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Professional ASP.NET Security - Jeff Ferguson

13.26 Mб

Code Access Security

Code Access Security Limitations

This may sound obvious, but I'd like to stress the fact that CAS can perform access control only


managed code. This has two consequences.


There is no way for CAS to enforce security checks on actions performed by methods invoked con COM objects via COM Interop, or directly to native windows API functions via Platform Invoke. Thiss is \vhy, if we want to design a tightly secured system, we should not allow calls to unmanaged assembliess, and should not load from the Zone=MyComputer .NET assemblies that we do not completely trust (Xthese could assert permissions granting themselves permissions to make calls to unmanaged assembliess, bypassing our permission settings).

As long as Windows will allow unmanaged code to run, or will provide access to sensitive resour.rces via unmanaged API (this will likely be the case for a long time to come), nothing will prevent a viruis from modifying XML files containing security policy definitions. For example, a virus could modify tlhe Internet code group associated permission set from Nothing to FullTrust. It's unlikely that suuch a virus would be written in VB6, however, see how this can be done with a few lines of code usingg the Microsoft XML parser:

dom = new DOMDocument40; dom.Load _

("C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\vl.0.3705\CONFIG\security.config") dom.selectSingleNode("//IMembershipCondition[@Zone='Internet']/../" + "SPermissionSetName").Text = "FullTrust"

dom.save _

( "C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\vl . 0 . 3705\CONFIG\security. conf ig" )

Unfortunately, it wouldn't always help to allow only administrators to modify the security policies file via NTFS permissions since very frequently Windows users will have been given local administrrators privileges. This means that it doesn't make sense to deploy an application that uses CAS in an environment where a robust ACL permissions policy is not implemented.

For CAS to be secure, a robust ACL permissions policy is essential.

Security Requests

Security request evaluation takes place during the last stage of the assembly load time phase.

By placing security requests on assembly metadata (as assembly-level attributes), we can notify Othe CAS engine about permissions that we wish to associate with the assembly:


Those that the assembly needs at


minimum Q

Those that the assembly


optionally needs Q

Those that the


assembly should refuse


Placing security requests is optional. If they are not present, the assembly enters straight into its


time phase, owning the permissions assigned by security policies. There are, however, a numberr of good reasons to consider using security demands. Requesting the minimum, we avoid having the asse Tnbly loaded if its permission restrictions would make its functionalities unacceptably limited.

Moreover, by requesting the minimum, our code won't be required to handle any situation where, by not being granted some permission, an exception would be thrown. Refusing permissions is also an important option to consider, in order to avoid any bugs from trying to make our code perform actions that is not supposed to.

One last advantage is that, putting permissions requests into the assembly metadata, we enable administrators to easily explore the assembly requirements with the Permission View tool (permView. exe) and to adjust security policies:


Select Visual Studio .NET Command Prompt





Corporation 1998 2801.

flll rights


permiss ion




< Pern is; s ionSet

c lass ~"Sys ten, Security -PerpiissionSet"







<I Permission

class ="Systen.Security.Permissions. FilelOPejmission, srsion


Culture =neutral, PublicKejiTokenaeb77a5c561934e089" uersion ~"i!t

ReadX'c :\temj>'V>

< XPe rmi;; s ion8e t >

The first security request type to be evaluated is the Minimum requested permissions list. If such permissions have not been granted by policies, CAS informs the CLR to stop loading the assembly, and an exception is thrown.

The following code snippet implements a situation where the assembly requests at minimum full access to the c : \temp directory, and to be allowed access to SQL Server Databases via the SqlClient managed provider:


FilelOPermission (SecurityAction. RequestMinimum






If the previous step doesn't make the CLR stop loading the assembly, the process continues evaluating the requested optional permissions.

Note that, if not specified, Request Optional is implicitly not an empty set of permissions, but contains all permissions! Don't be misled by its name. If present, Request Optional reduces the permissions an assembly may finally be granted.

