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1. A witty statesman said, ”You might prove everything by figure”. (Associated Press) -

2. London is a modern Babylon. (BBC) -

3. A senior Egyptian official reached agreement with Palestinian leaders. (Independent) -

4. A CIA under E. Hoover. (New York Times) -

5. A forty percent rise in all the US forces overseas seems a bit steep. (International Herald Tribune) -

6. This woman, the Christian Democratic candidate, might be the answer to the German longing for a Thatcher. (Independent) -

7. He was a most interesting person. -

8. “I will do my best” is the minimum the people have the right to expect of a president. (Wall Street Journal) -

9. The thing that impresses me most about America is the way parents obey their children. (Observer) -

10. The way to win an atomic war is to make certain it never starts. (Reuters) -

11. Prince Charles is the he. (Song “The man I love”) -

12. Israel Frees Leading Political Prisoner (Moscow News) -

13. A CIA source reported that Al Qaeda had obtained a ten-kiloton nuclear weapon. (International Herald Tribune) -

14.”I’m going to build the kind of nation that President Roosevelt hoped for, President Truman worked for and President Kennedy died for”. (Johnson, 36th US President) -

15. The White House is a building. Do not tell me “The White House is calling” – I work for the President. (William Safire, American linguist and journalist) -

16. There comes a time when it is time to declare a victory and leave the field. (IHT) -

17. The new peace plan means setting up an independent Palestinian state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, the two occupied territories. (BBC) -

18. The risk that a nuclear bomb will devastate an American city is growing. (An American Hiroshima is all too likely. (IHT) -

19. I am a Ford, not a Lincoln. My addresses will never be as eloquent as Lincoln’s. (Ford, 38th US President) -

20. The greatest danger from a Bush Supreme Court is that it will limit the rights of states. (Financial Times) -

21. When I was in England I experimented with marijuana a time or two. (Bill Clinton, 42nd US President) -

22. This is the greatest week in the history since the Creation. (Richard Nixon, 37th US President) -

23. That the king can do nothing wrong is a necessary and fundamental principle of the English Constitution. (Times) -

24. There is always room at the top. (Daniel Webster, American statesman) -

25. Forty-eight hours is a long time in politics. (Harold Wilson, British Prime Minister) -

26. The wrong war at the wrong place and at the wrong time, and with the wrong people. (Bradly, American general about the war in Korea) -

27. A Conservative government is an organized hypocrisy. ( Disraeli, British Prime Minister,1868) -

28. England is the mother of parliaments. (Bright, English Liberal politician) -

29. The gap between the rich and the poor continues to widen. (IHT) -