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Lesson 16

Text of conversation

Harry: Whew! I shall be glad to sit down. I’d never have beilived the garden had so many potatoes in it!

Robert : No, and there’s a cold wind out there this morning.

Nora: Well, come inside now and get warm, all of you.

Peter: I’m not cold, Mum.

Nora: No, you don’t look it!

Harry: I am, a bit. Have you got something hot for us to drink, Nora?

Nora: Yes, there’s some water boiling; I’ll make you some cacao.

Peter: Isn’t there anything else besides cacao?

Nora: You can have anything you like, but please don’t stand on the carpet with all that mud on your boots.

Peter: Well, where else can I stand?

Nora: You can take your boots off on the door-mat.

Harry: Does anybody want this meat pie? If not, I’ll have it.

Robert: Is there anything else for Peter and me? I thought I saw a tin of something somewhere.

Nora: Yes, you can open a small tin of corner beef if you like.

Robert: Have you got something to open it with?

Nora: Oh yes, there’s a tin-opener somewhere. Here it is. Who else wants cacao? Speak up because I’m just making it.

Robert: I’ll have some. Peter, sit somewhere else; that’s my place.

Peter: Hm. Not wanted anywhere.

Nora: Don’t be so silly, Peter.

Robert: I can’t open this tin; can’t someone else try?

Harry: Give it to me; I’ll do it.

Nora: Won’t you need some bread and butter with that beef? I’ll cut you some. Have you lifted all the potatoes, Harry?

Harry: Good heavens, no! We shall have to carry on all the afternoon.

Nora: Well, if you come in as hungry as again, there’ll be absolutely nothing left to eat in the house!

Lesson 17

Text conversation

Nora: There, isn’t it a splendid uniform, Peter. Hurry up and get it on?

Peter: I’m putting it on as fast as I can… mum, isn’t this shirt too big for me?

Nora: Well, it will be, just at first, dear. But I ordered it like that so that it would be big enough to allow for growth. Don’t forget you’re growing boy.

Peter: It’s so big that the sleeves come down over my hands.

Nora: Oh, I can soon fix that for you. It’s not so bad as you think.

Peter: I expect this shirt will fit me when I’m as big as Robert.

Robert: Who’s talking about Robert? Why, hello, Peter, you look prouder than a peacock. What are these fine clothes?

Peter: It’s my Scout uniform.

Robert: What a wonderful big hat!

Peter: Yes, it’s big enough to hold water if somebody feels faint.

Robert: Aren’t there some socks to go with the uniform?

Peter: These green ones. But I haven’t put them on yet.

Nora: Poor Peter, he’s so excited that he doesn’t know what to put on next.

Robert: What’s that piece of white string round your neck?

Peter: Robert! Are you so ignorant that you don’t know what a lanyard is?

Robert: Well, what’s it for?

Peter: To hang a whistle on, of course.

Robert: I say, you do look smart! You almost make me wish I had been in the Scouts myself.

Nora: You’re not too old to join now.

Robert: If I did join, I should expect to be senior to Peter.

Peter: Oh no. I should expect to be senior to you! (They all laugh).

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