In the following code sample, an assembly requires an optional permission to access the

HKLM\SOFTWARE registry hive:

[assembly: RegistryPermission(SecurityAction.RequestOptional, Read="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE")]


Code Access security

These permissions are unioned with the request minimum permission and then intersected with the permissions granted by CAS policies:

Grantedpermissions = policies granted permissions intersect

(requested minimum

union requested optional)


Finally, if present, refused permissions are removed from the permissions set previously calculated. In the following code, an assembly refuses unrestricted permission to connect to other machines via TCP sockets:

[assembly: SocketPermission(SecurityAction.RequestRefuse, Unrestricted=true)]

The final set of permissions granted to an assembly after policies structure and request permissions have been evaluated is the following:

FinalGrantedpermissions = policies granted permissions intersect (requested minimum union requested optional) - refused permissions

Note that it's quite nonsense to declare refused permissions while declaring optional permissions. Both request optional and request refuse restrict permissions granted. The former makes an intersection with the policies' granted permissions, the latter makes a subtraction, as shown in the following diagram:

CAS Policies granted


CAS Policies granted





Instead of specific permissions, assemblies can request the immutable built-in permission sets (Nothing, Execution, FullTrust, Internet, Locallntranet, and SkipVerif ication). This is done in the following way:

[assembly:PermissionSet(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, Name = "FullTrust")]

We cannot request permission sets, such as the Everything permission set, or custom ones, since they can be renamed and their permissions list modified using the Security Manager object model, caspol. exe, or the .NET Framework configuration snap-in.


Security Demands

CAS accomplishes code access control through Security Demands. Security Demands are very simple: they ensure that a trusted assembly is not exploited by other less trusted assemblies (maliciously or unintentionally) to perform certain actions on their behalf. When placing Security Demands on a specific permission, the CLR checks that all assemblies along the call stack have been granted the demanded permission.

Before the final release of the .NET Framework was shipped, the CLR itself didn't have any built-in Security Demand. Code access control was totally left to the responsibility of assembly code developers. With the release of the .NET Framework vl, a single but important exception has been introduced. We will look at this a little later, when we investigate load-time compilation demands.

Apart from this exception, we must place Security Demands on the proper permission objects before accessing any resource that requiring protection, to check whether callers own the demanded permission. This is exactly what BCL libraries, which provide access to resources and services, do.

It is not a requirement that we place Security Demands. In basic scenarios, the ones put in place in the BCL are sufficient. There are situations, however, where application assemblies will have to put Security Demands. One situation would be when an assembly needs to protect access to an application defined resource or service the BCL is unaware to (in this case, the demand will be put on a custom permission). Another situation is when an assembly wants to modify the security demand process to guarantee a positive outcome, even if some of the assemblies in the call stack do not own the demanded permission.

As we will see a little later, in some cases placing Security Demands on resources exposed by BCL is also a good idea for performance reasons.

There are two types of Security Demands: Run-Time Demands and Load-Time / Just-in-Time Compilation Demands. We'll now look in a little more detail at utilizing these two different types of Security Demands.

Run Time Demands

Run-Time Security Demands are the most common demands. There are four types of Run-Time Demands:

G Demand

Q Assert

Q Deny

Q PermitOnly

The first type of Security Demand is the most important one. By using it, we ask the CLR to perform the stack walk process. The other three types simply provide a means to modify the stack walk behavio during a stack walk.

Run-Time Demands can be placed both declaratively, via attributes, and imperatively, by programmatically setting them. Declarative demands can be placed at class or method level (not at assembly level).


Code Access Security

Remember that a permission object must have an attribute type counterpart class to be used declaratively. On the other hand, imperative run-time demands are always available, since the Demand, Assert, Deny, and PermitOnly methods are defined in the System. Security. IStackWalk interface that any permission object must implement, directly or by deriving from the CodeAccessPermission class.

The following code sample shows how to put declarative and imperative demands.

//Declarative Demand for File access permission to c: root directory [FileIOPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Read ="c:\\")J public class Classl

public void doworkO

//Imperative Demand for TCP and 0DP socket access SocketPermission sockperm =

new SocketPermission(NetworkAccess.Connect, TransportType.Tcp, "www.microsoft.com") ; sockperm.AddPermission

(NetworkAccess.Connect, TransportType.Udp, "www.realnetworks.com");


When a declarative demand fails, an exception is thrown to the direct caller while, when imperative demands are used, an exception is thrown within the method call demanding the permission.

Note that if an assembly demands a permission it has not been granted, no exception is thrown! This may sound strange at first. The reason for this is that CAS doesn't have to reveal in any way what permissions an assembly has been granted, in order to avoid providing any clues to malicious code. Unfortunately, this comes at a price. Having no access, directly or indirectly, to assembly-granted permissions leads to security-related problems that may be hard to debug.

When a Demand call is encountered at run time, the CLR picks up the demanded permission object and performs a stack walk along the assembly call chain. If all the assemblies in the call stack have been granted the requested permission, the Demand call succeed. What happens is that the CLR intersects the demanded permissions (wrapped in a Permissionset object on the fly) with the permission set of the direct caller assembly. The result, if not empty, is then intersected with the permission set of the assembly that's up two levels in the call stack, and so on.


