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Exercise 1

1 You haven’t got to answer all

2 You’ve got to answer at least three questions

3 You mustn’t use a pencil

4 You mustn’t leave the room

5 You haven’t got to answer

6 You haven’t got to answer question 2

7 You haven’t got to spend half an hour

8 You haven’t got to wait

Exercise 2

  1. He is certainly a very good player

  2. But he’s got to drink less

  3. You‘ve got to be fit

  4. They’ve got to train harder

  5. He is certainly very thirsty.

  6. I’ve got to be there

  7. They are certainly at home by now

  8. Those people are certainly very poor.

Exercise 3

1 Does he?

2 Did he?

3 Is he?

4 Will he?

5 Aren’t you?

6 Could I?

Exercise 4

We went to the beach last Sunday and had a swim in the sea. The children had a game of football on the sand while I was having a rest. At one o'clock I walked along the beach with Joe, and we had a glass of beer at the bar. Then we went back and had our lunch. in the afternoon the children had a ride on the donkeys and while they were having a good time we had a sleep (an hour’s sleep) for an hour. At six o'clock we had another swil and then sat down and had a last cigarette before leaving the beach.

Exercise 5

1 work 5 paid

2 height 6 done

3 plead 7 water

4 do 8 put

Exercise 6

1 Tim was all in when he finished his game.

2 Put your money away. Those drinks are on me.

3 He kids himself he's losing weight, but he drinks so much after the game that in fact he puts on weight.

4 They crammed the car luggage and spoiled the seats in the process.

5 The population increased tenfold and blocks of flats sprang up everywhere.

6 It's against the law to stop on the motorway unless your car breaks down.

7 I played against Ted Sykes this afternoon and now I'm dead in.

8 The party consisted of thirty men, all equipped with automatic pistols.

9 They managed to confine the fire to two or three rooms, but they failed to save the old lady.

  1. You can always rely on Mr. Fielding to help you.

17 Programme 17

Pronunciation Exercise

1 hat, hut (a, c) 2 coat, cot (a, c)

3 boot, bat (d, c) 4 rum, Rome (b, a)

Drill 1 (R)

  1. Have you finished your work? He asked if you had finished your work.

What was that?

  1. Why are you sitting down? He asked why you were sitting down.

What did he say?

  1. How long have you been sitting here? He asked how long you’d been sitting there.

I beg your pardon?

  1. What do you think you are paid for? He asked what you thought you were paid for.

Sorry, I can’t hear.

  1. When will you start work again? He asked when you would start work again.

What was that?

  1. Do you want a new job? He asked if you wanted a new job.

What was that?

  1. Do you know that I’m the new boss? He asked if you knew that he was the new boss.

Sorry, I can’t hear.

  1. Please, don’t come back tomorrow. He asked you not to come back tomorrow.

What was that?

Drill 2 (R)

1 John told Mary (that) he wanted to marry her.

2 Mary told John (that) she couldn't marry him.

3 John told Mary (that)he’d always loved her.

4 Mary told John (that)she was going to marry someone else.

5 John told Mary (that) he would buy her a nice house in the country.

6 Mary told John (that) her rich fiancé had already bought her two houses.

7 John told Mary (that) she didn’t love him, and (that) he would kill himself.

8 Mary told John not to be stupid.

Drill 3 I work hard nearly every day. But I don't work on Sunday.

I work hard every day except Sunday.

I haven't read Hamlet. But I've read all Shakespeare's other plays. Except for Hamlet, I've read all Shakespeare's plays.

  1. I work hard every day except Sunday.

  2. Except for Hamlet, I’ve read all Shakespeare’s plays.

  3. She likes all animals except rats and snakes.

  4. Except for Mrs. Jones, they like everyone in the street.

  5. They’re inviting everyone except grandmother.

  6. Except for a little beer, they’ve drunk everything in the house.

  7. He eats all vegetables except onions.

  8. Except for the electric one, you can take any drill you want.

Drill 4

1 Yes, put it down.

2 Yes, look at it.

3 Yes, put them on.

4 Yes, look after him.

5 No, don’t turn it off.

6 Yes, give them all away.

7 Yes, lock it up.

8 No, don’t talk about her.

Drill 5

1 Yes, put the tent up now, please.

  1. Yes put all these old books away in the drawer, please.

  2. Yes, lock the house up while they’re away, please.

4 Yes, bring the car back tomorrow, please.

5 Yes, turn the radio off now, please.

  1. Yes, put the kettle on and make a cup of tea, please.

  2. Yes, bring the clothes in before it starts to rain, please.

  3. Yes, put the cat out before you go to bed, please.

Written Exercise Answers

Exercise 1

  1. The little boy told the old man that he had lost a coin and he was looking for it.

  2. The old man asked how much he had lost and where he had dropped it.

  3. The little boy said that he had lost a tenpence and he had dropped it in the road.

  4. The old man told him not to cry and said that he would give him another tenpence.

  5. He told him to buy himself some chocolate and said good buy.

  6. The old man asked him what the matter was, and if he had lost the coin he had given him already.

  7. The little boy told him that he hadn’t lost that one, but he wanted to find the first one.

  8. He told him that he would then have 20 pence.

Exercise 2

1 He's a good boy. He never tells lies and he always says his prayers.

2 Mr. Williams is good at telling stories.

3 Did he say good morning when he came in?

4 Can your little girl tell the time yet?

5 I told him to explain himself, but he refused to say anything.

6 Please come in and sit down, said the nice old lady.

7 The officer said that he would like to tell us the truth, but he couldn't.

8 Mary's father told me not speak to his daughter again.

Exercise 3

1 a) He told everyone apart from George. b) He told everyone except George.

2 a) I answered all the questions apart form the last one. b)… except the last one.

  1. a) Apart from being a brilliant mathematician, he speaks four languages. b) not possible.

  2. a) Mary goes out with a new boyfriend apart from Peter and John. b) not possible.

  3. a) I knew everyone there apart from that old man. b) … except (for) that old man.

  4. Apart from the scenery, I liked everything about the play. b) Except for the scenery …

Exercise 4

1 a) I turned the light on immediately. b) I turned it on.

2 a) - b) He looked at it.

3 a) - b) We talked about it.

4 a) I must give back John's book tomorrow. b) I must give it back.

5 a) They pulled down all the old houses. b) They pulled them down.

6 a) - b) I asked for him.

7 a) She wrote down my telephone number in her book. b) She wrote it down.

8 a) - b) I’ll look after it for you.

Exercise 5

1 Has no one (Hasn’t anyone) in this room ever been to the North Pole?

2 Isn’t the importance of the first lesson you learned easier to understand now?

3 Does he hope to discover how it happened?

4 Aren’t I not in very good form today?

5 Would he like to know why I came?

6 Did the tall stranger ask you how much it cost?

7 Is there anywhere in the world as beautiful as my home town?

  1. Is nothing (Isn’t anything )you want is easy to get?

Exercise 6

1 We picked out he best pictures and put them on display in the window.

2 The children cheered up when Father Christmas arrived, and gazed at him in wonder.

3 I went up to a shop assistant and asked him to wrap up the books for me.

4 To their astonishment he gave away all the money and left the country.

5 Nowadays you can’t tell the difference between a young girl and a young boy, as far as I can see.

6 You have to watch out or you get taken in when you buy second-hand goods.

7 Don’t be afraid of the boss. He’s all right if you stand up to him.

8 She spends her time running down her neighbours and sending off letters to the newspapers.

9 I dressed in a hurry. One sock is inside out and my vest is back to front .

  1. I must dig out the garden before we put the house up for sale.

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