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V. Insert the following prepositions in the gaps:

out, in, on, to , about, to, of, of, of, in, up, through, to

1. Taste buds are cells that are connected … nerves.

2. Odor enters … the nose and passes … the nerves.

3. The smell … food plays a big part … how food tastes.

4. If you look… the mirror and stick … your tongue, you’ll see little bumps …it.

5. The tongue is only one part … the sense of … tasting.

6. Sometimes you have a cold and your nose is blocked …, you can not smell anything.

7. The nerves carry messages … the food you eat … the brain.

VI. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the bumps on the tongue called?

2. What is located inside the bumps on your tongue?

3. Where are sweet things tasted?

4. What is an odor?

5. Why do people sniff?

VII. Prove that it is important to be able to smell things.

VIII. Work in groups. Find out from your partner what will happen to the people if they are not able to taste or smell different things?

IX. Carry out the experiment.

If you map your own taste buds, you can discover which parts of you tongue are sensitive to different tastes. You will need 4 glasses, half-filled with water. Into the first stir a tea-spoon of salt; the second, a teaspoon of sugar; the third, two teaspoons of lemon juice or vinegar, the fourth, a half-teaspoon of Epsom salt. Label each glass, but hide the labels from yourself and move the glasses around so that you can not tell which glass contains which solution.

Using a fresh cotton swab for each glass, dab the solution on various spots around your tongue. You can use a mirror to keep track of your dabbing. Note on the map where you can taste each solution.

Between each application of the swab, rinse your mouth out with fresh water.

Draw your taste map, showing where is situated the receptors which are responsible for “sour”, “sweet”, “salt”.

X. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

Ощущение есть простейший психический процесс отражения отдельных свойств предметов, при их непосредственном воздействии на органы чувств.

Через органы чувств человек получат в виде ощущений самую разнообразную информацию о предметах и явлениях материального мира. Без ощущений невозможна психическая активность человека. Ощущение не единственная форма отражения мира, существуют более высокие формы сенсорного отражения – восприятие, представление. Однако каждая из них, несмотря на качественное своеобразие немыслима без ощущений как простейшей и первичной формы отражения.

Text 7 the sense of sight

I. Read and learn the following words

● sight [′saıt] зрение ● still [stıl] неподвижный ● moving [mu:vıŋ] движущийся ● iris [′aıərıs] радужная оболочка (глаза) ● pupil [pju:pl] зрачок ● eyelid [aılıd] веко ● retina [′retınə] сетчатка ● muscle [msl] мускула, мышца ● to adjust [ə′dʒst] приспособлять ● dim [dım] тусклый ● to keep out [ki:pəʊt] не втускать ● to lower [′ləʊə] опустить ● moist [mıst] увлажнённый, влажный ● to perform [pə′f:m] выполнять ● nearsighted [nıə′saıtıd] близорукий ● farsighted [fa:saıtıd] дальнозоркий ● astigmatism [æs′tıgmətızm] астигматизм.

II. Odd one out

1. nearsighted, farsighted, muscle, astigmatism;

2. iris, retina, pupil, moist;

3. dim, bright, light.

III. Do you understand all these words? Use them in the sentences of your own.

astigmatism, eye, eyelid, pupil, iris, pigment, retina, farsighted, nearsighted

IV. Write the derivatives of the following words.

To adjust, to perform, still, sight, moving

V. Fill the gaps in the following sentences. Use the words from the table.

eye, moist, dim, to perform, to adjust, still, sight

1. Her eyes were _____ .

2. She has very good ______.

3. _____ your language to the age of your audience.

4. There were tears in her ______ .

5. This light is too ____ to read.

6. She _____ an important role in our organization.

7. We stayed in a village where time has stood _____ .

VI. Read the text and name the main parts of the eye.