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Traveler’s crossword

Supplementary vocabulary

Travel as a Noun has these synonyms:

travelling, tourism, touring, globe-trotting

Travel as a Verb has these synonyms:

journey, go, move, proceed, roam, rove, traverse, tour, take or make a trip or tour or excursion or junket or journey, trek, voyage

Example: As one who has travelled far and wide, what is your favourite country.

Journey as a Noun has these synonyms:

travel, tour, voyage, go (abroad or overseas), make or take a trip, make or wend one's way, make a pilgrimage, peregrinate, trek, rove, range, wander, roam, cruise, gad (about), gallivant

Example: He journeyed to the far corners of the earth seeking an answer to life's mysteries.

trip, voyage, excursion, tour, travel, outing, expedition, junket, cruise, jaunt, pilgrimage, peregrination, odyssey, trek.

Roam as a Adjective has these synonyms:

wander, rove, ramble, range, walk, drift, dally, dawdle, cruise, stroll, amble, meander, saunter, stray, prowl, perambulate, travel, voyage, peregrinate, circumambulate, traipse, gallivant, jaunt, mosey, swan

Example: They spent a year roaming about the continent, staying wherever they pleased.

Traverse as a Adjective has these synonyms:

examine, look into, scrutinize, inspect, investigate, review, study, look at, consider, contemplate, scan, look over, check, survey, reconnoitre, observe

Example: Certain areas of knowledge are seldom traversed by scholars.

Traverse as a Noun has these synonyms:

cross, criss-cross, travel or pass or move over or through, walk, cover, travel (over), roam, wander, range, tramp, tour

Example: He has traversed the country from end to end innumerable times.

oppose, cross, thwart, go or act against, go or act in opposition or counter to, conflict (with), controvert, contravene, counter, obstruct, contradict, gainsay, deny

Example: The policies of today seem to traverse those set forth only last year.

Traverse as a Verb has these synonyms:

cross, criss-cross, go across, lie or extend across or athwart, bridge, intersect

Example: The road traverses the river several times at Newtown.

Tour as a Adjective has these synonyms:

journey, trip, excursion, outing, expedition, voyage, trek, peregrination, jaunt, junket

Example: We went on a guided tour because we were short of time and wanted to see everything.

spell, shift, assignment, turn, period of service or enlistment

Example: His tour of duty is not finished till midnight.

stroll, perambulation, walkabout, ramble, walk, drive, round, circuit, ambit

Example: The government representatives are on a tour of all nuclear facilities.

Tour as a Noun has these synonyms:

journey, travel, voyage, visit, trip, trek, sightsee, cruise, globe-trot

Example: On retirement we spent a year just touring around Europe.

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