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VI. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1. Human and animals have the capacity to create alternative realities.

2. Creative fantasy is basic to science.

3. When we fantasize, we tune out the external world and shift our attention inward.

4. Daydreams are unknown form of fantasy.

5. Some people’s daydreams are mostly negative.

6. Some daydreams are closely connected to realistic situations.

7. Autistic fantasy lacks any connection with reality.

8. Reverie consists of unrelated images that are not under the control of the fantasizer.

VII. Finish the sentences.

Daydreams are…

Autistic fantasy is …

Reverie is …

Hypnogogic images are …

Hypnopompic images are…

VIII. Imagine that people don’t have an ability to fantasize.

IX. Explain why autistic fantasy can be dangerous for a person.

X. Work in groups and tell your partners the most vivid daydream you have had recently.

Text 13 sleep and dream

I. Read and learn the following words

● dream [dri:m] сновидения ● sleep [sli:p] сон ● rapid eye movement быстрое движение глаз ● to alternate [`:ltε:neit] чередоваться ● blank [blæŋk] пустой ● terrifying [`terifaiŋ] ужасный, ужасающий ● exhausted [ig`z:stid] утомленный, опустошенный ● solution [sə`lu:∫n] решение ● intense [in`tens] сильный ● nightmare кошмар (ночной) ● confused [kən`fju:zd] спутанный ● embarrassed [im`bærəsd] смущенный ● sleepwalking [`sli:p,w:kiŋ] лунатизм ● snore [sn:] храп ● to relax [ri`læks] расслаблять, ослаблять ● dangerous [`deindʒərəs] опасный ● permanent [`pε:mənənt] постоянный ● tense [tens] напряженный ● dawn [d:n] рассвет.

II. Match the words and their definitions


a dream that is very frightening or unpleasant


the natural state of rest in which your eyes are closed, your body is not active, and your mind is not conscious


a series of images, events and feelings that happen in your mind while you are asleep


to make things follow one after the other in a repeated pattern


to walk around while you are asleep


likely to injure or harm smb, or to destroy smth.

to relax

lasting for a long time


nervous or worried, or unable to relax

to alternate

to make smb become calmer and less worried

III. Make your own sentences or a story using the following words.

dangerous, to alternate, rapid eye movement, terrifying, nightmare, sleepwalk, confused

IV. Fill the gaps in the sentences using the following words.

dawn, blank, intense, embarrassed, confused, dream, solution, exhausted

1. Write on one side of the paper and leave the other side ______.

2. He felt _____ at being the center of attention.

3. I had a vivid ______ about my old school.

4. The _______ climbers were rescued by helicopter.

5. He works from _____ till dusk.

6. The President is under _______ pressure to resign.

7. He was depressed and in a ______ state of mind.

8. There’s no simple ______ to this problem.