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4. Выберите правильную форму глагола и переведите предложения.

1. If there ... no chlorophyll in the plant it could not take carbon and oxygen from the air (1. had been 2. is 3. were). 2. If the amount of calcium ... not adequate the body's bones and teeth will quickly destroy (1. had been 2. is 3. were). 3. Provided they had completed the experiment in time they ... a report at our conference (1. will make 2. would make 3. would have made). 4. Unless he is busy he ... to you (1. would have spoken 2. would speak 3. will speak). 5. If the conditions had been favourable we ... the research (1. should continue 2. shall continue 3. should have continued). 6. If he ... more time he could have completed the investigation (l. had 2. had had 3. has). 7. Providing you had applied this method you ... the desired results (1. would have got 2. would get 3. will get).



1. Укажите номера русских эквивалентов.

1. due to/thanks to 2. mainly 3. in order to 4. as well as 5. at last 6. as a result 7. through

1. наконец 2. также как 3. посредством 4. главным ооразом 5. в результате 6. благодаря 7. для того чтобы

2. Переведите на русский язык данные словосочетания.

advanced technology developed all over the world; scientific and engineering developments; to be aimed at the elaboration of efficient methods; to pay attention to food preservation; to extend the shelflife of processes foods; as a result of the efforts of food manufacturers; to displace the so-called traditional foods by frozen counterparts; to include semi-products and pre-cooked foods; to enjoy great popularity with the people

3. Прочитайте и переведите текст


1. Назовите глаголы,соответствующие данным существительным.

variety, elaboration, processing, delivery, extension, preservation, modification, equipment prolongation, storage, displacement, service, inclusion, extrusion, enjoiment

2. Образуйте прилагательные, соответствувщие данным существительным.

variety, science, attention, efficiency, extension, significance, tradition, frost, production, convenience, popularity, diet, nutrition value

3. Найдите в тексте слова, образующиеся по принципу конверсии;

составьте с данными словами предложения на английском языке.

4. Найдите в тексте слова, относящиеся к интернациональной лексике.

5. Составьте словосочетания, используя слова из левой колонки в

роли определения.

  1. advanced

  2. scientific and engineering

  3. nutritive

  4. controlled and modified atmosphere

  5. prolonged

  6. frozen

  7. food

  8. ready-to-eat

  9. raw

  10. quick-cooking

  1. snacks

  2. counterparts

  3. material

  4. pasta

  5. manufactures

  6. developments

  7. packaging

  8. technology

  9. value

  10. storage

6. Прочитайте предложенные группы продуктов и назовите заголовки, соответствующие им.

1. Foodstuffs for prolonged storage

A. instant soups/coffee/juice;instant noodle snacks;

2. Frozen counterparts of traditional foods.

B. breakfast cereals;potato crisps; crisp rice;

3. Semi-products and precooked foods

C. vegetable and meat preserves;sauces; mayonnaises; dry confectionary mixes;

pasta products;

4. Ready-to-eat foods.

D. cake dough,vegetables and fruit;yeast;

7. Используя текст, закончите данные предложения.

1. Prolonged storage of foodstuffs can be possible by such methods as ... . 2. Counterparts of traditional foods can be possible due to ... . 3. To shorten the period of cooking can be possible by the manufacture of ... . 4. Ready-to-eat breakfast cereals can be possible through ... .

8. Укажите номера пропущенных слов в следующих предложениях,

1. Scientific and engineering developments in food industry are mainly aimed at the ... of most ... methods of food manufacturing. 2. The problem of extending the ... of processed foods is extremely significant. 3. It has also become possible to ... the so-called traditional foods by frozen ... . 4. Food manufacturers can supply people wth wholly ... products. 5. 0ne of the aspects of food manufacturing is the production of ... foods such as dietary bread or fat-free products. 6. Semi-products and pre-cooked foods help to ... the period of ... . 7. Ready-to-eat breakfast cereals can be made through the use of ... or ... . 8. All these kinds of foods ... great popularity all over the world.

1. formulated 2. extrusion,puffing 3. shelf-life 4. shorten,cooking 5. enjoy 6. purpose-oriented 7. displace,counterparts 8. elaboration, efficient

Обзорные упражнения по грамматической теме

«Неличные формы глагола»


1. Переведите на английский язык.

А. метод, разработанный нами; технолог, разработавший этот метод; проблема разработки данного метода; метод, который должен быть разработан;

В. I. Продление срока хранения продуктов очень важно. 2. Чтобы продлить срок хранения, необходимо учитывать много факторов. 3. Продлевая срок хранения продукта, нужно помнить о сохранении его питательной ценности. 4. Технологи уделяют большое внимание проблеме продления срока хранения продуктов. 5. Срок хранения этого продукта, который должен быть продлен, является предметом исследования нашей лаборатории.

2. Определите функции выделенных слов и переведите на русский язык.

1. This device will be used in our experiments. 2. The device used was designed by this young engineer. 3. The device to be used in your experiment was designed in our lab. 4. To be used in the experiment the device had been tested in our lab. 5. Building modern factories and plants is of great importance for the development of industries. 6. They applied new building materials in their construction works. 7. The new methods of building will be discussed at the next meeting. 8. By building modern houses and restoring old ones we make our city more beautiful. 9. He told me about building some new food enterprises. 10. While building this factory they applied the latest progressive methods. 11. To translate this text without a dictionary was difficult. 12. To translate this text you should consult a dictionary. 13. Тhе task was to translate this interesting text into English. 14. The text to be translated by you is about atomic energy and its application. 15. The results obtained were of great importance. 16. They have obtained very important results after experimenting. 17. Our country produces many different food products. 18. The produce of agriculture is widely used in food industry. 19. This factory is to produce a new kind of automatic device. 20. 0ur factory plans to produce this machine next year. 21. То determine the composition of the product they made many tests. 22. To determine the composition of this product requires good knowledge of chemistry. 23. Determining the composition of the product they applied this effective method. 24. Determining the composition of a product is not an easy operation. 25. The composition of the product to be determined is very complex. 26. Their task will be to determine the composition of the product. 27. The composition of the product was determined in our laboratory. 28. The composition of the product determined by him showed some changes after the reaction. 29. The substance was placed into a solution to study its properties. 30. The substance placed into this solution quickly changes its properties.

Маргарита Ставровна Иоаниди

Павла Михайловна Пушнова

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