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5. Переведите на английский язык следующие словосочетания.

А. необходимость включения в рацион продуктов, богатых белками и углеводами; пути решения проблем питания; важность исследования нового метода анализа; трудности сохранения пищевых продуктов; цель обсуждения нашего эксперимента;

Б. ученые, разрабатывающие новые методы хранения пищи; предприятия, производящие молочные продукты; условия, препятствующие порче пищи; изобретатель, сконструировавший эту машину; организм, синтезирующий химические вещества

В. продукты, стерилизуемые на предприятиях; мясо, замороженное при низ­кой температуре; фрукты, высушенные на солнце; температура, регу­лируемая автоматически; овощи, засоленные летом

6. Контрольный перевод.

a) I. Manufacturing high quality foods is one of the most important problems. 2. A plant is constantly manufacturing fats from carbohydrates. 3. By manufacturing new foodstuffs we make our diet varied. 4. Our aim is manufacturing high quality products. 5. Without manufacturing food products of high nutritive value it is impossible to make the human diet adequate. 6. Manufacturing foods we should think about their quality as well as quantity.

b) 1.Our task was applying these methods in our research. 2. Without applying these methods they will be unable to prevent food from spoilage. 3. Applying these methods is the subject of their research. 4. Applying this very method she has got interesting results. 5. They were applying this very method at that time. 6. By applying these methods we prevent bread from staling.

с) 1. Increasing temperature we can change the activity of microorganisms. 2. Increasing temperature means great changes of the activity of microorganisms. 3. Without increasing temperature we maintain the activity of microorganisms low. 4. The requirement of the experiment was increasing the temperature of the substance. 5. He is just increasing the temperature of the liquid solution. 6. By increasing temperature we change the activity of microorganisms in foods.

d) 1.Supplying the body with energy is one of the main functions of food. 2. Sugars are supplying a plant with food during its growth. 3. By supplying the body with energy food constituents make it able to develop. 4. The main function of food is supplying the body with energy. 5. Without supplying the body with energy foods cannot contribute to its activity. 6. Supplying the body with energy foods maintain its activity.



I. Укажите номера русских эквивалентов.

1 . as well as, 2. besides, 3. also. 4. in most cases, 5. commonly, 6. the only, 7. a number of, 8. although, 9. both ... and, 10. neither … nor

I. хотя 2. и. ... и/как ... так и 3. ни ... ни 4. множество 5. единственный 6. кроме 7. в большинстве случаев 8. так же как 9. обычно 10. также

2. Переведите на русский язык данные словосочетания.

to differ in the elements present in sugar; to contain also nitrogen and in most cases sulphur; the nitrogen content commonly varies from 10 to 18 per cent; foods of both animal and plant origin; foods high in protein; to contain the proteins, lactalbumin and casein, as well as others of lesser importance; to be complex in nature; to be composed of a number of amino acids; to vary in the kind and number of amino acids; variation in the quality of proteins; to result in the classification; a complete protein is one that …; an incomplete protein neither supports normal growth nor maintains life, even if it is the only protein in the diet

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