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Cairn Energy Iceberg Alley

Arctic Aasiaat

pristine to drill

a humpback whale untapped

offshore well

Vessel mishap

to disperse to skim

ask 22.
Study the word lists below.

to make up (a share of sth) to head

slick inevitable

Task 23. Watch the lead in Video 32 and get it’s idea.

Task 24. Watch Video 32, make up two lists of special terms:

  1. ecology; b) oil extraction.

Each list should contain at least five terms.

Task 25. Close the gaps in the sentence fragments below of Video 32.

What lexical units and stylistic means prevail in the sentences? What is the syntactical structure of the sentences below?

1. “We’re 350 km north of the Arctic Circle where humpback whales …1… the waters and …2… the passing traffic.”

2. This is one of the …1… …2… and …3… regions on the planet.

3. …1… as well as the main platform, they have a second drilling ship ready to begin a relief …2… immediately in an event of a leak and …3-4… what they call the …5-7… equipped to physically tow icebergs away from the rig site.

4. So these support vessels, they ring, …1-3… the drill ships in…

5. …1… in an event that an iceberg enters that safety zone, then they …2… tow it out of the way.

6. The drilling here in these …1… Arctic waters has been condemned by environmental groups as …2… disappointing.

7. An oil spill in these waters would be …1… for this …2… eco system.

8. The sea here is so cold that …1… the Gulf of Mexico where the oil is rising to the surface and able to be dispersed or …2-3…, here the oil would …4… much …5… slowly.

9. So it would tend to stay below the surface, in a …1… and …2… slick.

10. …1… unlike the Gulf of Mexico, a …2-6… this is where a Greenland’s spill response would have to be mounted.

11. …1… the fishing stocks …2-4… and there are …5… problems with unemployment.

12. …1… there is to be an …2-3… here it would likely be …4… future generation who would …5-7…

13. …1… …2… demand is not decreasing, …3… these …4… frontiers are where the industry is …5… heading. The age of …6-7… , so they say, …8-9…

Task 26. How stylistically charged is the report in general? How successful is the journalist in attaining her objective – to persuade the viewer … (in what?) …?

Task 27. Comment on the notion frontier. In what context is it used in the report?

Task 28. Think of the three key sentences of the report. Write them down. Can you divide the report into logical parts? What are they?

Task 29. Watch Video 33 lead and get its idea. Fill in the gaps to make its lexical and stylistic analysis.

…1-2… , …3-4… and …5-6… could be seen back on the supermarket shelves. EU laws which …7… years of …8-9… in the 1980s have been …10… to try to help consumers through the …11…

Task 30. Say what stylistic tropes are used in Video 33 lead?

What lexical units prevail in the video? Why?

Task 31. Watch Video 33 in full. Close the gaps in the sentences below. The word list in the box would be of much avail to you. Study it. Say what lexical units prevail in it.

nully pot belly to nurture fearsome vegy kinky

topsy turvey gruesome curvy to ditch caulli

1. They grow in the same fields, …1… by the same …2… and are …3-4… by the same people.

2. But until now al fruit and vegetables were not …1… In the EU there was a form of …2-3… but no more.

3. The days of the …1… carrot, …2-3… turnip and …4-5… parsnip are back.

4. And it’s …1-2… the …3-4…

5. And this …1-2… would have been …3-4… to. …4… it’s …5… small.

6. “Our customers want to have a …1-2… vegetables which …3… they are going to peel and chop, and use in cooking. …4… they don’t mind they are slightly more diverse.”

7. …1… do we really want …2… greens and …3… fruit?

8. “…1… you assume if these …2… ones are cheaper you’d buy those, would you?”

9. …1… before we start transforming our …2-3… into the …4-6… there are still some things that have to be the right size and shape.

10. Apples – …1… , they’ve got to be apple shaped. …2-4… ? Pears, they …5-7… be pear-shaped.

11. …1… , even they can be sold in non-standard form as long as it’s made clear to the …2… purchaser that they are lesser …3… that the great …4… staff.

Task 32. Why does the journalist employ so many colloquialisms in the report? Prove your point.

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