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18 Programme 18

Pronunciation Exercise

1 b) form 2 a) far 3 a) hark 4 b) port

5 a) tart 6 b) pork 7 b) lord 8 a) cart

Drill I

1 I think there'll be another war soon. Yes, there may be another war soon.

2 But perhaps the government doesn't want a war. No, the government may not want a war.

3 It’s possible that they’ll be forced to fight though. Yes, they may be forced to fight though.

4 But I don’t think the enemy are ready for war yet. No, the enemy may no be ready for war yet.

5 So perhaps it’s better for us to attack now. Yes, it may be better for us to attack now.

6 But I’m not sure we’ll win if we do fight. No, we may not win if we do fight.

7 If we talk perhaps we’ll be able to find a solution. Yes, if we talk perhaps we may be able to find a solution.

8 Probably more peace talks is the best idea after all. Yes, more peace talks may be the best idea after all.

Drill 2

  1. I ought to go really, but I'm enjoying myself.

  2. I shouldn't stay long, but I'll have another drink.

  3. I ought to do some work at home, but I’d rather stay and talk.

  4. We shouldn’t gossip about our neighbours, but Mrs. Jones is a terrible woman.

  5. I ought to phone my wife now, but I think I’ll do it later.

  6. I shouldn’t smoke so much, but I’m too weak to say no.

  7. You ought to give up cigarettes altogether, but I don’t think you can.

  8. I shouldn’t waste money on taxis, but I’ve but I’ve missed the last bus.

Drill 3

1 Then you might as well buy a red one.

2 Then he might as well marry Julie.

3 Then you might as well take the cheap one.

4 Then she might as well wear the long one.

5 Then they might as well leave on Sunday.

6 Then you might as well take a train.

7 Then he as well might do it with Julie.

8 Then we might as well go to bed.

Drill 4

1 Yes, if they left at 10 o 'clock they should be here soon.

2 Yes, he might be in the garden.

3 Yes, if you send the letter now they should get it by Thursday.

4 Yes, they might be in the bathroom.

5 Yes, if I go now I must catch the bus.

6 Yes, she might be John’s new girlfriend.

7 Yes, if Jack’s on form he must beat Ted Sykes.

8 Yes, it might be a bomb.

Drill 5

1 All right. I'll ask her what her name is.

2 right. I'll ask her where she comes from.

3 All right. I'll ask them what they are doing.

4 Ask them. ” All right. I'll ask them why they are still in the classroom.

5 All right. I'll ask the teacher how you spell ‘receive’.

6 All right. I'll ask him where he got it from.

7 I'll ask him how much it cost.

8 All right. I'll ask Charles when the party will end.

Written Exercise Answers


1 They might come with us, but I think they're too busy.

2 I know it rained yesterday and today, but it might be fine tomorrow.

3 My father says I can go to the party as long as I get home by midnight.

4 You can leave as soon as you have finished.

5 I know you don't like television but you might enjoy this programme.

6 The snow is getting deeper. The trains might not be running.

7 The students can answer the questions in any order they like.

8 Visitors to Britain cannot work in the country without a permit.

Exercise 2

  1. should do / ought to do

  2. ought not to work / shouldn’t work / mustn’t work

  3. I simply must finish / I simply have to finish

  4. you haven’t got to finish

  5. you ought to have / should have

  6. I mustn’t stay

  7. you must book / you have to book (ought to / should)

  8. I’ll have to ask

Exercise 3

  1. She can’t be

  2. This might be the quickest way

  3. so I might as well take a big one

  4. He should be home by now

  5. I may as well stop trying

  6. He can’t be back

  7. John may be meeting Mary

  8. He should be successful

Exercise 4

1 They are making preparations for the party on Saturday.

2 I could just do with a cup of tea now.

3 Did the boss make you do overtime?

4 He often makes out he's a police inspector, but no one ever believes him.

5 I've lost your pen I'll buy you a new one to make up for it.

6 A rest will do you good.

7 She's in the bathroom making up her face.

8 Nothing you do will make any difference.

  1. We were not allowed to make any noise.

  2. I was reluctant to make a decision without knowing all the facts.

11 I had a great weekend, but I didn't have time to do much shopping.

Exercise 5

1 Examine 6 minority

2 examination 7 psychology

3 definitely 8 psychological

4 deliberately 9 develop

5 minor 10 development

Exercise 6

1 I was reluctant to make a decision without knowing all the facts.

2 It is your duty to encourage cooperation between the management and the workers.

3 He doesn't want to do it, but I'm sure we can talk him into helping us.

4 Mary is very late. I don't think she will turn up now.

5 Most of the patients have been cured of the disease now. The situation is under control.

6 If you are too soft on children they will take advantage of you.

7 He has made up his mind to do it. There's no chance of talking him into it now.

8 I've made a mess of this exercise. I must write it out again.

9 Mr. Peters isn't in yet. He doesn't get to the office until ten on Saturdays.

10 It's nice to help people, but you shouldn't put your friends before your family to such an extent.

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