. Cardigan. John film director.

7. Smith, Robert young sportsman.

8. McDonald, Paul famous singer.

9. Lewis, Agatha, doctor.

10. Carpenter, Mary BBC reporter Miss Lewis' friend.

11. O'Brien, Nick politician.

12. Smith, Catherine detective story writer Мr. Smith's wife.


to make the acquaintance of - познакомиться с кем-л. places of interest - достопримечательности

1.10. Hа дом

The evening party for the participants of the Conference is organized tonight. Write an invitation to any person you like.

Model: a) formal invitation b) informal invitation


Requests the pleasure of the September,

company of


at evening party____________

Address ___________________

Dear Bob,

Please, come to the party of Sat., 9 at 7 p.m. I'm looking

forward to seeing you again.


Why have you invited these people?

Useful language:

I've invited her (him) because ...

– Я пригласил его/ее, потому что

I'm(Hе's) interested in ...

– Я интересуюсь


(Он интересуется)

l.N is an interesting person .

– N - интересный человек


2.1.A comic verse to enjoy

Read the poem and try to remember it.

Can you give its Russian translation?

Solomon Grundy


was born on a Monday


finished school on a Tuesday

(закончил школу)

got married on a Wednesday


fell ill on Thursday


got wоrse on Friday

(стало хуже)

died on а Saturday
