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2 Programme 2

Practice Section

Text One

university studies

finished his university studies

When Peter Parker finished his university studies,

secondary school

he began teaching in a secondary school.


Two years later, however,

during the long summer holidays

foreign students during the long summer holidays

a job teaching English to foreign students during the long summer holidays.

who offered him a job teaching English

he met someone who offered him a job teaching English

he met someone who offered him a job teaching English to foreign students during the long summer holidays.

Drill 1

1. When did you go to France? last year I went to France last year.

2. When did he wear this tie? a week ago He wore this tie a week ago.

3. When did you offer him a job? on Monday I offered him a job on Monday.

4. When did she speak to my father? yesterday She spoke to your father yesterday.

5. When did we invite Simon to lunch? last Saturday We invited Simon to lunch yesterday.

6. When did the children come home? at four o’clock The children came home at four o’clock.

7. When did John have lunch? an hour ago John had lunch an hour ago.

8. When did the war end? in 1945 The war ended in 1945.

Drill 2 (R)

1. Have you been to Mexico? No. No, I haven’t been to Mexico yet.

2. Have you spoken to the manager? Yes. Yes, I’ve already spoken to the manager.

3. Have I told you the answer? No. No, you haven’t told me the answer yet.

4. Have they had their holiday? No. No, they haven’t had their holiday yet.

5. Have you decided where to go yet? Yes. Yes, we’ve already decided where to go.

6. Have we spent all the money? Yes. Yes, we’ve already spent all the money.

7. Has Mary been to Ireland yet? Yes. Yes, Mary’s already been to Ireland.

8. Have the children learned French? No. No, the children haven’t learnt French yet.

Drill 3

1 How long have they worked here? Monday They've worked here since Monday.

2 How long have you known him? 10 years I’ve known him for ten years.

3 How long have they lived there? 1974 They’ve lived here since 1974.

4 How long has he had that car? January He’s had this car since January.

5 How long has Mary been here? one o’clock Mary’s been here since one o’clock.

6 How long has Jane been here? one hour Jane’s been here for one hour.

7 How long have they waited for it? two hours they’ve waited for us for two hours.

8 How long have you waited for it? two o’clock I’ve waited for it since two o’clock.

Drill 4

  1. Didn’t you see the Smiths last week?

Yes, I saw the Smiths last week, but I haven’t seen them this week.

  1. Didn’t he go to France last year?

Yes, he went to France last year, but he hasn’t been there this year.

  1. Didn’t they study German last winter?

Yes, they studied German last winter, but they haven’t studied German this winter.

  1. Didn’t John buy a new car last year?

Yes, John bought a new car last year, but he hasn’t bought a new car this year.

  1. Didn’t you work hard last week?

Yes, I worked hard last week, but I haven’t worked hard this week.

  1. Didn’t he play football last winter?

Yes, he played football last winter, but he hasn’t played football this winter.

  1. Didn’t it rain last July?

Yes, it rained last July, but it hasn’t rained this July.

  1. Didn’t it snow last February?

Yes, it snowed last February, but it hasn’t snowed this February.

Drill 5

1 Sheila plays the piano very well.

2 She sang that song beautifully.

3 I like music very much.

4 Mary speaks Spanish fluently.

5 The boys can do exercises easily.

6 They have done their work well.

7 They finished the job quickly.

8 I enjoy my lessons very much.

Exercise 1

1 I bought a new tie last week, but I haven’t worn it yet.

2 He has already seen that film. He saw it when he was in London.

3 «When did you meet Mr. Smith?» «I met him the day before yesterday».

4 « Have you ever spoken to him?» «Yes. I spoke to him before the party”.

5 Peter has lived in Greece for the last three years. He lived in Africa before he went to Greece.

6 I have just had my lunch. I finished eating five minutes ago.

7 I have made five mistakes so far today. Yesterday I only make three mistakes altogether.

8 I have never played rugby in my life, but I played football when I was at school.

Exercise 2

1 «Where is Jane?» «She has gone to the shops. She’ll be back soon».

2 «Have you ever been to America?» »Yes, I have been to New York several times.»

3 We have been in this class since September.

4 The Smiths have been in Paris for years now. They like it there.

5 John has gone to Oxford in his car. He is staying the night with friends.

6 I have been to Italy and I have been to Spain, but I haven’t been to Portugal yet.

7 How long have you been in this country?

8 The Hunts have gone to Australia to live. I’m sure they’ll be happier there.

Exercise 3

1 He came to Athens four years ago .

2 I have lived in this town for the last six months.

3 Peter has worked in Greece for three years now.

4 Two years ago I went to Spain for my holidays.

5 He has not finished his homework yet, although he started it two hours ago .

6 I played tennis for an hour and then I went for a swim. I have played a lot of tennis since the summer began.

7 They stayed in Paris for several days before they flew to Rome.

8 We have not seen John this morning, but we saw him a couple of days ago.

Exercise 4

1 The children took some cakes from the cupboard after breakfast.

2 He always sings loudly in the bath.

3 The Hunts have only got one car now.

4 The baby was born at 2 o’clock in the morning on 3rd June 1974.

5 The students usually come out of class noisily at four o’clock.

6 Jean generally sings that song beautifully .

7 My father likes classical music very much.

8 They understand French very well but they don’t speak it very easily.

Exercise 6

1 He is interested in languages, but he isn’t good at them.

2 He specialised in Roman history.

3 I didn’t like him at first, but I got on with him very well in the end.

4 We met by chance at the end of the holiday.

5 He is very well off. His money enables him to travel all over the world.

6 It’s difficult to adjust to the heat in such countries.

7 We are thinking of going to Sweden, but we haven’t made up our minds yet.

8 I want to have my room done up , but I’m too hard up at the moment.

9 We called in on Bill last week. He was pleased to see us.

10 Why don’t you visit me this summer? I could put you up for a few nights.

11 My son isn’t getting on very well at school.

12 I’ll tidy up the room and put your books away while I look for your tie.

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