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Контрольная работа для студентов специальности 260302, 260504, 260401. Вариант №1

1.Выберите правильный ответ в соответствии с видовременной формой глагола и залога. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.1 Fish ……. indoors in special breeding ponds.

a) are hatched

b) had hatched

c) are hatching

1.2 Freezing is a technique of fish preservation which ……by all countries

a) will use

b) is used

c) is using

1.3 After relentless exploitation , the region’s supply of fish…..nearly……

a) was exhausted

b) has exhausted

c) exhausted

1.4. Fish soon …… a regular part of the diet for early Europeans.

a) will become

b) became

c) is becoming

1.5 The first commercial fishing on the Great Lakes….in the early 1800’s

a) was begun

b) began

c) will begin

2. Перепишите следующие предложения. Подчеркните в каждом из них модальный глагол или его эквивалент. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

2.1 Superchilling can delay fish spoilage.

2.2 Before being dried fish should be carefully checked.

2.3 The mixture of gases in the water must be regulated.

2.4 The shelf life of the catch is to be extended significantly.

2.5 During storage fish may undergo changes in flavour.

3.Перепишите следующие предложения. Подчеркните в каждом из них причастие I или II.Переведите предложения на русский язык.

3.1 Fish inhabiting great depths undergo the great pressure of water.

3.2 Vitamin “A” is obtained from fish livers.

3.3 Scientists developed the methods to be used for fish preservation.

3.4 Fish and meat keep better when frozen.

3.5 Slow freezing results in the loss of nutrients when thawed out.

4.Прочитайте и устно переведите текст.


The catfish may become the most popular water fish in America. Since 1975, its consumption has grown significantly. Catfish now ranks third in overall consumption, just behind cod and flounder.

Raising of catfish isn’t a matter of dumping feed into a pond .A great amount of time is spent on caring for the fish.

Pond-raised catfish are surface feeders, so a special floating grain mixture must be used. Pond water must be clean and aerated. The mixture of gases in the water must be regulated. So the catfish have no odour and have mild flavour.

Catfish are hatched indoors in special breeding ponds. The fish lay about 2000 eggs per pound of body weight. In five months the fish are ready for the outdoor ponds. Everything is carefully monitored – ammonia, oxygen, nitrate, level.

Catfish eat a mixture of soybeans, corn, wheat and fishmeal. The pellets float, so fish do not eat off the bottom. In one day catfish consume 5 % of their body weight.

Fish are harvested when they are about two years old . An 1800 ft. seine is placed into the pond. Undersize fish swim through the seine .A mechanical aerator keeps water fresh as the number of fish inside the net increases.



Feederпитающийся организм

To hatchвыводить искусственно

5.Выберите правильный ответ.

Тест по тексту.

5.1 What fish may become the most popular water fish in America?

a) cod

b) flounder

c) catfish

5.2 In what conditions are catfish hatched indoors?

a) pond water must be clean and aerated

b) temperature is monitored

c) pressure is regulated

5.3 What do catfish eat?

a) a mixture of soybeans, corn, wheat and fishmeal

b) small fish

c) tiny plants

5.4 When are catfish harvested?

a) about two years old

b) about three years old

c) about one year old

5.5 How are catfish harvested?

a) by seine

b) by fishing-rod

c) by plastic bags