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Professional ASP.NET Security - Jeff Ferguson

13.26 Mб

DESCryptoServiceProvider des = new DESCryptoServiceProvider(); byte[]

inputByteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringToEncrypt);

MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, des.CreateEncryptor( key, IV ), CryptoStreamMode.Write);

cs.Write(inputByteArray, 0, inputByteArray.Length); cs.FlushFinalBlock();

return ms.ToArray();

Let's take a look at what modifications are needeed on our client.

The first thing we need to modify is the namespace for the proxy class that is being imported. We then add a new class named EncryptedSOAPAuthHeader, which is derived from the base class System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.


Import Namespace="SOAPEncryptlProxy" %> <%@



%> <%@




<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4 . 0 Transitional//EN" > <HTML><HEAD>


<Script language="C#" runat="server"> public class EncryptedSOAPAuthHeader : System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol


Next, we set the URL in the constructor:

public EncryptedSOAPAuthHeader()

this.Url = "http://localhost/SoapEncrptl/ppv.asmx";

Now we're ready to include our SoapEncryptExt and set the DecryptMode value to None.

[SoapEncryptExt(Decrypt = DecryptMode.None)] [System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("http://tempuri.org/get Credentials")]

Next, we invoke the getCredentials method of our pay-per-view web service, and return our results.

public string getCrentials()

object!] results = this.Invoke("getCredentials", new object[0]); return ((string)(results[0]));


Web Service Security

Everything else remains the same. We call the getCredentials method of our ppv object and write out the results:

3 SOAPHeader AuthClient - Microsoft Internet Explorer









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Address |^J http: //localhost/50APEncrypt 1 /50APHeader AuthClient .a


SOAP Encrypted Authentication


182148 37

46201 12

127 143

18555 192

98 24 236


Encrypting Other Message Nodes

To encrypt other nodes of our SOAP message such as soap:Body or soap: Envelope, all we need to change is the following line in the EncryptSoap and DecryptSoap methods of our SoapExtension:

XmlNode node = dom.SelectSingleNode("//soap:Header", nsmgr);

If we want to encrypt or decrypt the soap: Body or the entire soap: Envelope, we just replace soap: Header with the node we want to encrypt or decrypt.

Role-Based Security for Authorization

We talked extensively in Chapter 8 about authorization based on roles, so we won't repeat it all here However, we will take a look at what is required to extend our pay-per-view web service to support authorization based on roles.

Role-Based Authorization in a Web Service

Since we'll be authorizing our consumer sites based on credentials stored in a database, we will be using the Genericldentity and GenericPrincipal objects. These objects enable us to implement role-based security that is independent of the Windows security system. The Genericldentity class provides us with the identity of a user, based on a custom authentication method. The GenericPrincipal class represents users and roles in a custom authentication mechanism.

Typically, applications that use GenericPrincipal objects attach the created GenericPrincipal to the current thread by setting the Thread. CurrentPrincipal property. This makes our principal object readily available to the application for subsequent role-based security checks, and provides access to this object for any assemblies that the application might call on the thread. Attaching the Principal object also enables our code to use declarative role-based security checks and security checks using PrincipalPermission objects.


However, in a web service, a single thread is shared by many web sessions, and consequently, by many different users, each with a unique identity. Therefore, in the case of web services, it only makes sense to attach a single GenericPrincipal object to the thread for the duration of the exposed method call.

This becomes critical when our web service method calls into an assembly that expects the Thread.CurrentPrincipal property to contain the current principal information to do role-based security checks.

Further, the Thread.CurrentPrincipal property should be reset to its original value before the method returns, to prevent the code that subsequently uses the thread from having access to the generic principal identity.

Nascent Technologies

As we mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, the current options available for securing web services today are limited. However, breaching the horizon are a whole new set of security technologies designed with this purpose in mind.


In October 2001, Microsoft, IBM, and their partners announced the Global XML Web Services Architecture (GXA). GXA is a series of new specifications that use existing technologies (SOAP, XML, HTTP) as a foundation. One of these specifications is the Web Services Security Language otherwise known WS-Security.

WS-Security defines the core facilities for protecting the integrity and confidentiality of a message, as well as mechanisms for associating security-related claims with the message. It describes how to attach signature and encryption headers to SOAP messages. In addition, it also describes how to attach security tokens, including binary security tokens such as X.509 certificates and Kerberos tickets, to messages.

Layered on top of WS-Security is a policy layer that includes a web service endpoint policy (WS-Policy), a trust model (WS-Trust), and a privacy model (WS-Privacy). Together, these initial specifications provide the foundation upon which we can work to establish secure interoperable web services across trust domains.

Building on these initial specifications are additional follow-on specifications for federated security which include secure conversations (WS-SecureConversation), federated trust (WS-Federation), and authorization (WS-Authorization).

