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  • 53*12

  • A$4+$A$12

  • B5*12

  • SUM(A1:A1000)

  • AVERAGE(C50:C100)

  • Vlookup(a1;b1:d100;3;0)

As you might see, this opens up for a lot of exciting possibilities! This is one of the real strengths of a spreadsheet; it is relatively easy to ad some level of intelligence. Do you see something peculiar about the formulas above? None of them start with an "=". This is intentional, as you do not need to start a formula with "=" as long as it is used inside another formula. Now look at the third an final parameter: [If the statement is FALSE, perform this] If the first parameter is FALSE, this parameter will tell Calc what to do next. You can put a value or formula here, such as:

  • 53*12

  • A$4+$A$12

  • B5*12

  • SUM(A1:A1000)

  • AVERAGE(C50:C100)

  • Vlookup(a1;b1:d100;3;0)

As you see, this is very much the same as with the previous parameter. But let us ad something here; it is very common to ad yet another IF()-statement in the final parameter. It can also be used in the second parameter, but most feel it gives a better structure to ad it to the final parameter. We will go further into this in a later lesson. Finally, we are done with the theory, now we can start using it... In A1, type "Name:", in B1 type "Kari", in A2, type "Age:" and in B2 type "35", as shown above. In cell A4, enter the formula as shown above. Then hit [Enter]. If everything is typed correctly, it should show 35. First Calc checks wether [B1="Kari"] is correct. If it is, it will show the contents of [B2]. Otherwise, it will show the word Unknown, hence ["Unknown"]. When working with text, it is very important to use the " at the beginning and end of the text string inside formulas. Change the name in B1 to "Steven", hit [Return] and observe what happens. The value in A4 changed to "Unknown", which is what the third parameter states. Now I really encourage you to experiment with this formula, as this will help you leverage some of the phenomenal powers of Calc! Try putting a cell-reference or another formula in the first parameter, try entering a number-value in the second parameter etc.


How to count characters in a cell or string

All this formula does, is to count the number of characters in either a text string or a cell, using a cell reference.This is a formula that is mostly used in conjunction with other formulas, as all it provides, a the number of characters. The syntax for the formula is: =LEN([Either a "text string" or a cell reference]) Here is an example: Go to cell A1 and type =LEN("This is a test!") and hit [Enter]. What happens? You should get the number 15 as a result, as there are 15 characters in the text string. Here is another example: Delete the contents of cell A1. Enter a text string in A1, for instance "This is the second test!" Go to cell A2 and type: =LEN(A1) and hit [Enter]. Cell A2 should now give you the number 24 (if you used the suggested text above). Go back to A1 and type something else, and see how the number in A2 changes accordingly. Please note that spaces are regarded as characters!

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