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Active vocabulary

cabin – каюта

first (second) class cabin – каюта 1-го, 2-го класа

fare – плата

luggage – багаж

seaport – морський порт

harbour – гавань

steamer – пароплав

landing stage – пристань

gangway – трап

deck – палуба

quay [ki:] – причал, набережна

to moor – пришвартовуватися

to be sea-sick – страждати від морської хвороби

to be (bad) good sailor – погано (добре) переносити морські подорожі

to weigh the anchor – зніматися з якоря

captains bridge – капітанський місток

lighthouse – маяк

liner – рейсовий пароплав

sailing ship – вітрильне судно

life-boat – рятувальний човен

to cast the anchor – кидати якір

to raise the anchor – зніматися з якоря

to be (lie) at the anchor – стояти на якорі

Exercise 1. Put the comparative and superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

The sinking of the Titanic is one of 1) the most famous (famous) shipwreck stories of all times. The Titanic was said to be 2) ______ (safe) ocean liner ____ the world. When it set sail, all the cabins were full, from _______ (expensive) to 4) ______ (cheap) ones on the lower deck. Some of 5) ______ (rich) people _____ the world set sail for America on one of 6) ______ (long) and 7) _________ (dangerous) crossings attempted by such a liner. The captain was one of 8) _____

(good) , but he made a big mistake which caused hundreds of deaths. As they sailed on, The going became 9) ________ (difficult). Suddenly the captain saw an iceberg ahead but, by then, it was too late to do anything. They sailed 10) _______ (close) until finally they hit it. Everyone rushed to the lifeboats. Some survived, but many died. The survivors said it was 11) _______ (frightening) experience ____ their lives and they felt like 12) ________ (lucky) people on earth to have survived.

SPEAKING: Discuss with your partner or in groups sea voyages, travelling by boat, ship, steamer. Is it safe? Are these the most dangerous means of transport? Take examples from history, the voyages of Titanic and Costa Concordia as sample. Watch 3 videos: Retracing Titanic, Titanic Memorial Cruise, Titanic Shipyard, they’ll help you to acquire some knowledge.

Unit 5 Travelling on foot

Phrasal verbs with BE, COME, GET, GO, or TAKE

Exercise 1. Complete these sentences by adding the correct verb from the box. In some cases, you’ll need to change the tense or form of the verb.

Be about; be for; be like; come back; come from; come off; get back; get in; get up; go away; go on; go with; take back; take down; take off;

  1. “There was a strange bird in the garden the other day.” “What was it like?” “It was grey with long legs and a long beak.”

  2. “Do you like my new green-and-white T-shirt?” “Well, it’s very nice, but it doesn’t really _________ your pink-and-orange trousers.”

  3. I lost the key to my apartment, so I had to _________ through the window.

  4. I bought a mobile phone, but it didn’t work, so I ________ it ____ to the shop and they gave me another one.

  5. I asked my father where the babies __________, and he said “the Maternity Hospital”.

  6. Leave my house at once, and never __________!”

  7. As I was walking down the stairs, I met a man who wasn’t there. He wasn’t there again today: Oh, how I wish he’d _________!

  8. “Right now, I am reading a book called Fermat’s Last Theorem.” “How interesting. What ______ it_______?” “I have no idea!”

  9. If I invest in the Flat Earth Company, I’ll be lucky to _______my money ____, let alone make a profit.

  10. We put up a poster to advertise our concert, but so many people complained about it that we had to ______ it_____.

  11. There is the key on computer keyboards labeled ‘Alt Gr’, but nobody knows what it ___________!

  12. They say a plane __________ from O’Hare Airport in Chicago every for seconds. It must be a very busy airport!

  13. “I’d like to ask Michael for a date, but I am afraid he will say no.” “________, ask him. I know for a fact that he really likes you!”

  14. I hit the stone while I was cycling, the wheel __________ and I went head over heels into the hedge!

  15. I like to sleep late on Saturdays because I have to ________ so early during the week.

The Only Way to Travel Is on Foot

When anthropologists turn their attention to the twentieth century, they will surely choose the label “Legless Man”. Histories of the time will go something like this: “In the twentieth century people forgot how to use their legs. Men and women moved about in cars, buses and trains from a very early age. The surprising thing is that they didn't use their legs even when they went on holiday. They built cable railways, ski-lifts and roads to the top of every huge mountain.” The future history books might also record that we did not use our eyes. In our hurry to get from one place to another, we failed to see anything on the way. Air travel 0ves you a bird's-eye view of the world.

Car drivers in particular, never want to stop. The typical twentieth-century traveller is the man who always says ‘I’ve been there’– meaning, “I drove through it at 100 miles an hour on the way to somewhere else.” When you travel at high speeds the present means nothing: you live mainly in the future, because you spend most of your time looking forward to arriving at some other place. But actual arrival when it is achieved, is meaningless. You want to move on again. The traveller on foot, on the other hand, lives constantly in the present. He experiences to present moment with his eyes, his ears and the whole of his body. At the end of his journey he feels a delicious physical weariness. He knows that sound satisfying sleep will be his: the just reward of all true travellers.

Arguments: Discuss the following statements in small groups. Are you for or against travelling on foot, why?


1. Even on holiday: cable railways, ski-lifts, roads to tops of mountains.

2. When travelling at high speeds present

means nothing: life in future.

3. Traveller on foot: lives constantly in present

4. Typical twentieth-century traveller: "I've

been there." Italy, Delhi, Paris; through at 100 miles an hour.


1. Foolish to climb a mountain when there's a railway or road up it

2. Travelling at high speeds is a pleasure in itself.

3. Travelling on foot: exhausting: you get nowhere fast

4. It's now possible to see many countries, meet people of all nationalities.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences using the words from the box

  1. The ground was rough, and I was an inexperienced climber. I stumbled and fell down a crevasse, breaking both my legs.

  2. The happy children _________________ along the road to school.

  3. By now mortally wounded, our heroine _________________ into the smoke-filled barn to send one last radio message to her comrades.

  4. They fixed his leg, but he _______________ for the rest of his life.

  5. The villain ________________ casually past the car, but I saw him check out the phone inside.

  6. Exhausted, and with the boots caked in mud, the vet ________________ back to her car.

  7. The thieves _______________ around the front of the shop for the ages before breaking in.

  8. We _________________ though miles of forest looking for mushrooms.

  9. A fter all that, I just ___________ into my sleeping-bag and went straight to sleep.

  10. I was pleased to see you all ____________ out of bed when I set the fire alarm off. Just checking!

Exercise 3.Put the following words into the correct sentence. Use each word one only.

  1. The angry man _____________ into the office and demanded to see the manager.

  2. The soldiers proudly ______________ past the cheering crowds lining the streets.

  3. The tired farmer _____________ home after a hard day’s work in the fields.

  4. The girl ________________ and fell as she was coming out of the office.

  5. The mouse _______________ into its hole the moment it caught the sight of the cat.

  6. We’d have caught that train if you hadn’t ______________ on the way!

  7. The wounded man _______________ into the pub, crying “Call an ambulance. I’ve been stabbed!”

  8. The happy children______________ along the road on their way to school.

  9. The lovers _______________ hand-in -hand through the park.

  10. The lame man ________________ across the room.

  11. The soldiers _____________silently toward the unsuspecting enemy guard.

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