(((demanded permission union

(assembly 1 permission set))


(assembly 1 permission set))



. union (assembly n permission


!= empty demands





The following figure shows the stack walk process taking place when a Security Demand is placed. Assembly 0 places a security demand on a permission object. The CLR picks up the first assembly in the call stack (Assembly 1), extracts its permission set, and intersects it with the demanded permission object. If the result is an empty permission set, the stack walk stops and an exception is thrown. If the permission set is not empty, the resulting permission set is then intersected with the permission set of assembly 2 (two steps up the call stack), and so on.


The demand call succeeds if the permission set is not empty when the top of the call stack is reached.

As for security requests, security demands can be placed on built-in permission sets that can't be modified (all the built-in ones, except the Everything permission set). Security demands on permission sets can be implemented only declaratively, in the following way:

[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Demand , Name = "FullTrust")]

Modifying Stack Walk Behavior

There are situations where we might need to modify the default security demand's stack walk behavior. For instance, suppose we have developed an assembly that handles an application-specific resource. In its implementation, the assembly accesses the registry via the Microsoft .Win32 . Registry class, which raises security demands at runtime. The assembly will probably not require that all callers have a RegistryPermission granted. In this situation, the assembly must have a way to stop stack walking and force a positive outcome of the Demand call. This is exactly what Assert is used for.

When, while parsing the call stack for a security demand, the CLR meets an Assert (declaratively or imperatively) on the demanded permission, the stack walk is stopped and the security demand is returned successfully. The following code shows how to place an Assert demand, declaratively and imperatively.

//Declarative Assert for FullTrust [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Assert Name = "FullTrust"): public void doworkl{)


Code Access Security

public void dowork2() {

//Create the permission object FilelOPermission x = new FilelOPermission

(FilelOPermissionAccess.Read,"c:\\"); //Assert imperatively the permission x.Assert();


Deny has the opposite effect to Assert. It is used in situations where we want to prematurely stop a stack walk, and force a negative outcome. As with Assert calls, to have the desired effect, the assembly calling Deny must be granted the demanded permission being checked by the stack walk. In the following code, we deny permission to call to unmanaged code via attributes at class level.


public class Forml : System.Windows.Forms.Form { ...

PermitOnly is similar to Deny, in the sense that it causes a premature negative outcome of a stack walk. The difference lies in the fact that while using Deny, we have to specify what permissions will determine a negative outcome, whereas using PermitOnly we must specify what permissions will not determine a negative outcome.

Note that Demand, Assert, Deny, and PermitOnly calls have effect only if the assembly placing the Assert has been granted the permission involved.

Demand Optimization

Performing a stack walk may involve significant overhead (of course, this will depend on the stack call length). There are situations where an application usage pattern produces repetitive accesses to protected resources. In order to avoid repetitive stack walks, a simple but effective way of optimizing the process is to have the code demand the permission that will be asked for by the underlying protected resource. If the demand call succeeds, an Assert on the same permissions is placed so that underlying demands will be resolved successfully by a single step stack walk.

We can implement this in the following way:

public void Readoptimize(string directoryname) { try {

FilelOPermission x = new FilelOPermission (FilelOPermissionAccess.AllAccess, directoryname);

//At this point, full access to directoryname is demanded

//If the assembly hosting this code is granted this Permission, //a stack walk is performed.

//If not, all assemblies up in the call stack have the Demanded //permission an exception is thrown.

x. Demand () ,•

//If we get to this point, it's safe to Assert the permission.

//This will stop stack walks due to StreamReader class Security Demands.

x. Assert ( ) ;

Directorylnfo di = new Directorylnfo (directoryname ) ; Filelnfo [] fi = di .GetFiles ( ) ;

lEnumerator fienum = f i .GetEnumerator ( ) ; while (f ienum.MoveNext ( ) )


Filelnfo finf = (Filelnfo) fienum. Current ; //StreamReader will issue a Permission Demand here StreamReader sr = new StreamReader (finf .OpenRead( )); // real work goes here

catch (Exception e)

//Never say precisely what the security problem is.

//Throw new Exception ( "One of the assemblies up in the call stack do not //have the required permission") ;

Load-Time Compilation Demands

CAS provides a load-time demand check using the LinkDemand security action.

Though a. LinkDemand is resolved when a class type is loaded, its behavior is close to the standard SecurityAction. Demand call. The difference is that only the direct immediate caller in the stack is checked against the demanded permission.