More information about WS-Security may be found at



XML-Signature, otherwise known as XML-DSIG, specifies the XML syntax and processing rules for

is a W3C Proposed Recommendation. XML-DSIG creating and representing digital signatures.


Web Service Security

in XML Signature is a method of associating a key with referenced data; it does not specify ormatively how keys are associated with persons or institutions, nor the meaning of the data being ferenced and signed. Consequently, while this specification is an important component of securing

VML applications, by itself, it is not sufficient to address all application security and trust concerns, articularly with respect to using signed XML (or other data formats) as a basis of human-to-human communication and agreement. Such an application must specify additional key, algorithm, processing and rendering requirements.

A key feature of the protocol is that it enables us to sign parts of an XML document, rather than the whole document. This is necessary because an XML document in web services transactions might contain elements that will change as the document is passed between different services, during which process the various elements will be signed by different parties.

XML Signature therefore allows three variations on using XML signatures:

PEnveloping signature: the signed data item resides inside the signature

QEnveloped signature: the signature resides inside the signed data item

Q Detached signature: the signed data item and signature reside in separate XML documents

The specification defines several important elements, including:

Q Signature element: the root element of an XML signature

Q SignatureValue element, which contains the actual value of the digital signature

Q Signedlnfo element, which encompasses a variety of information about the signature, such as the signature's algorithm method, and references to the location of the original signed element

Q Keylnf o element, which enables recipients to obtain the key needed to validate the signature

More information about XML-Signature may be found at


XML Encryption

XML Encryption, otherwise known as XML-ENC, is a W3C Candidate Recommendation. XML-ENC defines a process for encrypting data and representing the result in XML. The data may be arbitrary data (including an XML document), an XML element, or XML element content. The result of encrypting data is an XML Encryption element, which contains or references the cipher data.

Two elements are at the heart of the XML Encryption standard: EncryptedData and EncryptedKey, which contain either the keys or references to the keys for the encrypted element. The EncryptedData element substitutes for the original content being encrypted; the EncryptedKey element is similar to the EncryptedData element except that the data encrypted is always a key value.

More information about XML Encryption may be found at http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlenc-core/.


XML Key Management Specification

XML Key Management Specification, otherwise known as X-KMS, establishes a standard for XML-based applications to use Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) when handling digitally signed or encrypted XML documents. XML Signature addresses message and user integrity, but not issues of trust, which key cryptography ensures.

XKMS comprises two subprotocols:

Q X-KRSS (XML Key Registration Service

Specification) Q X-KISS (XML Key Information

Service Specification)

X-KRSS calls for a registration server that will register, issue, revoke, and recover public and private key pairs that are used to attest to the authenticity of the user, regardless of whether the server uses X.509, PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), or SPKI (Simple PKI) technologies. The registration server intermediates between the client and the PKI service that stores key and user information. The role of X-KRSS is similar to registration and certificate authorities in a PKI.

X-KISS, on the other hand, involves assertion servers that will retrieve and validate keys from a registration service. This is done through an XML Signature's Keylnf o element, which contains important information on keys, users, and other attributes. X-KISS allows an application to off-load the processing of this information to the assertion server.

More information about the XML Key Management Specification may be found at

http://www. w3. org/2001/XKMS/Dra fts/xkms. html.

Security Assertion Markup Language

Security Assertion Markup Language, otherwise known as SAML, aims to standardize the exchange of user identities and authorizations by defining how this information is to be presented in XML documents, regardless of the underlying security systems in place.

SAML is a system of XML-based messages that supply information about whether users are authenticated (uniquely known to a system), what attributes they have (such as their role within an organization), and whether they are allowed to access and manipulate electronic resources based on those attributes and other policy rules. There is also a request/response protocol for determining what is allowed to be asked of a server (request) and what form the server's reply can take (response).

More information about Security Assertion Markup Language may be found at

http://www. oasis-open, org/committees/security/.


In this chapter we took a look at several security issues that need to be considered when implementin secure web services, and began by investigating the basic framework of web services security. In man respects, this is not too different from ASP.NET security issues in general.


Web Service Security

We investigated application-level security, and the technologies that are available for building a secure web service. In this section of the chapter, we took a look at how to implement a custom authentication mechanism for a web service using either forms or SOAP-based authentication. We even took a look at how we can build a pay-per-view web service and secure it using SOAP authentication and encryption.

We also spent some time examining how we can use role-based security for authorization to our web service.

Finally, we closed our chapter by taking a brief look at some nascent technologies that will enable us to develop better and more secure web services in the future.



Everything that ASP.NET does is executed under an identity. By default, this identity has the username ASPNET but ASP.NET can be configured to use a different logon. As each page request is processed, the configured identity determines what ASP.NET can and cannot do. Impersonation provides us with a way to make this system more flexible - we can change the identity that ASP.NET uses for each page request. We can even change the identity within a page request. The process of acting as another user is called impersonation.

