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Being an air-hostess



















0 Ever since I was at school, I’ve wanted to be
  1. an air-hostess. It sounded so many glamorous and

  2. exciting, flying all over in the world to exotic places

  3. and meeting the interesting people from different

  4. countries. At school I studied French and Italian in order

  5. that to achieve my ambition. Finally, when I was 18, I

  6. have had an interview with Air France, who accepted me.

  7. I had to attend a three-month training course, which it

  8. included waitressing, swimming and first-aid. We also

  9. had to learn how to put on a make-up and do our hair

  10. so that as to be smart at all times. Learning mouth-to-mouth

  11. resuscitation it was the most difficult thing - we

  12. practised on plastic dolls and then on each other one.

  13. Eventually, the day I had been looking forward to for

  14. so much long arrived. Before the plane took off I showed

  15. the whole passengers the emergency exits. One hour later

  16. than we landed in Paris. A perfect start to my dream job!

Exercise 4. Complete the text with appropriate words or expressions from the box. There is an example at the beginning.

Travel and holidays 1

sightseeing boarding card land cabin crew take off check out book

departure lounge board gate currency tickets check in safety belt suitcase

cheques sunbathing passport duty free customs travel agent’s brochures

Going on holiday is great fun, and it’s so easy! First off all go to the 0_travel agent’s and collect some 1_____________. Pick the holiday you want and go back to the travel’s agent to 2 ___________ it. You’ll receive your 3_______ a week or so before you depart. Make sure that you have a valid 4___________,

Some foreign 5____________, some traveller’s 6___________ and some insurance. Pack your 7__________ and then you’re ready to go! Go to the airport and 8 ___________. The person at the desk will take your luggage and give you a 9____________. This shows you your seat allocation. You then go through a security check and wait in the 10____________. If you like, you can browse around the 11 _____________ shop. When your flight is called, go to the appropriate 12___________ for your flight and 13____________ your plane. The 14___________ will help you find your seat. Don’t forget to fasten your 15____________ before the plane 16_______________. When you get to the destination and the plane ___________, you disembark and pass through 18_______________, where you’ll have to show your passport. Collect your passport and leave the airport. If you’re on a package tour, there will probably be coach to take you to your hotel. From then on, you can take things easy, 19__________ an the beach and 20____________. At the end of your holiday, you’ll need to 21____________of the hotel - make sure you turn your key and settle any outstanding bills.

Answers: 1. Brochures 2.book 3. Tickets 4. Passport 5. Currency 6.cheques

7.suitcase 8. Check in 9.boarding card 10.departure lounge 11.duty free

12. gate 13.board 14cabin crew 15. Safety belt 16.take off 17.land 18.customs 19. Sunbathing 20. Sightseeing 21check out

Exercise 5. Complete these sentences with the appropriate word or expression from A, B, C, D. There is the example at the beginning (0).

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