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1. Переведите на русский язык данные предложения, определив функции выделенных слов.

A. AS 1. наречие "как", "в качестве";

2. союз "когда", в то время как"; союз "так как"

1. Foods classed as "protein-rich" should be the source of 10 to 15 per cent of total energy requirements of the body. 2. The body's need for water is met through water as such. 3. The regulation of body processes is regarded as a particular function of the main constituents of food. 4. Vitamin К is not easily destroyed as it is stable to heat, acids and oxidation. 5. As we know the normal development of the body depends upon the foods included into the diet. 6. As vitamin A is fat-soluble it does not dissolve in water. 7. Milk is recommended for our diet as it contains various vitamins. 8. As the substance was being heated it changed its colour. 9. Cereals must be included into our daily diet as they are rich in carbohydrates. 10. Foods are defined as substances that supply energy and regulate body processes.

B. FOR 1. предлог "для", "ради", "за", "в течение, в продолжение"; "на (к-л

срок, период)"

2.союз "так как"

1. Cellulose used in the diet provides material for certain regulatory processes. 2. Provision is made in the cells of the liver for storage of animal starch sufficient to meet the requirements of a human body for carbohydrates for a comparatively short time. 3. A man cannot live without water for it is very important in regulating body processes. 4. A human being can live without food for some time but not without water. 5. Vitamin D is essential for the development and maintenance of bones and teeth. 6. The properties of this new compound have been studied for two months in our laboratory. 7. Some vitamins must be investigated by scientists for their role in nutrition has not been determined yet. 8. For a long time people have utilized cereals in their diet. 9. Proteins vary in the kind and number of amino acids present for they are complex in nature. 10. Growth is stopped, and capacity to work is lost if the amount of food is inadequate for food is essential for nutrition of any living organism.

С.SINCE 1.предлог "с","после" 3.союз “с тех пор как”; “так как”

2.наречие "с тех пор"

1. Any human being needs vitamins since they are essential for good health and normal development. 2. Since the end of the 19th century scientists have studied the role of different vitamins. 3. Since vegetables are rich in vitamins they must be included into the human diet. 4. Since ancient times people have been interested in the methods of food storage. 5. Vitamin A does not dissolve in water since it is fat-soluble. 6. The ability of a plant to build starch and the ability of an animal to utilize it have been known since the long past. 7. The child developed too slowly since his diet was deficient in vitamins and other main food constituents. 8. Proteins differ from carbohydrates in their composition since they contain nitrogen and sulphur. 9. Very often we reduce the mineral content of fruit and vegetables since minerals are concentrated in the part which is usually removed by us. 10. A body needs much energy since it is constantly at work.

2.Укажите номера пропущенных слов.

1. Proteins are chief constituents of food used by a living organism ... its growth. 2. ... the end of the 15th century maize has been widely used all over the world. 3. Food constituents known ... vitamins are of great significance. 4. Vitamins are essential ... good health and normal development. 5. Such foods ... cereals, vegetables, and fruit are rich in vitamins. 6. Cereals ... one of the best sources of carbohydrates must be included into everyday human diet. 7. ... earliest times grain has been man’s chief means for life. 8. Rye is the main cereal crop, along with wheat, ... it grows under various climatic conditions. 9. Carbohydrates commonly occur ... starch and sugar. 10. Foods can often meet more than one body's need ... they are complex substances.

1. as 2. for 3. since



1. Укажите номера русских эквивалентов.

1. minute 2. minor 3. as well as 4. for the most part 5. unfortunately 6. frequently 7. ordinarily 8. regarding 9. until 10. for

1. к сожалению 2. обычно 3. часто 4. мелкий/мельчайший 5. относительно 6. так же как 7. незначительный 8. большей частью 9. так как 10. до тех пор пока не

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