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Written Exercise answers Exercise 1

Charles and Barbara Williams live at a village called Harpole. They have only lived (have only been living) there for a few weeks. They arrived on the 28th of August and they quickly arranged the furniture in their new house. They have not made many friends yet, but they think that they soon will. The neighbours have been very kind so far, and Mr. Williams is inviting (has invited) some of them to a party he is holding next week. His friends from London and Oxford are coming to the party. The Williams family lived (was/were living) in London before they came to Harpole. Mr. Williams did not like living in London. While he was visiting some friends in Southampton last year, he met a company director who offered him a job. Mrs. Williams wanted to stay in London, but when they arrive in the village, the sun was shining and she is already beginning (has already begun) to enjoy the country surroundings.

Exercise 2


1 I lent my car to John.

2 My uncle wrote us a letter before Christmas.

3 The lady cut a piece of cake for me.

4 I always read a story to my son before he goes to bed.

5 We sold our boat to Mr. Williams.

6 Hand that screwdriver to me, please.

7 My wife made a pullover for me.

8 I owe my brother ten pounds.

Exercise 3

1 I’m busy today, but I have a little time to spare tomorrow.

2 Few people understand international politics, although a lot of people study the subject.

3 There’s no brandy left, but you can have a little whisky.

4 There’s little hope of finding the lost men now.

5 It was very cheap. It only cost a few pounds.

6 My guests left early, but there were still a few people there at midnight.

7 Few of us have any idea what he was talking about.

8 He had little interest in any kind of sport.

Exercise 4

Yesterday afternoon I went to the airport to meet Pierre who was coming from Paris to spend a few days with me. I arrived at the airport at two o’clock, went into a waiting room and sat down. When it was announced that the plane was an hour late, I decided to go for a stroll. I got up, walked across the room and out of the door. I was just walking away from the building, when I saw an old friend coming towards me. We chattered for a moment, then went back inside and up some steps to (into) the bar on the first floor directly above the waiting room, where we had a few drinks, while from time to time aeroplanes roared over our heads.

Suddenly I remembered Pierre. We rushed down the steps out of the waiting room below. At the information desk I was told that the plane from Paris had arrived 40 minutes earlier. I hurried out of the building, got into my car and drove rapidly away. When I arrived home I found Pierre sitting on his suitcase outside my front door.

Exercise 5

1 He bought a book and some chocolates for his mother, but he had little money left for any other presents.

2 I opened a few windows to let in some fresh air.

3 Few of the students knew any of the answers.

4 Tomorrow there’ll be a little free time to do some shopping, but today there isn’t a moment to spare for any other business.

5 He wrote few letters to any of his family, but he sent a few cards to some of his friends.

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