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Раздел 5. Числительное - a numeral


Упражнение 1. Прочитайте и переведите. Three vehicles, two sentences, five boxes, twelve dollars, thirty students, eleven buses, twenty three street lights, ninety five tourists, four customs officers, one hundred appellations of goods, sixty seven categories of taxes, the first of September, the seventh of January, the twenty fifth of December, the second cross-road, the tenth Congress of the party.

Упражнение 2. Назовите следующие количественные числительные: 12.37; 2; 65; 200; 1991; 72; 850; 5429; 198264; 3874025

Упражнение 3. Образуйте порядковые числительные следующих цифр: 78; 39; 2; 43; 25; 344; 721; 5639; 47; 36; 11

Упражнение 4. Прочитайте следующие исторические даты: 1991; 1996; 1147; 1754; 1871; 1663; 1812; 1945; 528 B.C.; 107A.D.; 1548

УГруппа 1 пражнение 5. Завершите предложения. 1.1 was bom ... 2. Now I am the ... year student. 3.1 finished the secondary school in ... 4. I went to the school at the age of ... 5. My parents married in ... 6. I have ... rooms flat. 7. The first space flight was in ... 8. The independence of Ukraine was pro­claimed in ... 9. World War II started in ... 10. We'll graduate from the institute in ...

23x4 = 43 + 7 =

19x4 =

92 - 7 =


27 : 3 = 64 : 8 =

Упражнение 7. Переведите следующие обозначения времени. 18.30, 4.00,9.45, в 6 часов рогно, без двадцати одиннадцать, шесть минут первого, половина пятого, около семи часов вечера, в десять утра, в три часа ночи.


Задание 1. Переведите на английский язык.

I. В этом кабинете работают три следователя. 2. В США - 50 штате в и округ Ко- лумбия. 3. Номер моего телефона - 93-00-62. 4. Независимость Украины была провозглашена в 1991 году. 5. Население Киева - более 3 миллионов человек. 6. Мы живем в двухкомнатной квартире. 7. Существуют три ветви государствен- ной власти: законодательная, исполнительная и судебная. 8. Мы избираем прези- дента сроком на пять лет. 9. Количество членов Верховной Рады - 450. 10. Кон- ституция США состоит из преамбулы, семи разделов и двадцати шести поправок.

II. В Украине однопалатный парламент. 12. 25 декабря начинается католическое Рождество, а православное - 7 января. 13. Пятый раздел Конституции определяет полномочия Президента.

Раздел 6. Наречие - an adverb


Упражнение 1, Образуйте наречия от следующих прилагательных: Slow, quick, loud, bright, hard, high.

Упражнение 2. Укажите, является ли выделенное слово прилагательным или наречием.

I. The qicstion was so cnsy that everybody could answer it. 2. The student anssvered all the que. :ions easily. 3. The lecturer spoke loudly. 4. The policeman heard a loud noise in the street. 5. The group of tourists went straight to Paris without stopping anywhere.

6. This road is quite straight. 7. The pupil would write better if he had a better pen. 8. The student has very little knowledge of the subject "Pretrial investigation". 9. When I first came to London, I little tnought that I should stay here so long. 10. The group of detectives traced the criminal for a long time. 11. My son works more and better than he used to. 12.1 have more books than you. 13. My mother is an early riser. 14. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 15. The girls talk much every evening in the yard. 16. We haven't had much rain this summer. 17. The sports­man is playing worse than usual. 18. The patient is worse this morning.

Упражнение 3. Из слов, стоящих в скобках, выберите нужную форму. 1. I did not rest very (good, well) last'night. 2. It is not (good, well) for you to smoke. 3. I was (angry, angrily) at what he said. 4. Tlv; prosecutor spoke angrily. 5. It is not (bad, badly) to practice your skills in lifting the weight. 6. The student wrote his dictl tion (bad, badly). 7. The official received the secretary (cold, coldly). 8. The weather is (cold, coldly) today. 9. Your description of the suspected is not quite (exact, exactly) 10. The secretary does not know (exact, exactly), when the chief will come. 11. The work was done (perfect, perfectly). 12. During the few last days the weather has been (perfect, perfectly).

Упражнение 4. Перепишите предложения, поставив наречия на соответ­ствующее место.

1. You are the last to come (always). 2. Have you seen him (ever)? 3. This barrister is late (never). 4. I lave you spoken to the judge (yet)? 5. The Dean has not come (yet). 6. I write to my parents (often). 7. The firm "Green & Co" answers our questions (immedi­ately). 8. The child is clever to understand (enough). 9.1 agree with you (quite). 10. The sun is shining (today, brightly).

Упражнение 5. Образуйте от наречия, помещенного в скобках, сравни­тельную или превосходную степень в зависимости от смысла. 1. I like Fellini's films (well) than Hitchcock's ones. 2. My sister visits her mother-in­law (frequently) than me. 3. Which of the students ran (fast) at the contest? 4. Which of all these books did you enjoy (much)? 5. Which of theses two books did you enjoy (much)? 6. Using the glasses I can see the letters (clearly) than before. 7. You ought to have told me (early). 8. Whose singing do you like (well) - Khvorostovsky's or Pava-rotti's? 9. The fire was put out (quickly) than we expected. 10. Nick speaks English (correctly) of all in my group.

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