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Unit 5 text laying a table

The formal service is identical for all occasions. No food is set on the table, except ornamental dishes of fruit and flowers. The one unbreakable rule is that everything on the table must be geometrically spaced: the centerpiece in the actual centre: the places at equal distances and all utensils balanced. Beyond this rule you may set your table as you choose.

The places are set with the plates. On the left of each plate, is put the salad fork; the meat fork is put next, and then the fish fork.

On the right of the plate, and nearest to it, is put the silver-or steel-bladed salad knife, or if the salad is one for which no knife is necessary, the knife nearest the plate is the meat knife: next the fish knife, the edge of each toward the plate. Then the soup spoon and then the oyster fork.

Not more than three knives and three forks are on the table at the moment. Additional forks and knives may be put on the table during dinner as they are needed.

A dinner napkin folded square and flat is laid on each plate: very fancing foldings are not in good taste.

The goblet or tumbler for water is placed directly above the knives at the right of the plate: next to it at a slight distance to the right the champagne glass: in front and between these two either the claret glass or the tall-stemmed glass for white wine. Somewhat to the right again - the cherry glass.

Active Vocabulary

formal service

— загальноприйнятий сервіс

ornamental dishes of fruit

unbreakable rule



steel bladed

the edge

oyster fork






slight distance

claret glass

tall-stemmed glass

cherry glass

— прикрашене фруктами блюдо

— непорушне правило

— посуд

— крім

— нержавіюча сталь

— гострий кінець

— десертна видолка

— додатковий

— серветка

— складати

— кубок,стакан

— бокал

— невелика відстань

— бокал для червоного вина

— бокал на високій ніжці

— бокал для соку

І. Phonetic exercises

Ex. 1. Transcribe the following words. Consult a dictionary.

formal, identical, occasions, ornamental, unbreakable, geometrically, centerpiece, distance, utensils, beyond, steel-bladed, necessary, toward, oyster, fancing. goblet, directly, champagne, claret, cherry.

II. Vocabulary and Grammar exercises

Ex. 1. Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following words and word-combinations:

formal service, occasion, ornamental dishes, unbreakable rule, geometrically spaced, actual centre, utensils balanced, beyond the rule, set a table, salad spoon, meat knife, toward the plate, at the moment, additional dinner napkin, square folded, fancing folding, champagne glass.

Ex. 2. Find the following words and phrases in the text and translate the sentences containing them into Ukrainian:

the formal service, set on the table, unbreakable rule, places at equal distance, the salad fork, on the right of the plate, at the moment, additional forks and knives, dinner napkin folded square.

Ex. 3. Give the verbs corresponding to the following nouns:




