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Раздел 2. Артикль - the article


Упражнение 1. Прочитайте текст и объясните использование артиклей. There was a young lady of Niger. Who smiled when she rode on a tiger. They returned from the ride. Willi the lady inside. And the smile on the face of the tiger.

Упражнение 2. Объясните использование артикля.

1. A dog is an animal. 2. He is a lawyer. 3. Kate is a good girl. 4. Jack London Iwn become a great writer. 5. We have got a new magazine. 6. The policeman saw a string* man. 7. A year ago we lived in Kiev. 8. There is a book on the table. 9. What a wondll ful idea have come to me! 10. A Mr. Smith wants to see you.

1. Please, open the window and close the door. 2. Where is the teacher? 3. I hi

shines brightly. 4. The students of our group went to the gym. 5. Go down the corridor and turn to the left. 6. The Dnieper river is the longest one in Ukraine. 7 1 read a book yesterday. 8. Please, pass me the salt. 9. Our manager has to read "The Financial Times". 10. The Smiths live in a detached house.

Упражнение 3. Объясните отсутствие артикля перед подчеркнутым словом. 1. Mr. Brown lives in London. 2. My father bought a new TV-set. 3. Our family has breakfast at half past seven. 4. The British like tea with mi]k. 5. Iron is a metal. 6. Open the book at page 57. 7. Children like to sweet. 8. Pat Anderson is fond of music. 9. There are many books for boys and girls in our school library 10. We study English, German, French at the Institute.


Задание 1. Вставьте артикли, где они необходимы; объясните их использование. 1. Give me ... pencil, please. I need ... red pencil. 2. Nick is ... student of... Law Depart­ment. 3.... year ago my friend worked at the office of "... Financial Times". 4. ... meeting of the students' scientific society will be held ... next Monday. 5. My father is ... judge. 6. They went to ... Azov Sea last summer. 7. Embezzlement is ... economic crime. 8. My younger brother studies at ... school number 17. 9. ... Browns live in ... Green Street. 10. Constitution is ... Code of laws. 11. The night was so light because of... Moon. 12. At ... Institute we study ... job related subjects - ... various branches of law, ... History and ... theory of State and Law, criminology. 13. My favorite subject is ... English language. 14. Ukraine became ... independent state. 15... Mary works as ... court clerk.

Задание 2. Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внима­ние на использование артиклей перед существительными.

Верховный Совет провозгласил независимость Украины в 1991 году. 2. Анато лий Кони был известным юристом и писателем. 3. Вы можете найти адвокати Брауна в комнате № 23 на втором этаже. 4. Убийство является тяжким преступле­нием. 5. После окончания института я планирую работать в прокуратуре нашегв района. 6. Тихий океан - один из самых больших водоёмов на земле. 7. Я не люб­лю кофе, я предпочитаю крепкий чай. 8. Обычно Шварцы останавливаются в оте­лях системы «Хилтон». 9. Журнал «Натали» очень популярен среди женщин 10. Это мой третий визит в Англию. 11. Парламент Великобритании ограничишкч власть правящего монарха. 12. Президент утверждает состав правительств 13. Конституция определяет права и обязанности президента. 14. О красоте Дн»П ра писали много писателей и поэтов. 15. За углом есть неплохое кафе, в этом кафг заваривают отменный кофе.

Задание 3. Прочитайте текст, объясните использование артиклей

THE ACCIDENT It was a lovely day in summer, so I was cycling along a narrow counli

Everything seemed beautiful. The sun was shining, and the birds were singing, life was wonderful. Then I came round a bend and saw a terrible sight. A motorcycle was lying on the grass; its wheels were up in the air and still turning. Next it there was a young man and he seemed to be a terrible pain. "What's happened?"

"I've had an accident. My leg is broken, I suppose. Get help!" Suddenly I heard a noise. It was a car coming along the road. I ran into the middle of the road and stopped it. The driver and I lifted the fellow into the car and took him into the hospital. Later I realized my bicycle was still by the side of the road. I caught a bus, but I found I had no money. I had to get off and walk home on foot. When I came home I told about the accident.

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