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Exercise 2

  1. fourteen

  2. forty-nine

  3. two hundred and thirty seven

  4. one hundred and forty

  5. four thousand and fifty-two

  6. one thousand, one hundred and three

  7. three million, five hundred and two thousand, one hundred and one

  8. one and a half

Exercise 3

1 you've read it, have you?

2 You can hardly understand what he's talking about, can you?

3 He's written a lot of books lately, hasn’t he?

4 But few people read them, do they?

5 They're so boring, aren’t they?

6 He won't make much money from his books, will he?

7 He used to write for a magazine, didn’t he?

8 He ought to go back to that work, oughtn’t he? (didn’t he)

Exercise 4

I competition 2 competitive 3 interested. 4 interesting 5 operate 6 operation

7 invite 8 invitation

Exercise 5

  1. independence

  2. height

  3. decision

  4. solution

  5. deafening

  6. uninteresting

  7. shortage

  8. successful

Exercise 6

1 The children's health suffered from the lack of exercise.

2 This artist's pictures are much sought after.

3 He inflicted a lot of pain on his family as a result of his thoughtlessness.

4 They will soon finish the work when they find the solution to this problem.

5 That decision brought about the fall of the government.

6 He drank a cold beer to cool down after the game.

7 The little boy was overjoyed with his presents.

8 John was doing a spot of work in the garden when I passed by yesterday.

9 He walked up and ... the room for ten minutes, deep in thought, when he heard ... the accident.

10 He's aiming ... becoming a millionaire before he's forty years old.

11 I know I've been a bad student, but from now on I promise to work harder.

12 I haven't caught a fish all day. I've been out of luck lately.

15 Programme 15 Pronunciation Exercise

1 b) code 2 a) good 3 a) pull 4 b) bowl

5 b) coke 6 b) foal 7 a) should 8 a) brook

Drill I (R)

1 The local school is a very good school. Yes, it is, isn't it?

2 And you don't pay to go there. No, you don't, do you?

3 The Williams send their son to a private school. Yes, they do, don’t they?

4 It costs a lot of money. Yes, it does, doesn’t it?

5 But they can’t really afford it. No, they can’t, can they?

6 They won’t send Jamie to a state school though. No, they wont, will they?

7 But our children went to the local school. Yes, they did, didn’t they?

8 But then we’re not snobs. No, we’re not, are we?

Drill 2 (R)


1 “Will you open the door for me, please, John?” Peter asked John to open the door for him.

Peter asked.

2 “Shoot the prisoners at once, men!” The officer commanded the men to shoot

the officer commanded. the prisoners at once.

  1. “Will you please give me some money The man begged us (me) to give him some money

for a meal?” the man begged. for a meal.

  1. “Sign your name at the bottom,’ the lawyer The lawyer told him to sign his name at the bottom.

told him.

5 “Come back later,” the doorman advised us. The doorman advised us to come back later.

6 “Move your car immediately!” the policeman The policeman ordered the driver to move his car

ordered the driver. immediately.

  1. “Would you help me to carry my cases, please?” The lady asked the porter to help her carry her cases.

the lady asked the porter.

  1. “Will you help me service my car, Ron?” Ted asked Ron to help him service his car.

Ted asked.

Drill 3

1 The boss told his secretary not to disturb him.

2 The teacher ordered the class not to make a noise.

3 The prisoner begged the soldier not to kill him.

4 The policeman told the suspect not to leave the house.

  1. The boy begged the teacher not to tell his father.

6 The salesman advised him not to buy the red tie.

7 Mrs. Williams told Jamie not to wear his best trousers in the garden.

8 Jamie aced his father not to keep ordering him about.

Drill 4

1 What does a baker do? A baker bakes bread.

2 What do footballers do? Footballers play football.

3 What does a pianist do? A pianist plays the piano.

4 What do novelists do? Novelists write novels.

5 What do maths teachers do? Maths teachers teach maths.

6 What does a composer do? A composer composes music.

7 What does a pilot do? A pilot flies aeroplanes.

8 What do lion hunters do? Lion hunters hunt lions.

Drill 5

1 What's a window made of? A window's made of glass.

2 What are cars made of? Cars are made of metal.

3 What's a book made of? A book’s made of paper.

4 What are doors made of? Doors are made of wood.

5 What are cigarettes made of? Cigarettes are made of tobacco.

6 What's bread made of? Bread’s made of flour.

7 What's a pullover made of? A pullover’s made of wool.

8 What's a wall made of? A wall’s made of bricks.

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