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Упражнения по грамматической теме "-ing forms"

I. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык, определив функции герундия и причастия.

1. One of the problems of storing foods is preventing (protecting) them from spoilage. 2. One of the oldest methods of protecting food is drying. 3. After having removed some water from the analysed mixture they found chemical changes in it. 4. Many scientists were interested in making fats in the laboratory but they were not able to perform this task. 5. Organic acids have a part in stimulating and regulating body processes. 6. Long ago people began salting meat and fish for keeping their quality. 7. Methods of baking bread greatly depend on the flour properties. 8. Food engineers have constructed and are constructing various machinery for food processing, manufacturing and storing. 9. Producing fats from carbohydrates is a characteristic of most living matter including plants. 10. Repeating the test twice prevented them from mistakes. 11. Investigating vegetable fats scien­tists found them mainly in seeds and fruits of plants. 12. Without including any fats in the diet people cannot get a sufficient amount of fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E. 13. The scientists studying the nature of food constituents have greatly contributed to the development of food science. 14. The fruits were to be stored for some time before being eaten as they were unripe. 15. Without knowing the mechanism of converting carbohydrate and protein into fat it is impossible to understand clearly fat manufacturing in the animal body. 16. Having been derived from fats the sterols became the object of a thorough study. 17. It is known that on ripening seeds have an in­creasing amount of fat. 18. The mechanism of changing carbohydrates into fats was studied by many scientists. 19. Being stored for different periods of time these two products varied in taste very much. 20. The students were given the task of making some experiments with linseed oil.

2. Назовите английские эквиваленты предлагаемых словосочетаний, используя герундий с предлогом.

после обработки, до внедрения, не определив, благодаря изменению, без изучения, очищая, включив, не нагрев, не защищая, после отказа, благодаря использованию, продолжать регулирование/регулировать, начать произво-дить/производство, заканчивать исследование/исследовать

3. Укажите причастные обороты в функции обстоятельства, которые следует переводить на русский язык придаточными предложениями.

while stimulating; having been heated; when being protected; having changed; if being stored; if removing; having depleted; being derived; when manufacturing; when having been included

4. Переведите словосочетания на русский язык, указав, чем выражено определение.

l. an instrument for measuring temperature;an instrument measuring temperature 2. the method of controlling the quality; the method controlling the quality 3. the way of supplying a body with energy; the food supplying a body with energy 4. the method of producing fats; plants making fats from carbohydrates 5. the function of protecting the nerves from shocks; a fatty layer protecting the nerves from shocks

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