Link demands can be placed only declaratively at class and method level. The following code sample puts a LinkDemand about accessing in read mode the c : \ directory

[FileIOPermission(SecurityAction. LinkDemand, Read ="c:\\")l public myclass { ... }

It's important to note that immediately before the release of the .NET Framework version 1, an important change was made regarding CAS. Strongly named assemblies can be called only by assemblies having the FullTrust permission set granted. The CLR enforces this by placing an implicit LinkDemand for FullTrust on every public or protected method on every publicly accessible class in the assembly.

To switch off this behavior we must put the following attribute at assembly level:

[assembly: system. Security. AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers]

An Inner itanceDemand type is quite different from what we have seen so far. Using inheritance demands, we can prevent an assembly from being exploited via OO techniques. The effect of an inheritance demand varies depending on where it is placed. When we define an inheritance demand on class A, all classes that inherit, directly or indirectly, from class A will need to be granted the demanded permission.


Code Access Security

By placing inheritance demands at method level, this requirement involves only subclasses that override the specific method. Inheritance demands can be placed only in a declaratively manner, in the following kind of way:

[FileIOPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand ,Read ="c:\\")] public class Classl

[RegistryPermissionfSecurityAction.InheritanceDemand,Read = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE")] public void dowork()

//Do some work

Just think a while about how fundamental this kind of security demand is. There are, of course, different OO techniques to avoid sub-classing (such as using the sealed keyword, or defining a private empty constructor) but this choice is acceptable only for design reasons. If CAS would not provide inheritance demands, we would have to modify our design to seal all classes that provide access to sensitive resources and services. No need to say that this would impose tremendous restrictions on .NET application design architecture, so that any practical use of CAS would be in doubt.

Putting It All Together - A Real-World Example

At the Wrox web site you can download sample code that uses the concepts that we have encountered in this chapter to show how we might use CAS to solve the type of security problem we face in the real world.

Among other things, in this sample you will be able to see:

Q How a company can publish an assembly on the Internet to ease software update redistribution

Q How the assembly can be protected from unauthorized use with an easy licensing mechanism based on a custom permission object

Q How client security policies have to be modified to let a downloaded assembly execute

Q How a company can guarantee that an assembly is used only by other assemblies developed by the company itself, by placing StrongName identity demands

Q How a company can permit unknown software indirect access to an assembly via a facade assembly asserting the StrongName permission

Let's look at how our example is put together, and the types of problems it is intended to solve.

The complete code for this simple case study is available with the code download from the Wrox web site. Here, we simply sketch the general structure of the solution, drawing attention to the most important elements.

The example consists of five assemblies, and a very simple interface for testing purposes:

a ICalcEngine.dll

Q CalcEngine.dll

Q MycustomPermission.dll

Q Frameworkclasses.dll

Q FacadeAssembly.dll

Q TestClient.exe

How the Solution Works

Company X has developed a sophisticated algorithm to provide financial calculations (Calcengine . dll). Since the algorithm is CPU intensive, this company doesn't want to expose this algorithm as a Web Service, but as an assembly to be loaded and executed locally on client machines.

Unfortunately, part of the algorithm implementation has to change from time to time. This means that a new version of the assembly should be re-distributed quite often.

To ease assembly redistribution, company X decides to make it downloadable from a site so that client code can include something like this:

ObjectHandle hdlSample =

Activator . CreatelnstanceFrom ( " http : / /pcsabba/calcengine/CalcEngine . dll " , "CalcEngine.CalcEngineClass" ) ;

Note that the .NET runtime caches the downloaded assembly on the local hard disk, still preserving the original URL and site evidence. Once the assembly has been downloaded locally the first time, subsequent load requests have the CLR check the version of the local assembly against the current version of the assembly residing in the specified URL. This is done by simply pulling from the web site the first bits of the DLL, thus avoiding the full download of the assembly, if no changes in the version are detected.

While the implementation may vary, the exposed interface is fixed and published only once, in the following way:

public interface ICalcEngine { long getfactorial ( long p_input) ;

This interface is implemented in IcalcEngineAssembly.dll.

Customers who have bought the assembly are given only this assembly, containing the interface, which they can reference in their client code. In this way, they can cast the object obtained from CreatelnstanceFrom into a specific interface without having knowledge of the concrete class implementing the interface (the class resides in the CalcEngine.dll). This could be done in the following way:

ICalcEngine mylCalcEngine = ( ICalcEngine) hdlSample .Unwrap (); return mylCalcEngine. getfactorial (p_num) ;


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