Important Note: Impersonation does not magically give us the ability to circumvent Windows security. We must have the credentials for the user we wish to impersonate, or a user must provide them for us at ru-time.

Why Do We Need Impersonation?

One good reason for using impersonation is to avoid granting privileges to the ASP.NET account, which we want to restrict. Giving a privilege to the ASP.NET account means that all page requests will gain that privilege. If we only want particular page requests or parts of page requests to have the privilege, we can use impersonation to have them act with the identity of a different user account.

Another common reason for using impersonation is to impersonate the user who is using the application, acting under their identity rather than those of the configured ASP.NET account. This allows the actions of ASP.Net to be limited by that permissions granted to the current user. This can restrict their actions, or allow them to do things that the configured account cannot, depending on their privileges.

For example, the user may only be able to access files within a specific folder on the web server that contains their files. By impersonating the user, we ensure that ASP.NET does not give them access to files that they are not permitted to access.

There are two types of impersonation in ASP.NET. Configured Impersonation allows us to specify that page requests should be run under the identity of the user who is making the request. Programmatic impersonation gives us the ability to switch to another identity within our code and switch back to the original identity when we are done.

An Important Note for Windows 2000 Users

In order to Impersonate other users when running on Windows 2000, the initial ASP.NET account that does the impersonation must have the "act as part of the operating system" permission. This permission is not required on Windows XP because in XP other accounts than those that are part of the operating system can perform impersonation.

We can assign this permission to ASP.NET through the Local Security Policy tool (In Control Panel | Administrative Tools). Selecting Local Policies | User Rights Assignment gives the following:

I gn Local Security Settings



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Settings B 29

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Double-clicking the Act as part of the operating system entry and selecting Add User or Group allows us to add the ASP.NET user to it:

[select Users or Groups

Select this objec* type:


Users 01 Bull-in security principals


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You may need to use the Object Types button to specify that you want to add a user.

Configured Impersonation

The first type of impersonation we will look at is configured impersonation, where we use the ASP.NET configuration files to define what impersonation behavior we want to achieve.

We can configure impersonation with the <identity> element of the web.config. Let's look at some different scenarios and how we would configure the <identity> element:

We do not want to use impersonation

<identity impersonate="false">

This is the default setting for <impersonates Our code will run under the standard ASP.NET account.

We want to impersonate the account that IIS uses to service the request

<identity impersonate="true">

This setting will impersonate the account that has been specified in the IIS configuration. This will most likely be something like IUSR_[servername].

This setting is useful because we can configure different sites on a server to run under different accounts - by impersonating these users, we can allow different permissions to different web applications.

We want to impersonate the user who is making the request

•cidenity impersonate="true">

In this scenario, we must also force users to log into IIS by activating one of the IIS authentication methods and disabling anonymous authentication. We looked at how to do this in the previous chapter.

We want to impersonate a user of our choice

<identity impersonate="true" username="chosenUsername" password="matchingPassword">

This allows us to impersonate any user account for which we have a username and password.

Note - This method involves including a username and password for a Windows user account as plain text in the web.config. This can be dangerous, especially if the account in question is highly privileged.


Impersonating a User Temporarily

Configured impersonation allows us to impersonate a user for the entire duration of each page request. If we want more control, impersonating a user for only part of the page request, we will have to do the impersonation ourselves in our code. The key to impersonating a user within our own code is the Windowsldentity. Impersonate method. This method sets up impersonation for an account that we provide an account token for. Account tokens are what Windows uses to identify users once their credentials are approved. If we have a token for a user, we can impersonate that user.

The general process we will use is as follows:

1 . Obtain an account token for the account we want to impersonate.

2. Use Windowsldentity. Impersonate to start impersonation.

3. Call the Undo method of the WindowsImpersonationContext generated by Windowsldentuty. Impersonate to revert to our original identity.

Getting a Token

As we have just mentioned, in order to impersonate a user, we must have a token for that user. Windows returns a token when a user enters their credentials to log in.

There are two main ways that we can get an account token:

Q From the user of our application

Q By sending credentials to the Windows API.

Getting a Token from the Current User

If we have activated Windows authentication in the web.config, we can access the account token of the current user through the Windowsldentity.Token property. This returns an IntPtr object. Tokens are represented in .NET as IntPtr objects, which are representations of pointers to unmanaged memory locations. This does not matter to us - we will simply be passing the IntPtr to Windowsldenity.Impersonate.

Here is an example of extracting the token from the current user:

IntPtr token = ((Windowsldentity)User.Identity).Token;

Getting a Token by Logging a User In

.NET does not currently have built-in functionality for logging a user in with Windows. We therefore have to access the Win32 security API ourselves through a platform invoke.

A platform invoke is one way of accessing functionality that is outside of the managed .Net environrnen

Before we do a platform invoke, we should add the following attribute to our assembly:


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