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Самостоятельная работа

Задание 1. Раскройте скобки и образуйте правильную временную форму глагола. I. For the decade we (to stay) in the "Hilton" hotel. 2. The customs officer (to check) the luggage of the American tourists. 3. Now the judge (interview) the conflicting par­ties. 4. We (to call) to the main office each Monday. 5. Articles of the Constitution (to confirm) people's rights and freedoms. 6. How you (to do)? 7. The passengers (to board) the plain to Frankfurt. 8. For two weeks the detectives (to analyze) the results ol the forensic expert's adv ce. 9. The government (to carry on) the negotiation with the "Shell" company. 10. What you (to do) yesterday since 8 p.m. up to 10 p.m.

Задание 2. Переведите предложения на английский язык. 1. Полицейские сопровождали официальную делегацию правительства Турции и аэропорт. 2. На протяжении двух часов специалисты осматривали место аварии. 3. Что вы завтра делаете вечером? 4. Каждую субботу он звонит родителям в Киев. 5. Генеральный прокурор сейчас занят, так как принимает представителей Евро­пейского суда по правам человека. 6. Дело о хищении валюты ведет следователь прокуратуры по особо важным делам Анисимов. 7. Студенты вашей группы ус­пешно сдают зимнюю сессию. 8. Конституция определяет права и обязанности граждан страны. 9. Украина стремится активно участвовать в делах Европейского содружества. 10. Городская прокуратура осуществляет надзор за расследованием этого тяжкого преступления.

Задание 3. Переведите текст со словарем. Объясните примеры использо­вания в тексте Present / Past Continuous Tense.

Once John saw Bill who was painting his horse green color. John was puzzled and asked his friend: "Bill, why are you painting your horse green?" "I love Mary pas­sionately. When she comes and see me painting this horse green, she will ask me: "Bill, why are you painting your horse green?" And I'll answer: "Oh, Mary, what are these senseless words for? Let's go and love each other".

"You are so cunning, Bill, - said John. -1 wish you to be a great success in your love".

In some time Mary came. She stood nearby keeping silence. Bill finished to paint his horse and began to paint it again. Mary was keeping silence. At least Bill could not bear silence any longer and applied to the girl:

"Mary, why don't you ask me: "Bill, why are you painting your horse green?"

"Oh, Bill, - said Mary. - What are these senseless words for? Let's ..."

§ 4. Времена группы Perfect A) The Present Perfect Tense [HAVE / HAS + P II] - the formula of forming the Present Perfect Tense

Упражнение 1. Образуйте три основных формы глаголов, переведите их.

  1. to develop, to debate, to confirm, to announce, to consist, to introduce, to fill in

  2. to be, to write, to become, to tell, to make, to know, to see, to begin, to break

Упражнение 2. Определите форму Present Perfect Tense в предложениях. 1. John's never seen Mary before. 2. It's so nice to spend summer vacation on the seaside. 3. The student's done the scientific report well. 4. The control paper's been written without the mistakes. 5. Jane is an experienced doctor. 6. He's twice been to London. 7. They've completed the experiment by the end of the working day. 8. The barrister's already con­sulted me. 9. The girl's about seventeen. 10. Unfortunately my cousin's lost his purse.

Упражнение 3. Составьте предложения с использованием таблицы.

The judge

sent Christmas cards to the friends

The public prosecutor

passed the exam on criminology



announced the verdict

The teacher


signed the warrant of search

Jack Cooley

stolen the table calculator

The students

checked control papers of the students

This boy

already filled in the declaration

The secretary

ever sung in La Scale?



already sent the fax to our business partners?


The president

ever played an important role in world policy?

Your relatives

ever been to the USA?

A. Solov'ynenko

met the German delegation?

Упражнение 3. Замените подчеркнутую часть предложения на in иг, рианты предложены), переведите предложения.

1. I've already seen this film.

written the letter, prepared the document, thought of it, looked the ncwsp;i|n i thought, been there.

2. We haven't talked of it yet.

heard of it, received it, bought it, tested it, sent it, paid for it.

3. He's just called you.

Answered the question, taken the chair away, put the thesis on the table.

4. Have you ever known him before?

heard of her, seen it, eaten Chinese food, tried this, been to. 5.1 have never been to the Hague.

met her before, drunk that wine, headed the meeting, faced this problem.

Упражнение 4. Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам. 1. The detective has completed the examination of the crime scene. 2. The President of the bank signed the mutually beneficial agreement with French partners. 3. I have never been to New York. 4. The judge has not vet announced the verdict. 5. The strikers have already gathered on the square. 6. The Prosecutor General has informed the President of the criminal situation in the country. 7. The judge has rejected the case. 8. The Queen has opened the Parliament session. 9. The Speaker has stopped the debates on a new tax law. 10. The government has informed the population of the fringe benefits for the veterans.


Задание 1. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в Past Indefinite Tense или в Present Perfect Tense.

1. "Where is Mary?" - "She (to go shopping)". 2. I never (to see) you for ages. 3. You (to have) a lot of things to do today? 4. The session of the Parliament (to complete) its work by 5 p.m. 5. The judge (to announce) the verdict yesterday. 6. The duty officer (to report) already the chief. 7. Kiev and Moscow (to set up) the long-term cooperation. 8.1never (to eat) rye bread. 9. He (to finish) a term at last. 10. By the early 1990 Ukraine (to achieve) the certain level of the development of democratic tendencies.

Задание 2. Переведите предложения на английский язык. 1. Студенты закончили перевод текста. 2. Парламент уже вынес решение по во­просу вотума недоверия (vote of no confidence) правительству. 3. XX век показал плюсы и минусы научно-технического прогресса. 4. Поверенный подготовил все необходимые документы для слушания дела. 5. Еще на прошлом заседании суда судья определил степень наказания. 6. Обычно Парламент состоит из двух палат -верхней и нижней. 7. Полиция сопровождала демонстрацию профсоюза угледо­бывающих предприятий.

Б) The Past Perfect Tense

[HAD + P II] - the formula of forming the Past Perfect Tense

Упражнение 1. Из двух предложений составьте одно, обращая внимание на хронологию действий.

MODEL: I studied at school. Then I entered the University.

I had studied at school before I entered the University.

1. The detectives gathered proofs. Then the judge used them at the court session. 2. I worked hard. So 1 passed my exams successfully. 3. The Roman legionaries landed the British Isles. They set the military camp in the mouth of the Thames. 4. The Browns took on credit in the bank. Then they bought a new house. 5. The public prosecutor signed the search warrant. Then the policemen searched the premises. 6. The Supreme Soviet organized the referendum on the topic of the independence of Ukraine. Then it proclaimed the independence as the reflection of people's will. 7. He graduated from Law department. Later he became a very good barrister. 8. The members of the Parlia­ment debated a new fiscal year budget. They carried it unanimously. 9. I practiced my driver's skills. Then I got the driver's license. 10. The detectives began to examine the scene of the crime. At first they protected it against by the special marking band

Упражнение 2. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Have you studied ecological law? 2. What English books have you read this term? I Had you participated in any criminal investigation before you became a profcssionnl detective? 4. What year had Leonardo de Vinci finished his famous picture "Monn Lisa"? 5. What had the great London fire happened? 6. Why had Napoleon failed to conquer Russia? 7. What had the signing of Perejaslavskaya Rada agreement resulted in? 8. When had the Ukrainian people tried to get the independence for the first time? 9. What system had influenced the continental legislature? 10. What century had the his­tory of the slave-owning society finished?

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